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Deadliest Fiction Wiki

Nathan Hale the Former Army Ranger now Senintel who fights for humanity and is immune to the Chimeran Virus Vs Sergeant Avery Johnson the fearless Soldier who fought along side the greatest Spartan ever and was a hero during the Human Covenant War WHO IS DEADLIEST

Nathan Hale

Nathan Hale


Sergant Avery Johnson

Johnsons weapons
close range M6
mid range SMG
long range BR55HB SR Battle Rifle. MA5C Assult Rifle. SRS99C-S2AMB Sniper Rifle.
special Combat Knife. Flamethrower
explosive Frag Grenade Rocket Launcher
X-factor Johnson is very well trained fighter. He is fantastic at motivating his troops. He is very experinced fighter. He is highly intelligent.

Hale's Weapons
close range 4.4 Magnum. Rossmore 238 Combat Shotgun.
mid range Auger Mark II. HVAP Weaith Minigun.
long range Marksman
special MR-47 Pulse Cannon. V6 Splicer
explosive L210 LAARK. Spider Grenade. XR-13 Bellock

Hale is extreamly well trained. His training as a Army Ranger and Senintil have made him into one of the most elite Soldiers to have ever existed. He is a very experinced Soldier. He is highly intelligent.


   90  Training 82
    86   Intelligence 87
      80 Trooper Motivation 92
         87  Experince  85
          86  Killer instinct 87
            88    Endurance  86


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