Deadliest Fiction Wiki

Welcome to the revival of The Midnight Carnival everyone! Boy do I have a special treat for you. After laying dormant for a couple months we here at The Midnight Carnival are proud to present to you guys a story of Good vs. Evil featuring a classic villain who's been itching to get in and a new breed of heroes ready bring justice to the world! This time we have.....

The Joker: The legendary Clown Prince of Crime, sworn nemesies to The Dark Knight Batman, and one of the most dangerous villains in the DC Universe.


Team Baskerville: A team consisited of some of the best Butei students of the Tokyo Butei High School.

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The Joker[]

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Any man can have one really bad day and end up just like me.
— The Joker

Brief Biography[]

His origin remains a mystery, however one thing remains the same in each of his tall-tales. While on the run from The Batman a man slipped into a vat of chemicals on accident completely transforming his skin pale white,his hair green, his lips ruby red, and a hideous grin on his face. The man then took on the name "The Joker." and begin a wide-spread crime spree across Gotham City, slaughtering millions with his toxic Joker Venom,that leaves the same hideous grin on his victims face before they die, before being caught by The Batman. Throughout the years The Joker remains one of The Batman's most dangerous adversary, having terrorized and kill some of his allies to taunt him for his own personal game. The Clown Prince of Crime remain as one of DC Comics most dangerous villains to date to the point where Lex Luthor as president declared war on the clown!

Other Information[]

Origin: Batman # 1 1940

Timeline: Since his debut in Gotham- present

Region of Operation: Worldwide, while his main stomping ground is Gotham City.


Bang-labeled spear gun and a Traditional Smith & Wesson Revolver
Razor-Sharp Bladed Playing Cards

Razor knife and other hidden blades

Eletric Joybuzzer
Acid-spitting flower
Joker Venom
TNT & other assorted explosives.
Heavily Modified IMI Tavor TAR-21
Other comedic weapons, such as poison pies, explosive whoopie cushins, etc.
  • The bang-labeled spear gun- A traditional looking revolver that, instead of firing bullets, fires a flag inside the muzzle with the word "BANG!" on it.Scaring his intended victims with seems to be a bad joke, only to be caught by surprise by when they're shot by the gun's second component: a hidden spear. A one-shot weapon, the spear gun is one of Joker's most common and favorite weapon in his arsenal. Due to its surprise factor the spear gun is mostly used for tricking his opponent into false hope or as a last minute defense and has a short to medium range.
  • Smith & Wesson Revolver- A Model 15-4 with the traditional 6-round cylinder, .38 caliber ammunition, and a 4 barrel with a medium shooting range distance. Mainly used to get the job done and get rid of witnesses or enemies if neccessary.
  • Razor-Shap Bladed Playing Cards- A unique type of weapon in his arsenal that can be used for short and long range, but mostly long range. It may look like a harmless deck of cards, although in reality they are finely sharpen to the point where they are able to slice through flesh easily and hold a bit of accuracy. A useful weapon when your opponents don't think you have a weapon.
  • Razor blade and other hidden knives- A standard razor blade sharp enough to slit throats and cause a whole lot of blood splattering along with other blades such as kitchen knives, butcher knives, KA-BARS hidden in Joker's suit. Mainly used for close quarter combat, surprise attacks, and as projectiles.
  • Electric Joybuzzer- A novelty joybuzzer set to let out a lethal voltage on unsuspecting people have they touched it. Used to shock the shit out of people and surprise attacks.
  • Acid-spitting flower- It may look like an innocent yellow flower, but in reality it is able to squirt out a shot of acid strong enough to burn flesh, cause blindness, or even kill.
  • Joker Venom- The Joker's favorite and most lethal weapon in his arsenal to date. Joker is a very unique type a poison that has an interchangeable chemical structure due to it's creator's specialty with chemical concoction. It kills in an instance once it hits the body, leaving it's victim with a wide, twisted grin upon death. It can be used in various ways like in gas form, injection, and in liquid and can enter the body through the blood stream, by breathing it in, or by skin contact. A very dangerous poison with a very hard to find cure.
  • TNT & other assorted explosives- A strong explosive component that is capable enough of leveling tall buildings by the amount of explosives given. Joker also has access to time bombs, C4, Semtex, dummy explosives, and a RPG rocket launcher.
  • Crowbar- A standardize tool used to pry things open, but was infamously known for as the tool that beat Jason Todd to a pulp in "A Death in The Family.".
  • Heavily Modified IMI Tavor TAR-21- A semi-automatic or fully automatic assault rifle made with a longer barrel, a sniper scope, and a laser point to top it off.
  • Other comedic weapons- The other weapons that are more bizarre, but bring out a bang in the end. They range from cyanide pies to straight up explosive whoopie coushins. Bizarre yet gets the job done.

Weapon Showcase[]


  • Expert Marksman: The Joker has shown to be extremely proficient in the use of firearms. He is able to make several headshots without missing one, shoot out two Joker cards in a deck cards in the air, and shoot a piece of rope to cut it loose. However, The Joker mentions he prefers throwing knives and his deck of razor sharp cards for better accuracy.
  • Pain Immunity: The Joker cannot show or feel an ounce of pain within his body, instead he simply relishes over being severely beaten and laughs, showing sings of masochism. With it he is able to walk things that will cause a normal man to howl in agony such as broken bones, bullet wounds, slashes, stabs, etc. It also increases his punching power, since he himself cannot feel anything and go full force.
  • Toxic Immunity: Due to the chemical make up in The Joker's body, he is immune to his own Joker Venom ( Since he is a user of his own product ) and practically most poisons in the world. The Joker is able to scoff off The Scarecrow's Fear gas and is immune to the deadly chemical fumes and pheromones of Poison Ivy.
  • Toxic Blood: Since he is user of his own product for so many years, The Joker's blood has developed a toxicity that is surprisingly lethal. It was able to kill a mosquito once it landed and drank some of his blood.
  • Insanity: Perhaps one of The Joker's greatest asset is unstable state of mind. He's so insane that he doesn't what is right or wrong since he takes everything as a joke (practically making him impervious to The Spectre's judgement) and is driven to the point where he is "super-sane.", a state of mind where he sees the universe as it's suppose to be seen. With it he can alter his personality to fit under any circumstances he's in, making hard for people to know what he is thinking and how he will act. His insanity also gives him "mad-men" strength and agility.
  • Master of Disguise: The Joker is skilled with disgusing himself and impersonation voices. At one point in his career he disguised himself as a British journalist/detective Oberon Sexton while going on a killing spree as the Domino Killer, a serial killer murdering off members of the Black Hand.
  • Genius-Level Intellect: The Joker's intelligence is uncanny and malevolent as his insanity. He is shown to be an expert chemist, a skilled hacker able to hack into any broadcast, and an explosive expert. He invents all of his equipment to fit his motif and enjoys matching his wits with his favorite nemesis Batman.
  • Escapologist: The Joker is skilled at escaping his confinement, having been able to escape Blackgate prison during his imprisonment there and frequently flies in and out of Arkham Asylum.
  • Cheating Death: Wether it's an uncanny ability or extraordinary luck, time and time again The Joker has escaped Death's grasp with barley a scratch. He's survived helicopter crashes, bullets to the head, falling from several stories, explosions, and always manages to walk away as if it was nothing.
  • Master Planner: The Joker is a skilled master planner and has pulled off tactics that were able to bring his enemies down both physically and mentally. One such example is killing off Jason Todd and becoming the ambassador of Iran so all of his crime will be wiped clean, just to taunt his arch nemesis.
  • Master Torturer/Intimidation: The Joker relishes in tormenting his opponents both physically and mentally to point of mental breakdown. One prime example was when he kidnapped Commissoner James Gordon, tied him up, and shown him naked photos of his bleeding daughter Barbara from when he crippled her with a gunshot. His appearances and his feats have made him feared over the villain community to the point where they tell his achievements as "scary stories".
  • Skilled Hand-to-Hand combatant: While this varies from time to time, The Joker has shown to be proficient in both hand-hand and melee combat. He is able to go toe-to-toe Batman on a few occasions and with his unpredictability he is able to slip up knife strikes and stabs when they least expect it.
  • Experience: The one thing Joker has is experience. The man have practically faced The Holy Trio that is Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman plus many other heroes and villains in the DC Universe. He has been in every single event in the DC Universe to date and was once also able to manipulate reality itself by stealing Mr.Mxylplyx's powers.

Team Baskerville[]

Hidan no Aria

Brief Biography[]

Team Baskerville is a team formed in the 7th Volume of The Hidan no Aria light novel series and consisted by some of the best students in Tokyo Butei High School. The team contains Aria H. Kanzaki: A Quadra who is known for her demonic temper and her extraordinary skills in dual wielding, Kinji Tohyama: A student plagued by a mysterious ability that makes him the undefeated student of the Assualt Section, Mine Riko: An A ranked student with an extraordinary skill in investigation and information gathering, Shirayuki Hotogi: A star student with uncanny swordsmanship and berserk-like rage to boot, and Reki: A sniper who is considered the greatest marksman of The Butei High School.

Other Information[]

Origins: (First Appearances) Hidan no Aria Vol. 1, (As a team) Hidan no Aria Vol. 7

Timeline: 2010-present

Region of Operation: Japan, other place around the world.

Team Members[]

Aria H. Kanzaki[]


I'll blast a big hole in you!
— Aria H. Kanzaki
Brief Biography[]

Aria is an S ranked Butei known for her fiery attitude and her childish demeanor. She is a Quadra, a person who can wield two weapons at the same time. Aria first appears in the series by rescuing the main protagoinst Kinji from "The Butei Killer" and enlisting him as her partner due to his reputation at the Assualt department; she is half Japanese and a quarter British and is the descendant of Sherlock Holmes (her middle name is Holmes). Her main goal in the series is to extornate her mother from false criminal charges made and perpetrated by the IU, a secret organization made by the most intelligent and skilled people in the world.

Weapons and X-Factor[]

Weapons: Aria wields dual Colt Government Model M1911A1 pistols (one silver and the other black) as her main range weapon, it has several 7-round magazine ammunition in store and has a medium to long shooting range. She also carries dual kodachi swords as her main melee weapon.

X-Factor: Aria is a skilled markswoman who can hit her targets on point, however her fiery attitude towards Shinji makes her waster her bullets on him most of the time. She is a skilled swordswoman who is a master in wielding the kodachi to her advantage. Aria is a proficient martial artist who uses the Valetudo combat style, a martial arts made to take down an opponent in one blow.As a Quadra, Aria is able to wield dual weapons to their fullest extent. She seems to have peak physical condition due to her training as a Butei, since one of the techniques she is required to learn is catching a blade with two hands and disarming it. As the descendent of Sherlock Holmes , Aria is shown to be an adept detective, although she relies more on her hunches than cold evidence to prove her theories and is shown to have uncanny observation skills. Aria is a S ranked Butei, the highest ranking a Butei can get, is considered one of the best Buteis in the Assault Department. She is extremely dedicated as a Butei and follows the code of honor to the brim, however her fiery temper and self centerness has caused her some lack of judgement and mistakes in her career.

Weapon Showcase[]

Kinji Tohyama[]


The only work I hate... is that of a Butei.
— Kinji Tohyama
Brief Biography[]

Kinji is a E ranked Butei,the lowest rank there is, who wishes to get out of the Butei business and have a normal life; However, this hindered due to his unique ability he has known as "Hysteria Mode", a type of ability that increases the human capacity to near superhuman level by being sexually aroused, making him undefeated in the Assault department despite his low rank and be an ally to women since it causes him to protect women naturally. On his way to school he is attacked by the Butei Killer's machine gun segways and is semi-rescued by Aria before saving them both through his ability. From then on he became the new partner of the 4th decendant of Holmes and hhave gone on many missions to help Aria's mother be free of the false charges claimed by the IU.

Weapons /Powers/ X-Factor[]

Weapons: For range possesses a Berreta 92F Inox illegally modifed into firing a three-round burst. also known as a "Kinji Model", and a Desert Eagle also illegally modifed to a three round burst, but also can go full auto which belonged to his late father . For melee Kinjis possesses a butterfly knife and a double-edge seax with hidden sheath and a reinforced rubber handle given to him by Sherlock Holmes. He also possesses a bulletproof right-hand glove called Orochi so he can perform "Slash".

Powers/Abilities: Kinji possesses an usual trait known as Hysteria Mode or Hysteria Savant Syndrome, in which the body activates 30 times more neutral transmitter than normal. In this state logical thinking, judgement, and reflexes are increased dramatically, changing his speed to near superhuman level. With it, he can perform things that a normal man couldn't. Strangely though, in this mode Kinji has a need to seduce and protect women, from anything at any cost and could never ally a hand on them. Kinji can only activate this state when sexually aroused and side effects last for only a few minutes, however can still activate it again when the time is up. Here are the feats Kinji can do in this state.

  • Accurately aim a bullet into an opponent's gun's barrel, rendering them useless.
  • Cutting a bullet in half.
  • Can catch bladed weapons with two fingers.
  • Hitting other bullets with their own. Known as "Billard Shot"
  • Shoot the enemy's first bullet back in the barrel, then use the 2nd bullet to bounce back into the gun, making it explode. Known as "Mirror Shot".
  • Catch a bullet with his teeth.
  • Utilizing his near superhuman reflexes, Kinichi is able swing a bladed weapon faster than the speed of sound for brief moment and cause massive damage to an opponent. The attack is unavoidable and unblockable, however it is a double-edge attack since it can also damage Kinji as well. This is known as "Otuka" or "Cherry Blossom".
  • Utilizing the four fingers in his right hand Kinji is able to parry a moving bullet with his fingers and change the course of its direction. This is known as "Slash".
  • In Hysteria, Kinji is a natural Quadra and can use dual weapons proficiently.

X-Factor: In his normal state, Kinji is shown to have an undying will to do right and to always help his comrades when needed. In Hysteria Mode Kinji is shown to be an extremly skilled marksman, a skilled martial artist, a skilled weapon master, and a skilled acrobatics due to his reflexes.

Weapons Showcase[]

Mine Riko[]


I'm not gonna forgive you if you are killed by someone other than me!
— Mine Riko to Aria

Brief Biography

Mine Riko is a Butei student in the Inquesta division of Tokyo Bute High School and the original Butei Killer that stalked Kinji and Aria in the first volume of the series. Her real name is Mine Riko Lupin the IV and is the descendant of the original infamous thief Arsen Lupin. At the age of 8, her parents died in a car crash and she was kidnapped by a name Vlad pretending to be her relative shortly afterwards. Vlad then proceed to torture the girl physically, sexually, and mentally in an underground dungeon and proceeds to impregnate her, in order to make the "perfect Lupin 5th. Since then she develops an infeority complex and has an urge to defeat the recent descendant of Sherlock Holmes and their partner, which in this case is Aria and Kinji, since her ancestor couldn't do so 100 years before. She is defeated by them in the process and escapes capture. Riko later returns to them for their help in finding her missing treasure, a cross made out of a supernatural metal known as Ironkane. They then find her treasure and free her from Vlad's grasp. Since then, she became an uneasy ally and a love interest to Kinji.


Weapons: For range Riko possesses dual semi-automatic Walther-P99 and a Remington Derringer. For melee, she possesses two daggers.

Powers/Abilities: Utilizing the special abilities granted by her Ironkane made cross, Riko is able to manipulate her hair at will. With it she is able to use other weapons at her disposal and throw a person with little effort.

X-Factor: Riko is proven to be an exceptionally skilled markswoman who's on par with her destine rival Aria . She is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant and an extraordinary knife-fighter. Riko is a Quadra who is able to wield dual weapons proficently in battle. As the Butei Killer, Riko is shown to be a master explosive expert. Riko is also a master of disguise who can mimic her voice to match her intended appearance. Riko is skilled in investigating and information gathering. She can also be a ccrafty tactician with a mind to match.

Weapon Showcase[]

Shirayuki Hotogi[]


I am Shirayuki Hotogi of SSR Department. And what about you, who are you?
— Shirayuki Hotogi
Brief Biography[]

Shirayuki is a star student of Butei High School and is a Choutei, a type of Butei with superhuman abilities. She is part of the Supernatural Searching Research, a division that investigates supernatural occurrences. Shirayuki comes from a long line of supernatural users dating back over 2000 years in history who have powers of divination, which she is the strongest user. She is a childhood friend of Kinji's and is desperately in love with him; Shirayuki loves Kinji so much that she will go into a berserk like rage and attack anyone who gets near him. With her incredible swordsmanship, she provides the close range support to her team.


Weapons: Shirayuki carries a katana made out of Ironkane named Iron Ayame, with it she can cut through almost anything.

Powers/Abilities: Utilizing the abilities of the Ironkane metal, Shirayuki can perform the Hotogi Arts of control flames. with it, she is able to infuse it into her blade and slash opponents or shoot out fire for a few moments before tiring from usage. She can also perform divintation and see into the future through tarot cards.

X-Factor: Shirayuki possesses near superhuman reflexes and speed. she is an extremely skilled swordwoman who is able to block and cut bullets with her katana. Shirayuki is also a skilled martial artist. Due to her profound love for Kinji, she will do anything to get close or protect him from any danger.


Baskerville Reki

In the midst of this darkness. A path of light exists--outside of the light, nothing can be seen, nothing exists. I----am one who runs in the midst of that light.
— Reki
Brief Biography[]

Reki is a Butei student and part of the Snipe division of the Tokyo Butei High School. Her real name remains a mystery and her past is a blur, she shows little to no emotion and usually covers her teammates from a sniping distance. She is born into the Uluhu Tribe, a small group of people with strong lineage to the samurai and have an unusual disorder in which only females are born. She lives alone with her trained wolf Haimaki and has apparent romantic feelings towards Kinji to the point where she takes him hostage and forces her to marry him.


Weapons: Reki's main weapon is a SVD Dragunov Sniper Rifle with attached scope and bayonet. She also has attack wolf named Haimaki who guards her.

X-Factor: Reki is an extremely skilled markswoman and is considered the best in the Butei High School. She is able to shoot anything in a 2km radius without missing a target; however, to make the perfect shot Reki takes alot of precautions. She lines up her scope, checks the wind speed and temperature, and inspects every bullet for approval. She constantly wears headphones and listens to the sound of the winds in her homeland in order to be one with her rifle. Reki also has a deep understanding in animal psychology as she was able to temporary immobilize a wolf through the animal's spine. She can also train animals much faster than a normal human, Reki trained Haimaki in less than 5 minutes. She has done off the record missions where she kills and doesn't mind shedding some blood.

Weapon Showcase[]

The Situation[]

Now in a regular face to face match 5 on 1 will be a no brainer to some, but it can also be sooooooooooooo boring. Boring to the fact Joker will be loathing around in sheer disappointment on how this fight will be. That's why we got to spice it up a bit, make it a bit more challenging to you voters and to the characters in the battle. There will be certain ways these warriors have to do to win this match up. This here is a whole new way of how this battle will work.

Free Roam: In a usual battle two or more warriors meat at a specific place to battle, however this is not the case here. In this battle I'm going to set The Joker "loose" onto the city of Tokyo. He could be anywhere at anytime-Shinjuku, Akihabra, etc.- hiding in whatever place he may seem fit. The Joker will have full knowledge of the city and due to his incredible hacking skills will have access to media broadcasts and security cameras around the city. Now Team Baskerville will also have knowledge of the city as well, but must use their skills in investigation and deduction in order to capture The Joker although it won't be such an easy task. The Joker doesn't leave fingerprints behind, but he does leave a certain "calling card" of his behind.

Let's Play A Game...: The one thing The Joker loves to do is play games, especially with his favorite player Batman or any other super-hero in the DC Universe and would definitely match wits with Team Baskerville. The Joker has enough weaponry to level Tokyo and will lay all kinds of traps in the city, whether it maybe a explosive bombs or Joker Venom through the air. He left clues for Team Baskerville and it's their job to locate and disarm them accordingly. However things are never easy when you're dealing with Clown Prince of Crime and here's why....

Civillian Casualties: When it comes to playing The Joker's games no one is ever safe, not even civilians. The Joker will defiently plant his traps in crowded places whether it maybe a subway or a day care full of infants, the possibility of mass homicide is definent. Not only do Team Baskerville have to disarm the traps, but they have to keep civilian casualties to a minimum. However, this will not be an easy task. Even if Baskerville finds a trap..... What if it's a dud? What if some of the traps they find are a ruse for something much bigger then they expect? If they find The Joker himself...What if it's not really him? What if it's somebody else The Joker is forcefully using to play him for his sick demented games.Team Baskerville must use their brains to decipher the smallest detail of what The Joker gives them. Not a single mistake can be made, otherwise hundreds or even tens of thousands of lives will be lost in the crossfire.

Information: Team Baskerville will have the basic information The Joker and his criminal past since he is a wanted criminal, in which they will use it to get a glimpse of what The Joker is and use it to stop him. However The Joker has a way of finding information on his enemies, look at Barbara Gordon for details. The psychotic maniac will have manage to find the profiles for each member of Team Baskerville. He will know who they are, what they do, who's connected to them, where they live and will use it to his advantage. The Endangerment of loved ones is eminent and only Team Baskerville can save those they love.

Othet Stuff: The Joker may have a few henchment, 10 to 12 give or take, to help him out on some of his schemes, however this will be all his own doing.

The Goal[]

In order for Team Baskerville to win they must find and capture The Joker, locate and disarm the traps , minimize or have no civilian casualties, and protect those they love.

In order for The Joker to win he either have to kill all of Team Baskerville or escape from Tokyo, but leave such a scarring mark on Team Baskerville that it will eventually break them apart from the inside.... and cause a s--t amount of destruction.

Things To Consider[]

  • Now Team Baskervilla have fought their share of villains and have come to defeat the likes of Vlad Dracula and an eternally youthful 157 year old Sherlock Holmes, but can they take on a sociopathic mastermind who is able to go face to face with such great giants like Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman.
  • The Joker's schemes always takes their toll on someone. Can Team Baskerville come through ,both physically and mentally, and withstand such atrocities that can even wear down The Dark Knight ? Or will they break down and spiral into madness.
  • Can they protect those they love and care from the grip of a madman? Or will tragedy strike and break everyone apart ?


Now voting will be alot more stricter than usual, ALOT stricter. Some of you might not be able to do it, but for those who do I appreciate the support and you won't be disappointing if all goes well.

Those who give out a very long and detailed vote ( about 10 or more sentences) or Edges detailing the weapons, X-Factors, and The Situation given will be counted as one full vote.

Anything else will not count at all. I'm putting alot of effort into this fight, and I expect the same from the users as well.

And If you ask the question "Will both warriors be able to use transportation or can operate vehicles?" Then the answer is yes.