Deadliest Fiction Wiki

Monkey Doctor 33 Monkey Doctor 33 8 May 2020

Knights of the Future! Marauder (Doom Eternal) vs Ki-Adi-Mundi (Legends)

Knights are among the most -- if not the most -- popular warriors there are. In history, there are tons of knights with fabled legends and storied feats. In fiction, these noble warriors tend to be adapted into superpowered paragons of justice with swords made of energy and armor made of unobtanium. Not all of our fictional knights are good (or wear armor), however, and in today's battle, we will witness a catastrophic battle between two knights of darkness and light! The Marauder, a former Night Sentinel and an enduring adversary of the Doom Slayer, finds himself locked in combat with the Jedi Master, Ki-Adi-Mundi! Will the rogue knight assert Hell's power over the Force user, or will the Jedi bring the triumph of the Light Side over the Dark Si…

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Monkey Doctor 33 Monkey Doctor 33 25 March 2020

Reason and Revelation! Inquisitor Tyrus (Warhammer 40K) vs Rtas 'Vadum (Halo)

Keeping a cool head is the best way of staying in control of your emotions, especially when you're in a dire situation. Living in different times and environments tends to affect how you react to a number of occurrences. Of course, being reasonable is a trait most desired by those who seek a peaceful path to resolving problems. Whether they be late assignments, getting betrayed by your brutish co-workers, or witnessing the deaths of your friends and family, everyone wants to keep being sane, right? Well, of course, they want to! Not all of them remain the kind and friendly folks they were, though! 

Opening the first fight in my sixth season, the Warhammer 40,000 and Halo universes clash once again in this wiki after the Adeptus Astartes got their a…

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Monkey Doctor 33 Monkey Doctor 33 11 December 2019

Monstrous Generals of Death! Swarmlord (40K) vs Mannoroth (Warcraft)

Within fiction, there are always some of those monstrous hordes from Hell who invade and raze countless worlds. Some do so for the sake of evil, while some others actually kill billions just to ensure the continuation of their existence. No matter, these legions can swarm planets within seconds just by their numbers, annihilating all who stands against them. But sometimes, numbers won't just work and there are beings greater than mere 'grunts' who work both behind and on the scenes to ensure victory's attainment. Today, we will see a clash of titanic proportions from two brutish tacticians from two universes of war! 

From one corner, we have the Swarmlord of the Tyranids! When simply Zerg-rushing doesn't work, the Hive Mind produces this legen…

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Monkey Doctor 33 Monkey Doctor 33 2 October 2019

The Battle for Darkness Begins! Alarak (StarCraft) vs Araghast (Dawn of War II: Chaos Rising) vs Darth Malgus (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic) vs Mister Sinister (Marvel Comics)

It's good to be bad! The Omniverse known as fiction has always provided us with cool-looking, edgy badasses who control entire empires or are just skillful warriors overall. Some of them wield amazing psychic powers, being able to blow away any who oppose them with just a thought. Some are powerful conquerors who can do just the same, while some are of the smarter bunch who can be considered masterful tacticians and manipulators. Today, four psychic powerhouses go toe-to-toe in a battle for supremacy! One of them isn't necessarily bad, but hey, he's badass enough to be in this fight! Without further ado, let's jump right into the battle!

Alarak, the insidious yet honourable Highlord of the Tal'darim Protoss who assisted the whole Protoss rac…

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Monkey Doctor 33 Monkey Doctor 33 8 September 2019

Embrace the Rage! Sabretooth (Marvel Comics) vs Lemartes (Warhammer 40,000)

Rage. Sometimes in bouts of stress, we let loose our wrath and go out in blazes of anger. Of course, we, as civilized people, have to control our rage as to not seek out needless conflicts. In fiction? Well, let's just say 'anger' acts as some sort of combat enhancer which increases the strength and awesomeness of a warrior. While we have many famous angry warriors around here from the Hulk to Atrocitus, today, we will witness two lesser rage-fueled warriors duking it out in a battle to the death! The savage Sabretooth slashes his way to the fight, baring his sharp claws and fangs, coupled with his fearsome healing factor! As Wolverine's nemesis prowls the battlefield, one of Sanguinius' heroic sons jump into the fray! Lemartes, the Guardian…

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