Deadliest Fiction Wiki
Deadliest Fiction Wiki

Cpl. Kane: The marine who fought the Strogg and was turned part Strogg


"Doomguy": The lone survivor of the Demons who spawned from hell and whiped out Mars



Kane Name Doomguy
Blaster Close UAC issue Pistol
Pump Action Shotgun Mid UAC Shotgun
Machine Gun Long Machine Gun (Doom 3)
Grenade Launcher Special Chain gun
Rocket Laucher Explosive Rocket Launcher (Doom 3)
Dark Matter Gun UBER Soul Cube



  • Battle will be 2 on 2 (Kane and Strauss VS Doomguy and Campbell)
  • Battle will take place in the Mars research lab
  • The lab will have imps and zombies crawling around (Which should be easy for both of them)

I decided to end the battle early.


Kane: 2

DG: 2

Kane's ship crashed into the hangar of the Mars research labs. Kane and Strauss walked out of the ship. Kane pulled his Machine Gun out. Strauss pulled his Shotgun out. "Lets go." Strauss said. Meanwhile, DG and Campbell were searching for the soul cube. An imp crawled from a vent and jumpd on Campbell. "Aaaahhh!" He yelled. DG fired his Machine gun and killed the imp. Campbell pulled his Chaingun out. Kane entered the room. Campbell mistaked them for zombies and fired at them. Strauss and Kane jumped to the corner of the doorway. Knae fired his MG into Campbell's neck.

DG: 1

DG pulled his Rocket Launcher out and fired the rocket, hitting the wall. He pulled his shotgun out and ran into the area. He shot Strauss twice. He fell. Strauss pulled his rocket launcher out and smacked DG. DG pulled his pistol out and shot Strauss.

Kane: 1

Kane pulled his blaster out and shot DG in the back. "Aaah!" He yelled. Kane pulled his DMG out and fired at DG, but missed. DG got up and smacked Kane in the head. DG ran away. Kane tried to follow. DG found the soul cube and chucked it at Kane. It blasted through Kane's neck.


DG looked at Kane and realized he was human. He went to investagate the ship.

Winner: Doomguy

225px-Doom3 protagonist

Winner: Doomguy!