26th of July Movement VS the OAS
The 26th of July Movement, Fidel Castro's revolutionaries who fought for their homeland from the Sierra Maestra (1952) to The battle of Yaguyajay (1960) VS The OAS, the French Terrorist group whose political party became an army who tried to kill the French President himself, WHO IS DEADLIEST?
The battle starts with 5 OAS members walking through a valley. A 26th of July movement crawls up a mountain and aims his Springfield . He points it to the head of one of the OAS. He takes the shot and hits him strait across the head. O.The OAS rake cover while the rest of the 26th run up the hill. They start firing at the OAS. one of the OAS members takes the MAS-49 and aims it at the 26th sniper. He shoots the gun and the sniper falls down the mounta…
Duke Nukem (Duke Nukem) VS William "B.J." Blazkowicz (Wolfenstien)
Duke Nukem, The defeater of Mutants and Aliens everywhere VS William Blazkowicz, The hero of the Wolfenstein Castle and killer of Adolf Hitler himself, WHO IS DEADLIEST?!
Mexican Spider VS Facetheslayer
( for some reason I can't get the weapon boxes to show up)
Long Range- AIMS
Med Range- CG-M45
Close Range- Commando Knife/S&W Bodyguard 38
Special- China Lake
Explosive- Gammon Grenade
Martial Art- Sambo
X-Factor- Fights on motorcycle (my dad takes me drive-by shooting at cans wit a paintball gun on his motorcycle)
Long Range- H&K XM 29
Med Range- Winchester 1887 shotgun
Close Range- Modern Tomahawk/Mauser C96
Special- The Golden Gun
Explosive-Nail Bomb
Martial Art- Tae Kwon Do
X-Factor- Fights on Horseback, Is a female.
Long Range- While The AIMS has less recoil and a drum magazine, the XM29 is way more modern (the thermal lock on doesn't really lock on it just recognizes the person and turns red if they show up, the clip grenade launcher is not in use …
Camilo Cienfuegos VS Augusto Sandino
Camilo Cienfuegos, one of the twelve survivors of the sierra maestra VS Augusto Sandion, the revolutionary in south america who started the FSLN sandinistas. WHO IS DEADLIEST?!
Each Warrior has 4 other soldiers with them. C-Camilo A-Augusto
The Battle starts with Camilo Cienfuegos on Fidel Castro's yacht,the granma. He notices Sandino's boat coming next to them with armed soldiers. Camilo takes the M70 and shoots the boat driver. S. The fire fight begins. Sandino comes up from the bottom of the boat with the M1D. He fires a few bullets at Camilo's rifle and brakes the bolt on the bolt action and kills 1 of Camilo's men. C. He pulls the trigger and notices he is out of ammo. He takes out the FN FAL from one of his dead soldiers and fires at C…
I think there is a major problem on this wiki. It doesn't have to do with people,comments,or anything like that. The problem is that some warriors have too much of the same weapon, A.K.A. weapon overuse.
EX. ak-47 (please, for russian or any other army or warrior, use a ak variant like the AKM,AIM,AK-101,etc)
EX.M16,M4 ( i notice there are alot of american warriors which mainly use M16s or M4s, Please, use something like the CAR-15,AR series, MK-18,etc.
EX.Dragunov,VSS vintorez(the next Russian battle should us the VK-94 or the SVU)
EX.Kopis (there are alot of greek warriors so please, find a different sword)
Please comment on what other weapons u think are overused and lets try to find a solution for this problem.