Deadliest Fiction Wiki

Agent 47; the genitically engineered assassin that hides in plain sight and kills from the shadows


James Bond; the MI6 super spy that always finds a way out


47 Bond
Fiber Wire Close Range Switchblade
Dual AMT Hardballers Mid-range Walther P99
SVD Dragunov Long Range WA 2000
47 is genetically engineered to be the perfect assassin. He has intelligence and physical fitness above that of a normal human. He has received training since the day he was born. Skills Bond is a highly trained MI6 operative. He has received years of formal special forces training. He always seems to find a way.

Scenario: 47 is hired to assassinate Bond, who is staying in a hotel room. Bond becomes aware of 47 and the two hunt each other down.

Also, the Bond I'm using is the Craig Bond, and several of the slide show pictures are place holders.