Deadliest Fiction Wiki

The Deadliest Warrior The Deadliest Warrior 18 April 2011

Mr. Hyde vs. the Wolf Man

Mr. Hyde: The vicious and sadistic ape-like murderer, whose former past as a doctor is gone without a trace!

The Wolf Man: The shape-shifting, man-killing monster who runs rampant every full moon!


  • 1 Mr. Hyde:
  • 2 The Wolf Man:
  • 3 Battle:
  • 4 Expert's Opinion:

Remember... only GOOD votes. That is all.

Larry Talbot is at his home in Talbot Castle. His father, Sir John Talbot, has just informed him that a doctor from England is coming to pay a visit. The two older men will work on several different theories in recent develops on medicine. The man's name is Dr. Jekyll.

That evening, a well-dressed young man with a nice silver-headed cane arrives. "Good evening," he announces himself. "I am Dr. Jekyll. I believe I am to be working with Sir Joh…

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The Deadliest Warrior The Deadliest Warrior 13 April 2011

Yakuza vs. Triads

The Yakuza: Cruel warlords of Japan's underworld!

The Triads: Chinese kingpins whose only policy is murder!


Only GOOD votes will be accepted. NO copying other user's votes!



Four Triad members, in their warehourse lair, are discussing plans with a client on how to deal with the Yakuza, who are encroaching on their radius of operations. The client brings out a satchel and excuses himself to go to the "bathroom". He disappears around the corner and meets up with three other men with guns. They are the Yakuza.

As the Triads impatiently wait, the satchel suddenly explodes, killing one of the Triads. The other three men scramble up amidst the rubble as the Yakuza bursts in, firing their weapons. One of the Triads shoo…

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The Deadliest Warrior The Deadliest Warrior 9 April 2011

Eragon vs. Prince Caspian

Eragon: The young boy turned dragon rider who defeated the evil king Galbatorix and saved a kingdom!

Prince Caspian: Another young hero who overthrew his corrput king Miraz's kingdom and saved a people!

Remember, only GOOD votes will be accepted. Do NOT copy off of other users' votes.

Prince Caspian is alone in an abondoned Telmarine camp, attacking the straw practice dummies with his pike and longsword. Nearby, resting against a tent flap, lay his crossbow and mace. As he slashes the targets to pieces, an arrow suddenly zips past him and embeds itself into the dummy. Wheeling round, Caspian flinches as another arrow zooms up and bounces off of his armor. Across the field, Eragon Brommson is scowling at him, longbow in hand.


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The Deadliest Warrior The Deadliest Warrior 5 April 2011

Lockheed Martin F-22 vs. F-CK Ching-kuo

The Lockheed Martin F-22: The precise Stealth Fighter of the American skies!
The F-CK Ching-kuo: The tactical and modern Chinese fighter that dominates the air!

  • 1 Lockheed Martin F-22:
    • 1.1 General Characteristics:
    • 1.2 Armaments:
  • 2 F-CK Ching-kuo:
    • 2.1 General Characteristics:
    • 2.2 Armaments:
  • 3 Battle:
  • 4 Expert's Opinion

Crew: 1 man

Length: 62 feet

Maximum Speed: Mach 2.2

Range: > 600 nmi

Radar: 1X GD-53 X-band doppler, effective for about 160 km all-around sighting

Guns: 1X 20 mm M61A2 Vulcan 6-barreled Gatling cannon

Air-to-air weaponry: 6X AIM-120 ARMRAAM missile. 2X AIM-9 Sidewinder missile

Crew: 2 men

Length: 46 feet

Maximum Speed: Mach 1.8

Range: 600 nmi

Radar: 1X GD-53 X-band pulse doppler, effective for 60 km all-around sighting

Guns: 1X 20 mm M61…

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The Deadliest Warrior The Deadliest Warrior 5 April 2011

Celt vs. Gladiator vs. Maori Warrior

A Celt: The war-loving barbarian from 400 BC who dominated Europe through raw fighting power!
A Gladiator: The proud, thrilling killer from Ancient Rome!
A Maori Warrior: Fierce, and unforgiving slayer of the South Seas!

State who would win, come in second, and come in last.

Good votes only!

A Celt (Caradoc) and a Maori Warrior (Poa Potuta), next to one another in chains, led by Roman legionnaires, are led to a large building under a blistering sun. They are Roman prisoners, about to be made fight in the Coliseum. Caradoc looks over at the Maori in disgust. Poa Potuta sticks his tongue out at the Celt but can do no more for the time being.

In the Coliseum, the prized Gladiator, a former criminal named Marcus Andronicus, prepares…

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