Deadliest Fiction Wiki

It's the month where one of the most prominent horror fan and fight writers on the wiki gets to show off something new after making his own team of killers and bringing maneaters here which is a redemption for a previous match where I put a fully grown Bengal tiger against a psycho whose preferred weapon was a knife, I hope this match will prove more interesting and fair. With maneaters, there's always the hunter who puts an end to their rampage but such figures are often regarded as legendary heroes but this time, an equally murderous and twisted figure will be stalking perhaps the most legendary of that group of apex predators for the sake of another stuffed trophy for his home. Who will be the prey in a cat-and-mouse game between the raw power of a stalking big cat with senses attuned to the environment and the devastating firepower of an aggressive madman with a knack for setting traps...

The Champawat Tigress, the apex predator who moved from Nepal to India to devour humans, terrify entire villages, and proved to be an excellent first maneater challenge for Jim Corbett!

The Hunter, the taxidermy obsessed killer who's shotgun and traps proved lethal to many visitors of the Wilderness who would introduce Mono to the horrors of Little Nightmares 2!

Who is Deadliest!

Champawat Tigress (Real Life)[]

Champawat Man-eater

"I had spent many nights in the jungle looking for game, but this was the first time I had ever spent a night looking for a man-eater. The length of road immediately in front of me was brilliantly lit by the moon, but to right and left the overhanging trees cast dark shadows, and when the night wind agitated the branches and the shadows moved, I saw a dozen tigers advancing on me, and bitterly regretted the impulse that had induced me to place myself at the man-eater's mercy."-Jim Corbett

Bio:The Champawat Tigress is perhaps the deadliest man eating animal of all time with an estimated 436 deaths attributed to her. A Bengal tiger who had her teeth broken by bullets, she couldn't hunt natural prey anymore and moved to humans in Nepal. After evading hunters and being chased by the army into India, the Tigress would kill her victims in broad daylight and her roars terrorized the populace until Jim Corbett hunted her down after she killed a 16-year old girl and with the help of a village-organized beat, finally put an end to her reign of terror by shooting her dead.


Primary:Broken Teeth

Her fangs are 3 inches long and she can bite down with a force of 1,050 PSI which was presumably enough for her to take the 16-year old girl's leg off but they are made out of bone and can be broken as one tooth on her upper and lower jaws show. However she can eat bodies and still perform the iconic throat bite with that injury to lethal effect or drag a person down from a tree.

Secondary:Retractable Claws

Her paws have 4 inch retractable razor-sharp claws that can grasp and hold onto prey along with being a very good way to reach larger targets as she can balance on her hind legs to reach prey. Another Tigress from Muktesar with porcupine quills in her leg was even able to crush a woman's skull and they can be used for climbing or digging into something's flesh.

Special:Enhanced Senses

She has night vision to see movement in the dark, whiskers to tell her where to bite, can hear high-frequency sounds like from her victims with that being the strongest, and can smell her prey although that sense is the weakest.

The Hunter (Little Nightmares II)[]

Little Nightmares Hunter

"Armed with his flashlight and battered shotgun, The Hunter stamps through the wilderness with cold ambition, sniffing out his prey, collecting new trophies for the groaning walls of his shack."-Little Nightmares 2 Website Description

Bio:The Hunter lives in the secluded from civilization by a large body of water Wilderness of Little Nightmares 2 and appears to have lived off the land by killing wildlife for food and to indulge in his taxidermy hobby. It's unknown whether the televisions that appear to have driven the Pale City's residents mad affected him as well or he just decided to start hunting down humans of his own will, collecting their bodies for taxidermy or just leaving them to waste away. Ultimately the Hunter would chase down Mono after he freed Six and tried to escape with her, pursuing them all the way to a shack in the woods with a spare shotgun inside and being blasted by the duo, seemingly killed by his latest attempted victims.


Primary:Double-Barreled Shotgun

A firearm that packs a considerable punch that can easily destroy a wooden box or television along with being able to instantly kill Mono, it's likely to do some serious damage to larger targets as well, and he has a fairly long range with it. He's accurate enough to hit a moving small target without obstacles and can even use buttstroking to kill smaller victims in a single blow. He will have ten shells in this fight.

Secondary:Bear Traps

One of many trap designs, these metal jaws are the most numerous and can easily kill Mono or snap a tree branch while it's likely they could take out a larger target's leg and he even tends to hide them under leaves. They can be activated by enough pressure like an acorn hitting them or other traps going off around them however. He will have five traps all previously set up for this fight.

Special:Lantern-Style Flashlight

Pretty much just what he uses to navigate the great outdoors, it provides light and appears to be in good condition which makes it a helpful tool and possibly he could bash someone over the head with it...


Experience:The Champawat Tigress didn't always hunt humans even though she has a long track record of hunting them throughout parts of the Indian wilderness and evading armed humans for four years and it's likely that she hunted down and killed Chital and Sambar deer, gaur bovines, and wild boars before this.

The Hunter's experience is quite impressive for Little Nightmares, it's hinted that he's quite prolific at killing wilderness creatures like deer, murdering humans by the droves, and is quite adept at catching the children that wander into his domain which implies he's been there for a while in those typical Western woods.

Physicality:The Champawat Tigress could regularly carry entire female victims with her to a feeding ground and easily overpowered humans, grappling is what Bengal tigers use to help bring down prey animals, she should be able to leap up to 30 feet and run 35-40 MPH in short bursts. and it took two rifle shots, one in the shoulder, followed by a shotgun blast to the foot to end her.

The Hunter isn't the most impressive villain in physical might, his greatest accomplishments are bashing open a pair of locked wooden doors and tearing through a locked wooden door with his bare hands but he doesn't appear to be superhumanly fast, tough as a shotgun blast took care of him, and he probably isn't even that big considering that the protagonists are very small.

Tactics:The Champawat Tigress is a very cautious predator, as a big cat whose coat is designed to blend in with her environment, it was theorized by Jim Corbett that she snuck up on a group of women through a ravine and waited behind a rock for the perfect moment to strike, she almost successfully sneaked up on the inexperienced hunter later, knew her roars and growls terrified most humans but will stop if they're helping a pursuer, and left the area if she heard gunshots or a commotion from a human group along with the iconic neck bite and grappling proving useful for claiming victims.

The Hunter is surprisingly not that subtle, at least when he's shown on the hunt, his trap designs are fairly subtle and hidden in the leaves of the wilderness but he tends to stack them up in minefield arrangements and has a very direct approach to hunting where he chases targets down with his barrels blasting buckshot with deadly accuracy and only scans the area and pays attention to clues of where a target is like fleeing birds if he's lost them although he's likely to focus on simply firing at that point with his encounters being split between the two styles from what Mono and Six experienced.

Weaknesses:The Champawat Tigress does have the broken teeth as mentioned before from a previous gunshot which doesn't seem to hinder their effectiveness against weapons but has made her extremely cautious around humans, she regularly prefers to flee when she hears gunshots and even when in prime position for a charge against Jim Corbett as he saw her, she decided to flee like he suspected in their previous encounter and it appears the human group dulled her senses a bit for his ambush to be successful making her possibly too reluctant to engage even with a good opportunity when an armed human lets their guard down.

The Hunter is unfortunately very direct and aggressive at times when pursuing victims as mentioned previously when personally hunting and the greatest thing that can be said about that trait is that he is persistent and he doesn't needlessly waste ammo if it's not an obstacle he can destroy but he doesn't check potential hiding spots thoroughly all the time like a ditch in the straight path Mono and Six were running from him down, he uses both shells in the shotgun when firing, he even kept tearing at a door instead of firing through the hole he made, and his minefield trap patterns are prone to a mass trigger when one activates.


Voting ends on October 15th. Votes need edges or two paragraphs and decent grammar to count. The fight will take place in a wilderness that has a mixture of Western forest with abandoned shacks and Indian jungle terrain with rocky ravines where the Hunter notices the Champawat Tiger sneaking up on him as he's inspecting his traps, she gets away but he continues the pursuit, eager for another pelt to add to his taxidermy collection or wind up a meal himself. There is no prep time besides the traps being previously set and the fight continues until either the Champawat Tiger or the Hunter dies.

The Battle[]

The Wilderness was calm tonight as a lone man took the trek to inspect his traps for any prey, double-barreled shotgun in hand but he had no use for it at the moment, his lantern-style flashlight revealing him to be completely alone for the time being, just as he liked it. The Hunter's heavy breath clouded his vision somewhat and yet, it also showed his excitement for new taxidermy models, the product of a successful hunt and while he enjoyed doing things personally, the traps let him put his all into his other work. He could see the nets were filled with bodies, just as he liked it, the lesser stock could rot as the flies buzzed around their flawed flesh, he only took the best back to his workshop, a fact punctuated by the young girl sitting emaciated and dead in a nearby cage, not up to his high standards.

Hunger and anger. Those two things near constantly flowed through the big cat's mind as she stalked through The Wilderness, ever cautious to avoid another shot like the one that broke her teeth and what others tried to hit her with but she would not be killed so easily. The Champawat Tigress had claimed many of those odd creatures as prey, it was simply an easy matter to catch them, her agony from the gunshots hardly served as motivation although perhaps to even her instinctive mind, the thought arose and made her feel some justification for the effortless kills. Now she crept through the underbrush, following the scent of decaying flesh like a shining beacon, it would have to do for now to satiate her growling stomach, there had to be some parts she could pick out and eat, she just had to get a bit closer to the food.

Yet the Champawat maneater wasn't the only one who was observing the feast practically laid out for her, a human ran his eyes across the perfectly good meat just left for the flies and she felt a sensation of rage at how this...Hunter as she recognized the firearm he carried. That could make this difficult but perhaps if she waited, he would leave and she could consume meat to her heart's content but then again, the smells weren't that promising to show there was anything edible and she could take out her anger on one of the humans responsible for her condition. Yes, the Tigress had made up her mind and began to creep up as slowly as possible, it might have been seconds or minutes but she was as careful as she could be crawling through the grass, getting to just the right distance to pounce, practically salivating...

It was a bird flying away with a distressed cry that alerted The Hunter to the beast lurking in the nearby grass, he instinctively fired both barrels but in his eagerness, he missed and the creature went bounding off but not before he saw her coat and completely forgot about the other bodies. That coat was the finest thing he had seen in his Wilderness and he would be damned if he passed up an opportunity to make that into his crowning trophy, his rapid footsteps were practically running before he calmed himself into a march after reloading, no point in getting ahead of himself. That Tigress was a deadly hunter herself but she could have no idea how well he knew this Wilderness, it was his hunting ground and she would wind up either caught by his traps or with a hole blown through her like so many others but he needed to be cautious.

The Hunter could only let loose once his quarry was visible, before that, he needed to be patient and he scanned the ravine along the trail with his flashlight, seeing nothing but dirt and rocks before he moved on, he had no doubt he was following her trail. She ran this way and he was sure he would catch her with his shells, he just hoped the blast wouldn't damage the coat too much even though he was an excellent sewer, finally he received a clue in one of his abandoned shacks creaking and the birds being disturbed once more. The Hunter rushed forwards and slammed open the door with his finger itching on the trigger yet there was nothing inside, he had a sudden tingle on the back of his neck and turned to fire behind him, seeing the Tigress fleeing from him once again in the flash of his shotgun.

The Tigress was sure that would work, she waited in the ravine like so many times before and refused to leap up until her ears told her the man had passed her position, the fact that a meat cleaver fell over and gave her that opportunity still shouldn't have resulted in a failure for her. But she needed to be calm, the big cat had avoided two shots already without being hit, that was an accomplishment in itself and she couldn't rush things, too much risk of further injury and her broken teeth were already a constant source of pain for her. The Champawat maneater knew she would get her chance if she just kept trying, when she could wrap her teeth around that throat and sink her claws into the tender flesh underneath that unusual hide, it never kept her from consuming her meals before but she was focusing too much on the results of her efforts.

The Tigress walked through the trees to reach another deep field of grass and hide within but she needed to draw the Hunter closer, she roared just like she did to warn those weak, tasty packs of creatures and frighten lesser men away but now she hoped it would serve as a lure. She did not have to wait for long, the light going over her hiding place and passing on, his mistake and her opportunity as she crept up to where she heard the footsteps coming from and waited several moments before she rushed forward silently and leapt claws first into his back. The man let out a cry of pain and the Champawat maneater's mouth dove down but she was blinded by a bright light smashing into her skull and the familiar sound of a gunshot made her run off without any clue where she was going except for her hearing and smell but they couldn't warn her about what lay in the leaves.

The Hunter picked himself our of the dirt with a huff, that was close, he'd almost let her make him the prey but that wouldn't happen again, he knew she feared his shotgun and while now his flashlight had a persistent flicker, he was closer than ever to finishing her off as he spotted the tracks leading to a place he knew well. His heart raced as he heard the familiar snap splitting the air and the new thrilling sound of an agonized roar followed by more snaps and whimpers, he needed to finish this fast before could get away and dirty that coat with blood, he wanted that in pristine condition so badly. The bear traps the Hunter had laid so cautiously in the field had all been triggered and he saw the blood on the nearby leaves through his limited vision but he didn't see her, that confused him as he slowed down to see what was in his traps and bent down.

It was part of a tail and an ear, still fresh with blood spilling out but he noticed the new trail of crimson leading to some bushes that shaked, the Hunter didn't hesitate to pull the trigger and tear through the foliage but all he saw drop through the torn-up greenery was an odd-looking deer. He reloaded with a grumble, she couldn't have gotten far, not with those wounds but then, where was she? He soon figured out the answer as the bloodstained paw print he saw beneath his latest kill turned around and the trail continued which made his eyes widen. The Hunter quickly turned and saw a mass bounding at him through the flickering light of his lantern-style flashlight, his double-barreled shotgun firing into the night and illuminating the fact he missed once again as the blazing eyes and wide jaws leapt at him.

The Tigress didn't care about the shots anymore and she certainly didn't care about the gun hitting her arm, she was stronger and this would finally be over soon as her retractable claws dug into The Hunter's shoulders and she bit into his jugular with her broken teeth, not letting go until much longer than usual. The thrashing and beating from her prey fighting back continued for a while but she kept hanging on until it was done and panted in pain as she pulled her jaws away from the carcass, the bleeding from what remained of her tail and right ear made her feel sick so she started digging in. The flesh was warm and the bones cracked in her mouth with ease, the Hunter's blood pouring on the floor of the Wilderness and on her body as the Champawat maneater ate her fill, she was so hungry from the exertion and pain that the only way she could possibly stay awake was to keep feasting until her stomach was full...

Winner:Champawat Tigress



Expert's Opinion[]

While this was certainly an interesting match of opposites, the Champawat Tigress' victory came down mostly to her superior style of stalking her prey until she had gotten to the best possible time to strike, in comparison, the Hunter only took his time when he wasn't running prey down. The double-barreled shotgun was a huge hurdle for the Tigress but the Hunter didn't have the skills to make the most of it and his poor bear trap placement limited their effectiveness while the man's lantern-style flashlight was inferior to the big cat's enhanced senses for finding prey. The Champawat maneater's natural weaponry in her claws and teeth were still lethal enough, she was easily the Hunter's superior in physicality and she was more used to dealing with humans with guns than he was with big cats along with her weaknesses proving advantageous against her rash opponent.
