
“ | Never. I'll never turn to the dark side. You failed, your Highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me.
— Luke Skywalker
” |
Luke Skywalker is a major character in the Star Wars Legends franchise. Luke has played a major role in galactic history, being the legendary hero of the Rebel Alliance, founder of the new Jedi Order, the redeemer of Darth Vader, along with a major military leader during both the Galactic Civil War and the myriad of conflicts following the reformation of the Galactic Republic. Even centuries after his physical death, Luke would periodically return to give guidance to his descendents.
- The Force: As the son of Anakin Skywalker, Luke had an incredibly strong connection to the Force, an connection he was still developing as of the Thrawn Trilogy. To give a brief overview of the Force, it's and energy field created by all life in the universe. The force is all around us, and those with an innate connection to it can manipulate aspects of it to perform what many would consider miracles. While not at his peak, Luke was still highly skilled and wielded a lot of raw power.
- Telekinesis: One of the most useful and well known powers of The Jedi. Luke has shown a high level of proficiency with this power, using multiple of it's applications in combat. The most notable of these applications was Pull/Throw/Grip, something which Luke has used for a variety of things, ranging from calling items to his hands to lifting objects weighing hundreds of pounds. He's even extended this out to manipulating other people, gripping the throats of two Gamorrean guards on tatooine to intimidate them. On a more raw level, Luke has used powerful Force pushes in the past, being able to scatter dozens of opponents with a single attack, along with dismantling pieces of heavy machinery and droids in the past. Luke was also capable of creating defensive barriers with the Force, ones strong enough to block incoming projectiles and heavy impacts.
- Force Sense: A fundamental power common to all who can feel the force. Force sense is effective a magical 6th sense which allows all who use it perceive with the Force. This allows the user to detect disturbances in the force (sorta hard to define but it usually involves mass death or destruction), the presence of nearby life, along with detect a person's emotional state, force signature (can they use the force/are they more dark or light side aligned), and can allow the user to scan an opponent's surface thoughts.
- Precognition: Effectively a telepathic danger sense, a Jedi's precognition allowed them to feel brief glimpses of the future, but most usefully manifested as an early warning sign for incoming attacks in battle. This ability has saved Luke's life countless times, with it allowing him to much more effectively react to and protect himself from incoming enemy attacks.
- Physical Augmentation: Through applications of The Force, Luke could augment his physical capabilities, allowing him to perform superhuman feats (Expanded on in physicality).
- Curato Salva: Encompassing the broad category of Jedi healing techniques, Luke was only versed in the very basics of Curato Salva. We've seen Luke use these powers to help regulate physical recovery times for injuries, along with helping stimulate hormone production and slowing blood loss. On a higher level, Luke has used Curato Salva to help flush harmful toxins from his blood stream, along with regulate physical pain and lower his heart rate, helping him to more easily sustain and fight through injuries.
- Force Concealment: Luke was capable of masking both his force presence and physical form with The force, allowing him go unnoticed under certain circumstances. This is best shown during his second fight with Darth Vader, with Luke effectively cloaking his location from Vader, even while Vader was just a few yard away. However, this ability requires concentration and is very hard to use while actively fighting.
- Lightsaber Combat: While not a classically trained swordsman, Luke, like his father before him, was a prodigy with the Lightsaber, mixing natural talent with a personalized fighting style. Basing his style off of techniques learned from both in battle observation and training from both Obi-Wan and Yoda, Luke's style was a fair mix of many moving parts, ranging from stout blade work, to integrated unarmed combat, to nimble acrobatics and evasions, to duel wielding and force integration. As seen, Luke has gone toe-to-toe with the best, contending with Darth Vader in both of their duels, along with defeating Dark Lady Lumiya in their duel on Nagai, and played a major role in the defeat of the mad clones Joruus C'baoth and Luuke Skywalker. When facing non-force wielding opponents, he was like a one man army, cutting through hordes of both melee and blaster wielding opponents, and has has overcome those wielding conventional projectile weapons and explosives.
- Lightsaber: The weapon of a Jedi. A Lightsaber is a powerful 'sword', having a mechanical hilt and an plasma based blade which is contained by an emitting enemy shield. As you'd expect, a Lightsaber can effectively cut through just about any mundane object, ranging from metal to flesh. Luke's Lightsaber was based off the designs of Obi-Wan Kenobi's Lightsaber, and had a green colored blade. Luke Saber was around 4 feet long overall, with a hilt which was slightly shorter than a foot and a blade which was just over 3 feet.

“ | Impossible? We did a lot of impossible things on this journey. I'm tired of hearing that things are impossible or useless. Those words mean nothing to us.
— Jotaro Kujo
” |
Jotaro Kujo is a primary protagonist of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series. At the age of 17 Jotaro was possessed by an "evil spirit" and after brutally injuring a gang of men who attacked him he voluntarily handed himself over to the police and refused to leave his cell out of fear of what he might do. He would later learn from his grandfather, Joseph Joestar, that his "Evil Spirit" was in fact called a Stand, a manifestation of a person's life force which can be called upon in combat.
- Star Platinum: Given to Jotaro from his Joestar bloodline, Star Platinum was his Stand, effectively a fighting spirit which both serves him in battle and protects him from danger. Star Platinum is an incredibly powerful, though due to Jotaro's lack of stand training, hasn't yet unlocked it's true defining power (Time Stop). However, it still is incredibly strong, and as a Stand is incredibly hard to damage by conventional means (While it won't apply here, as Luke just can't damage Stands directly, any damage done to a Stand carries over to its user).
- Invulnerability: Star Platinum cannot be damaged by any conventional or mundane means, with only other stands being able to damage it.
- Selective Tangibility: Like most stands, Star Platinum can choose to ignore or bypass physical materials, being able to move through solid walls and even through living beings. However, it could still impact the material world if it wanted.
- Invisibility: To anyone who isn’t a Stand user, Star Platinum is entirely invisible.
- Superhuman Strength: Star Platinum was immensely strong, being considered one of the physically strongest Stands in setting. During Jotaro's fight with Avdol, we see easily rip apart steel bars and smash stone. In battle we've seen Star easily grab and suspend a car full of people in the air, along with burst through walls like they were made of cardboard and hurl objects with the force of cannon balls. While fighting Dio in Cairo, Star was able to drive it's fist entirely through Dio's torso, and in the same fight demonstrated Star's incredible jumping powers, with it being able to leap hundreds of feet into the air!
- Superhuman Speed/Reflexes: Star Platinum could move at extreme speeds, with it's extremely speed and reflexes being one of its defining characteristics. Within one of its first appearances, Star was able to catch a bullet fired only inches from Jotaro's head. As shown in basically all of it's fights, Star's hands can move so fast they appear like a blur, throwing dozens of attacks per second. It could also keep up with even faster Stands like Silver Chariot, effectively blocking/Parrying most of its attacks, while it was under the control of Anubis (something which is outright stated to have made Chariot even faster and stronger than normal), though Star was ultimately outpaced by the fights end.
- Star Finger: One of Star Platinum's more strange abilities is that it could extend two of its fingers, allowing it to make a surprise longer ranged attack, doing so with enough force to break bone and damage metal. While the exact length of Star Finger is hard to gauge, it seems to be able to extend 2-3 yards at least.
- Limitations: While powerful, Star Platinum was limited in several ways. The biggest is its limited range, as it couldn’t really move further than a few feet (at most 2-3 yards) from Jotaro, making it almost exclusively melee. More than that, Star is a conventional humanoid Stand, meaning while it’s strong and fast, it has to conform to the limits of being human shaped (not a super big limit, but worth mentioning).
- Unarmed Combat: While Jotaro usually relies on Star Platinum to do most of his fighting, it should be noted that he does have a lot of raw talent as a hand to hand fighter himself. He had a lot of experience fighting his peers at school, and even while reverted physically to a child, he was able to lay down a walloping on Alessi. His fighting style was a lot like Star Platinums, raw, aggressive, and almost entirely offense oriented.
As a user of the Force, Luke was a Superhuman. He was strong enough to match the mechanical might of Darth Vader, a man strong enough to smash Dura-Steel Bare Handed, along with send the Dark Lord hurtling head over heels with a kick, and could even leap dozens of yards into the air. His stamina was highly developing, allowing him to take part in marathon runs through dense jungle, fight for hours while injured, and survive 100+ foot falls onto solid surfaces without lasting injuries. His speed, while not well shown in the movies, was meant to be blinding, appear like a blur to the naked eye, along with performing aimed blaster bolt deflection and easily dodging/blocking blaster fire in open field.
While Jotaro had the high levels of speed, strength, and agility you'd expect of a towering and muscular Athlete, being able to easily overpower grown men (even doing so while reverted into a childlike form), Jotaro's most defining characteristic was his frankly inhuman degree of resilience. As shown, Jotaro has been impaled on multiple occasion, fallen 100+ feet onto solid ground, been through through walls hard enough to break them, been cut into, been partially set on fire, been nearly drowned, has been struck directly by a stands attack, been nearly disemboweled, and was later hit multiple times by DIO's The World (something which shattered several of his bones), and he has gotten up from these injuries each time and continued fighting. Simply put, the only way you're going to kill Jotaro is if you cut off his head or tear out his heart.
Luke did his best to avoid using his powers excessively, instead opting for more minimalist and creative options. In battle, he opted for the least energy intensive option possible, and has consistently used the Force more to undermine and enemy than to crush them outright. This reverence for his power carried over to his fighting style, with Luke rarely taking the committed offensive, prefering to keep his committed offense in reserve while letting his enemies show the full breadth of their skill, allowing Luke to adjust to their style and formulate the best way to counter it all while conserving his own energy and giving his opponent little to work with.
Jotaro was extremely raw and vicious in how he used his powers. He primarily used Star Platinum as an offensive dervish, using it's extreme strength and speed to lay into an opponent like a freight train. Even in defense, Jotaro used Star Platinum to smash and destroy, often meeting opposing forces head on, raw power to raw power. However, this preference for an aggressive offense doesn't combat at cross purposes with a fair amount of creative thinking, with Jotaro taking advantage of Star Platinum power for utilitarian means, best demonstrated by his usage of highly dangerous ranged weapons combat and Stand Leaps.
While not quick to anger, Luke had no qualms about killing people if he has to. As seen, Luke cut down hordes of opponents on the battlefield, be they Stormtroopers and Hutt Enforcers, leaving a bloody swath of enemies in his wake. He also had no remorse for Joruus C'Baoth and his own dark mirror clone Luuke Skywalker, directly trying to kill them both in their final bout on Wayland. In fact, the only time Luke has been swayed to not kill his opponents was when he had a directly emotional connection to them, as he initially did with Dark Lady Lumiya and with Dark Vader.
Despite his tough guy persona and violent methods, Jotaro wasn't much of a killer. Even when faced by people who were not only trying to kill him, but also kill his friends and family, Jotaro consistently went for the non-lethal option, be it by sparing and capturing Kakyoin, or by non-Lethally wounding N'Doul (even after N'Doul had potentially blinded Kakyoin and very nearly killed the entire group). The only opponent Jotaro truly intended to kill was DIO, and even then, during their final struggle, Jotaro gave DIO the chance to heal his injuries and get back up to fight, something which nearly backfired.
For this fight, I will be using Luke as he appeared in the Thrawn Trilogy, and Jotaro as he appeared in the Stardust Crusaders (before learning of his ability to use Time Stop).
I will be going under a few assumptions…
- #1): Luke cannot see Star Platinum, as he isn’t a stand user nor even a conventional magician. However, he would be able to sense Star Platinum through precognition and life sense, as sensing unseen dangers is a big part of those abilities.
- #2): This one is pretty obvious, but a Lightsaber cannot hurt Star Platinum.
- #3): I also assume that something like the Force couldn’t hurt Star Platinum directly (or at least the abilities Luke has). However, it could certainly bypass Star and target Jotaro directly, as Star really has no way of protecting Jotaro from targeted force attacks.
Pretty typical battle. An unplanned engagement neutral terrain.