Close: flanged mace
Mid: glaive
Long: mongol Bow
Special: ILD sword
Close: khAnda
Mid: aara
Long: Chakram
Special: Katar.
I gots to gives it to the mongol
The mongol is sitting in a valley, Sharpening arrows. The rajput sneaks over a hill and readys his charam. However, he steps an a stick. The mongol then becomes aware of the Rajput's presence and fires an arrow at him. It his the Rajput dead in the chest. the Rajput throws his charkram, It misses. The mongol charges at the rajput. He fires another arrow which the rajput blocks. He dodges another arrow and charges at the mongol with his Aara. He hits the bow out of the Mongol's hand, he then pulls out his flanged Mace. He hits the Rajput, who grabs his Katars and charges. He stabs the horse, which bucks and the mongol falls off. The mongol takkes two more swings at the rajput who, after seeing the mongol expose his chest, slashes his chest with a Katar. The mongol punches the rajput and runs. He grabs his glaive and stabs the rajput, he hacks at him once more, and it cuts off the rajput's middle finger. The mongol rusna and grabs his ILd, He parrys two Rajput attacks, the rajput ducks from a large swing from the mongol. Then, the mongol slices the Rajput's head off. Killing him instantly. The monGol then mounts his horse wirth all his weapons, back to camp.