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The redcoat general, who was a major enemy in the American Revolution



The ferocious pirate captian who would go as far as to light his hair on fire during battles to terrorize his enemy




Weapons Cornwallis Blackbeard
Short Range Cavalry Sabre Cutlass
Mid Range Bayonette Blunderbuss
Long Range Brown Bess Stolen Musket
Special Weapons Cannon Grenade



Cornwallis: RedRedRedRedRed

Blackbeard: BlueBlueBlueBlueBlue

The battle starts on a coast where Cornwallis has already set up his camp on a hill, complete with a cannon. Suddenly, Blackbeard's ship docks at the coast and one of his crew shoots a Red Coat with a stolen musket. Red. Cornwallis retaliates by firing his cannon at Blackbeard's ship, causing it to sink. All but one crew member escapes, as the last one drowns. Blue. Cornwallis' men then start firing their Brown Besses, killing one pirate. Blue. The remaining 3 pirates take cover at the bottom of the hill, where they toss a grenade up on the top. It destroys a cannon and kills 1 Red Coat.Red. Cornwallis runs away. Blackbeard's men start making their way up the hill. When one reach the top, he is greeted by a bayonette to hit guts, killing him. Blue. A second make it up, but when the bayonette Red Coat attempts to stab him, he is taken down by a blunderbuss. Red. Black Beard climbs to the top and kills a Red Coat with his Cutlass. Red. Cornwallis then returns on horseback with his cavalry sabre, and kills the blunderbuss pirate with a decapitation. Blue. Now down to Cornwallis and Blackbeard himself, Blackbeard knocks Cornwallis off his horse with a grenade, but doesn't hurt Cornwallis. Now in a final sword fight, Blackbeard attempts to decapitate Cornwallis by slashing at the neck, but Cornwallis parrys it. Blackbeard, stumbling from the parry he just recieved, charges at Cornwallis, only to be finished off by running into Cornwallis' sabre and getting stabbed in the guts. Blackbeard, now coughing blood, falls over and never plunders or hi-jacks another ship. Blue. Cornwallis, after wiping the blood of the dreaded pirate off his sword, yells in victory "Rule Britania! Rule the waves!".

WINNER: Charles Cornwallis.

Author's comments: Cornwallis won due to his better weapons and military experience. His cavalry sabre had a longer reach, his musket didn't misfire, and his cannon had a far better range than the grenade.