Season 3 Redux
After a very long hiatus, (if you're wondering, I honestly lost interest in doing battles for some time) i've decided to end it and redo my Season 3. I lost interest in some the planned battles, so expect a lot of new ones.
1. Kirby's Return to Dream Land Bosses vs Kirby Triple Deluxe Bosses
2. Doctor Eggman vs Dr. Wily Rematch
3. Dracula (Castlevania) vs Ganondorf
4. Jolly Roger vs LeChuck (Monkey Island)
5. Marvin the Martian vs Invader Zim
6. Ryu Hayabusa vs Strider Hiryu Rematch
Season 3 Battle 4: Kim Possible vs Batgirl
Two female fetale shall fight in a battle. Kim Possible, the freelancer agent who makes the impossible, possible, takes on Batgirl, the alter ego of Barbera Gordon. Who is deadliest?!
- 1 Kim Possible
- 2 Batgirl
- 3 X-Factors
- 4 Voting
Kimberly Ann "Kim" Possible is a high school student and freelance hero/vigilante. She is unusual in this in that she not only lacks a secret identity, but also remains on good terms with various law enforcement, government, and military agencies. For the most part, her classmates are aware of her work but do not comment on it unless it affects them directly. At school, she is cast as one of the "popular kids", head of her cheerleading squad at school, and a straight-A student, rather than as a misunderstood outsider/under…
Season 3 Battle 3: Darkwing Duck vs Duck Dodgers
Old debates shall be settled between these two duck heroes. Both widely considered the best duck heroes, now they shall finally face off. Duck Dodgers, the pilot who was actually Daffy Duck frozen until the 24.5 century shall take on Darkwing Duck, the hero of St. Canard. Who is Deadliest?!
- 1 Duck Dodgers
- 2 Darkwing Duck
- 3 X-Factors
- 4 Voting
In the time after he was unfrozen and before becoming a captain he was a protectorit janitor, in that time he deliberatly stole a revolutionary diet pill making it impossible for him to gain weight. This also resulted in the scientist who created it to turn to a life of crime. Dodgers would repeat his actions later concerning a pill that permanently gets rid of bad breath. We are in Duck.
Duck Dodgers also has m…
Season 3 Battle 2: Advanced Recon Commando vs Sangheili
In the world of Sci-Fi, two of the most premiere franchises are Star Wars and Halo. Two of the most deadly type of soldier will now fight. The Advanced Recon Commando, the most elite varient of the clone troopers fight the Sangheili, the backbone of the Covenant military. WHO IS DEADLIEST?!
- 1 ARC
- 1.1 Weapons
- 2 Elites
- 2.1 Weapons
- 3 X-Factors
- 4 Voting/Battle info
During the early stages of the clone army's development, Jango Fett and hisMandalorian military advisors advocated the creation of clones capable of handling covert missions too delicate for the standard units. To achieve the desired results, the Kaminoans did not apply the standard behavior correction and enhanced the prime clone's genetic sample to increase physical prowess. ARC troopers had s…
Season 3 Pilot Battle: Sauron vs Voldemort
The thrid season has started. And what better way to start it then with a battle of two dark lords as Sauron, the maia who created the one ring and attempted to destroy Middle Earth takes on Voldemort, the dark wizard who attempted to take over the Wizarding World? WHO IS DEADLIEST?!
- 1 Biographies
- 2 Sauron
- 3 Voldemort
- 4 Weapons and Powers
- 5 X-Factors
In the earliest of days, before the Valar entered Arda, Sauron was originally known as Mairon the Admirable, a powerful Maia of Aulë the Smith, who was a Vala, creator of Dwarves. However, Mairon was soon corrupted by the Dark Lord Morgoth ("The Great Enemy" in the tongue of men) an evil Valar and Dark Enemy of Arda, and turned evil, taking the name, "Sauron." At first, he was a spy for Morgoth, telling …