Deadliest Fiction Wiki

Welcome to SS's 4th of July Special. Before you vote, I ask that you please take a second to honor the troops that have served your country. In my case this is America. To honor American Armed Forces, today we will see which is superior. Our top Naval men or our top Infantry men.

Thank you

$P0RT $H0UT!NG 00:37, July 3, 2012 (UTC)


Green Berets- America's top infantry unit

Navy SEALS- America's versatile navy unit


Weapon Matchups[]

Green Berets Navy SEALS

Beretta Pistol

SIG Sauer P226

M4 Carbine

M24 Sniper M14 Rifle
Claymore Mine C4 Explosive

More advanced weaponry

Versatile, more training


The Green Berets are investigating an abandoned warehouse. The Berets see a box and open it. The box explodes as it has been rigged with C4 by the SEALS. Green Berets-4. 3 SEALS then appear with SCAR's. A beret on the ground from the explosion fires his Beretta through the head of a SEAL. SEALS-4. That man is soon shot by a SCAR. Green Berets- 3. A SEAL sniper is revealed outside the warehouse. He picks off a Green Beret with his M14. Green Berets-2. Hiding behind a wall, a Green Beret kills that SEAL sniper. SEALS- 3. A SEAL comes running down stairs and explodes as a claymore mine is revealed to be there. SEALS- 2. The last SEAL runs out the door. He is confronted by the last 2 Green Berets. He puts his hands up as a SEAL appears from the water 20 feet away. He fires his SIG at the Berets killing one of them. Green Berets-1. The last beret places a claymore down and moves 40 yards back. A SEAL fires a bullet which sets off the claymore and kills him. SEALS- 1. The last SEAL soon sees the last Green Beret stumble trying to climb in the warehouse window. He fires his SCAR at a loose area of bricks and they fall down and crush the last Green Beret.

