The Stasi the secret agents from East Germany, who stopped at nothing to destroy the enemies of the state, be them within its borders, or outside...
Hamas the political party of Palestine, who has its own paramilitary group of well trained religious fanatics...
The Stasi attack with:
Close Range: Škorpion vz. 61
Explosives: Dead Drop Spike
Long Range: Dragunov sniper rifle
Special Weapons: Ballistic Knife
Hamas counters with:
Close Range: AK-47
Explosives: Suicide Bomber
Long Range: Yasin RPG
Special Weapons: Qassam Rockets

City of Gaza
It will take place in an urban setting, in the Palestine city of Gaza. The Stasi have been sent there to destroy a secret hideout of Hamas, and kill everyone within. The battle will be 6 on 6, six Stasi agents and six Hamas combatants. Also, to spice things up, the city will not be empty, but populated, and considering the nature and way of thinking of both sides, neither one will care much of any civilian that might be on their paths.
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In the City of Gaza, the Stasi was conducting an undercover operation to eliminate an underground facility that Hamas is using the build explosives, and take out any Hamas member that might get in their way, regardless of the consequences. For this they have sent six of their best agents, under the disguise of German tourists.
Two Stasi agents are getting into one of the city’s buildings, it looked like any other building on the city, but their sources indicated that the underground factory of explosives was there.
At the basement of the building, three Hamas members are building Qassam Rockets, Yasin RPGs and exploding vests to be used in Suicide Bombing missions. The one building the exploding vest, his job done, tries it on to make sure it fits right. Unknown to them, the two Stasi agents are right before the other side of the door. They hear the Hamas agents working inside, and know that they have found their target. “Dies ist Team ein. Sie sind auf das Gebäude untersuchen wir. Wir sind in gehen, sie zu töten.” says one of the Stasi agents into a pocket radio transmitter, then they both take out their Skorpion vz. 61 from their coats, and kick the door in.
The Hamas agents are taken by surprise as the Stasi agents storm in the room and start shooting at them. The Hamas member building the Yasin RPGs, who was closer to the door is the first to fall down as he is filled with bullets from both the Skorpion vz. 61s.
“خذ ما تستطيع ، والخروج من الباب السري!” says the Hamas agent with the exploding vest on to his remaining teammate, the other Hamas agent nods his head. He grabs the Qassam Rocket he was building with his right arm and one of the finished Tasin RPGs with his other hand, and runs away from the room, trough a secret door on the back of the basement. Alone against the two Stasi agents, the remaining Hamas member with the exploding vest runs towards the two Stasi agents, taking some bullets but not stopping, he presses the button on the exploding vest as he yells out “الله أكبر!” and explodes, taking the two Stasi agents with him.
Outside of the building inside a car, three more Stasi agents are waiting. The one behind the driving wheel is talking through the pocket radio transmitter, “Team, ist dies ein Team zwei. Reagieren. Bist du da? Reagieren Sie!” getting no answer he turns to his teammate, behind the wheel. “Sie sind nicht reagiert. Wir haben die Informationen in Sicherheit zu bringen.” he instructs. The other Stasi member nods, writes down the address of the building where the secret Hamas factory was set up in a piece of paper, then rolls it and puts it inside a Dead Drop Spike, closing it. The driver then talks again into the radio, “Hans, ist dieses Team zwei. Wir sind hier rauszukommen. Abdeckung unserer Flucht aus Ihrer Position.
Outside, high on a nearby rooftop, a fourth Stasi agent, armed with a Dragunov Sniper rifle puts down the radio transmitter he was using, and looks down trough the sniper scope on he rifle, looking for any danger around the car of the other two Stasi agents.
Unknown to them, the Hamas agent that survived the raid has gotten over to another secret hideout of Hamas, where they keep their stocks weapons, which is being guarded by three Hamas agents with Ak-47s. “نحن تعرضوا لكمين!” he tells the others. The four of them immediately leave the hideout, putting on their hoods and green headbands, the one with the Qassam rocket and Yasin RPG leaves the rocket and takes with him the grenade launcher. They quickly leave the hideout and go to the streets, many people are around the streets and when they see them with their weapons they start to run away in panic. The three Stasi agents in the car see the four Hamas agents with the Ak-47s and the Yasin RPG, and quickly speed the car away. “هناك!” Yells the Hamas agent with the Yasin RPG, pointing at the speeding car with the Stasi agents within, the Germans sticking out in a town full of Arabs like a sore thumb. The three Hamas agents with the AK-47s start shooting at the speeding car, some civilians getting caught in the cross fire, the Stasi agent on the back seat of the car takes out a Skorpion vz. 61 and returns fire, but he doesn’t manage to get any hits on the Hamas members.
The agent on the rooftop with the Dragunov Sniper Rifle sees the cross fire, aims his rifle at one of the Hamas member holding an Ak-47, and pulls the trigger. The other three Hamas members look in surprise as one of his teammates takes a bullet in his head and drops down dead.
“لأنهم وصلوا قناص! الاحتماء!” yells the Hamas member with the Yasin RPG. The remaining Hamas agents run in different directions, trough the screaming pedestrians. The agent with the Dragunov Sniper Rifle tries to kill other agents, but he misses, managing to kill just innocent passersby instead. The remaining two Hamas members with the Ak-47s keep shooting at the car, and manage to get the tires, the car then spins out of control, and crashes into a small shop, killing everyone inside the shop. The three Stasi agents are stunned from the crash, and a little bruised, but otherwise they are okay. They then see how the Hamas member with the Yasin RPG is aiming the big grenade launcher at them, they quickly open the doors to get out of the doomed car. The driver and the one with the Dead Drop Spike get out, but the one on the back seat can’t open his door because of the dents in the car from the crash. His eyes open wide as the last thing he sees is the grenade from the Yasin RPG flying at him, and then the car explodes.
The two Stasi agents that manager to get out of the car run trough the streets of Gaza as two Hamas agents keep shooting at them while the third with the used Yasin RPG runs back to their secret hideout, but they all miss the Stasi agents as the Germans run trough the crowd and the bullets of the Ak-47s just get innocent pedestrians. Finally the two Hamas members runs out of bullets on the Ak-47s, and as they are changing the cartridges, the Stasi agents take out their Ballistic Knifes. They press the button on them and the blades fly towards the Hamas members, one of them gets the blade in his throat, and he drops dead immediately.
The other Hamas member, however, gets lucky as the blade of the Ballistic Knife is stopped by the body of a screaming passerby. He replaces the cartridge of the Ak-47 and fires at the two Stasi members, killing them instantly.
The Hamas member walks over to them and registers their dead bodies, he finds the Dead Drop Spike in the coat of one of the agents. He turns the opening, but not doing it correctly causes it to explode, killing him and all the people that was screaming and running around him.
From the rooftop, seeing everything from the Sniper Scope of his Dragunov rifle, the remaining Stasi agent saw how all of his teammates were taken down and prepares to leave the roof. He is putting away the sniper rifle, when he sees the last Hamas agent on the street. His eyes go wide as he sees that he is setting the Qassam rocket on the street across from the building he’s in, and fires it. The Qassam rocket flies quickly and surely towards the building, the Stasi agent was unable to do anything as the rocket explodes, killing everyone inside the building, and then causing it to fall down.
As he sees the building crumbling before him into rubble, the last Hamas member rises up his fist in victory and yells out “حماس!”
Winner: Hamas