Deadliest Fiction Wiki

James Bond: The cool and suave MI6 spy who defended his country and seduced many women.


Jason Bourne: The amnesiac CIA assassin who punched, kicked, and massacred his way into legend.

Who is deadliest?!

James Bond[]

James Bond, C.M.G., R.N. was a Senior Operational Officer of the 00 branch, an ultra-covert black operations unit within the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS/MI6). As an agent of the 00 branch, Bond held code number 007.

  • Short: Walther PPK/S
    • 9mm Short
    • 8 round magazine
    • Uses palm print detector, allowing only Bond to be able to fire the weapon
  • Medium: Glock 17 (FAB Defense KPOS G1)
    • 9mm Parabellum
    • 33-round magazine
    • Pistol turned carbine with supressor and laser aiming device.
  • Long: Heckler & Koch UMP-9
    • 9mm Parabellum
    • 30 round magazine
    • Automatic
    • Suppressed
  • Special: Gadgets
    • Although Craig's Bond didn't use much gadgets, he has used a few iconic ones, like the exploding Omega wrist watch, EMP wrist watch, and a radio transmitter.

Jason Bourne[]

Jason Bourne, born as David Webb, is a rogue CIA operative and former assassin of Operation Treadstone, a black ops group within the Central Intelligence Agency, who betrays the interests of the USA on several counts, and the protagonist of the Bourne series of novels, as well as the film adaptations, and video game.

  • Short: Sig Sauer P229
    • 9mm Parabellum
    • 17 round magazine
  • Medium: Brügger & Thomet GL-06
    • 40x46 mm
    • Single shot grenade launcher
  • Long: Keppeler & Fritz KS II
    • .338 Lapua Magnum
    • 3-5 round magazine
    • Bolt Action
    • Has a sniper scope
  • Special: Improvises Weapons
    • Jason Bourne is known to kill people in unique ways. He has been seen using ordinary objects like a ballpoint pen, roll of magazine, and a hardcover book as a weapon. The guy once demolished a house using nothing but paper, microwave, and gas.


  • Training
    • Both Bond and Bourne are super spies trained in espionage, stealth, evasion, martial arts, languages, and marksmanship. Bourne has an edge in being more of an assymetrical fighter with possible training in bushcraft. He is also a former soldier of the US Army, and as a CIA operative, gained further paramilitary training. MI6 doesn't actually offer combat training, as they are strictly an intelligence agency. But they have been known to "borrow" individuals from other British military branches (the so-called "Increments"). Bond was possibly a member of this, and before he became a spy, he was already a skilled Naval officer and Special Boat Service personnel. These give Bond possibly way more special forces training.
  • Physicality
    • Both these people are near superhumans capable of surviving tremendous feats like falling from great heights, getttinf beaten, and shot. Bourne is a dangerous fighter who can tank freezing waters and snow to get the job done. The guy is so good in martial arts that he can kill anyone with either a pen or a magazine. Bond is a tough SOB too. He survived getting his balls tortured, getting his skull drilled, and is a talented marksman capable of putting down a helicopter with a pistol.
  • Experience
    • Bond and Bourne has fought against criminals, soldiers, spies, terrorists, spec ops, assassins, etc. Bond has taken down devious foes due to his longer military career. Though Bourn is no slouch in taking out equally dangerous foes.


  • Battle takes place in Paris, France
  • Both will not have any support from their respective intelligence agencies. This is strictly a one-on-one affair.
  • Voting is open. Will end votin on June 5.


James Bond was walking down a staircase when he was kicked by Jason Bourne, making him tumble to the ground. Angered by the cheap shot, James drew his Walther and aimed. Bourne managed to duck out of time before heading down. He then took cover behind a wall.

“You’re gonna pay for that one, mate!” Bond yelled.

“Fuck you!” Bourne replied.

Jason then took out his grenade launcher and opened fire, but James saw it coming and rolled out of the way quickly. He then shoots, hitting Jason in the arm and making him drop his pistol. Pissed, Jason ran towards Bond, kicked away the pistol, before punching him. The American then took out a pen and tried to stab the Brit. But James scissor kicked Jason to the ground, making him fall. However, Jason managed to kick him away. Jason then grabbed his sniper rifle and made a hail mary shot.

James it hit in the leg, and as a reply, he unloads his submachine gun. With a yell, Jason ran away but as he ran, he noticed a beeping wristwatch attached on his leg. James Bond walks away as Jason’s legs are taken out of him, leaving the poor American to die in agonizing shock and pain.

Expert’s Opinion[]

James Bond won because he simply has the better and more advanced weapons, not to mention better training and experience.