The US Green Berets, the Special Forces of the United States Army, trained in unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, special reconnaissance, direct action, hostage rescue, and counter-terrorism.
Richard Marcinko commander and founder of the feared Red Cell, a special task force of the US Navy, formed with former Navy SEALs and Marine Force Recon men, tasked into test the security of naval bases, nuclear submarines, ships, civilian airports, and an American embassies. Under Marcinko's leadership, the team was able to infiltrate seemingly impenetrable, highly-secured bases, nuclear submarines, ships, and other purported "secure areas" such as Air Force One, and disappear without incident.
Weapons for the Green Berets[]
Weapons for Richard Marcinko and Red Cell[]
The Battle[]

US Embassy
This will be a 5 on 5 battle, Richard Marcinko himself and 4 Red Cell members, will try to infiltrate a US Embassy in a neutral country, which is being guarded by 5 Green Berets. As it usually was with Red Cell, the guys in the Embassy have no idea of what is about to happen. Red Cell are outside of the Embassy, and the Green Berets are inside of the Embassy.
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The Battle[]
A US Embassy is being guarded by five Green Berets, each one is holding an M4A1, with a Beretta M9 on their belt holsters, an E-Tool and some M67 grenades too. Two of them are standing guard outside, at the front door, talking to each other.
On the roof of a building across the street, a Red Cell member is setting up a Barrett M107 rifle. He places the scope on it, and extends the tripod legs. He lies down, looks through the scope and sees the two Green Berets across the street at the door of the US Embassy, their leader Richard Marcinko, has selected this target to test its security. He takes aim, and pulls the trigger, a great bang is heard as a second later a bullet goes through the head of one of the Green Berets.
The other Green Beret is surprised at this, but quickly gathers his wits, and starts dragging the dead body of his teammate inside the Embassy, as he yells out “Sniper! Sniper!” to everyone inside. Two bullets from across the street hit the door and the wall of the Embassy as the Green Beret hides back inside. Knowing that his chance to shoot down more Green Berets is over, the Red Cell member starts disarming the Barrett M107 rifle as quickly as he can, when a bullet comes right through his head from inside the US Embassy. One of the Green Berets inside the Embassy had shot him from one of the front windows, using a M24 Sniper Rifle.
At the back of the US Embassy, Richard Marcinko and three Red Cell members are standing next to an Emergency Exit door. Each one is holding an HK416, and have a HK Mk. 23 SOCOM pistol and a Gerber Mark II knife on their belt holsters. Richard Marcinko is setting a charge of C4 on the door, “Fire in the hole!” he announces, and him and the rest of the Red Cell members take cover as Richard “Dick” Marcinko sets out the explosion. Immediately, the alarms go off inside the US Embassy, as the four remaining Green Berets inside realize that the sniper across the street was not working alone.
Three Green Berets inside the Embassy talk to each other, one of them tells to the other, “The Embassy is under attack, you two, go upstairs and guard the Ambassador.” he orders to the other two, “Yes sir!” they reply, and run up the stairs. The remaining Green Beret turns around as he sees the Sniper coming towards him, he’s still holding the M24 Sniper Rifle. “Did you see the sniper? Who’s attacking us?” asked the leader.
“He was wearing a black sky mask, they are probably terrorists, and… ARGH!” the Green Beret sniper is unable to finish as he is shot in the back by a round of bullets from Richard Marcinko and three Red Cell members, using their HK416.
As the Green Beret sniper falls down, dead, the other takes cover behind a column in the hallway. He waits until the bullets stop hitting the column, and as Richard Marcinko and the three Red Cell members start changing the cartridges on their HK416s, he takes out an M67 grenade and throws it down the hallway and towards the Red Cell members. “Take cover!” yells Marcinko to his teammates, but he is the only one that is able to escape in time, as the M67 grenade explodes taking out the other three Red Cell members.
The Green Beret walks carefully down the hallway, towards the three dead Red Cell members. He carefully checks them out, when suddenly Richard Marcinko comes out of a closet door, holding his HK Mk. 23 SOCOM and shooting at him. The Green Beret falls down, three bullets in his head, dead before he hit the ground.
Richard Marcinko starts going up the stairways, as some of the walls have caught fire from the grenade explosion. Smoke is filling the place, activating the water sprinklers.
Inside the main office of the second floor, the two remaining Green Berets are inside with the Ambassador. Suddenly an explosion from another C4 charge takes out the door of the office. “Ambassador Smith, hide under the desk, quickly!” ordered one of the Green Berets. They start shooting at the smoke at the door with their M4A1s, but as the smoke clears up there is nobody there. They put down their M4A1s and take out their Beretta M9s from their holsters, knowing that they would be more useful under the shower of the fire sprinklers, and carefully walk towards the door. Seeing an empty hallway, they make a signal to each other, one goes down the hallway and the other stays behind, protecting the Ambassador.
The Green Beret going down the hallways carefully checks his surroundings, holding his Beretta M9 ready to fire at the slightest movement. He never notices Richard Marcinko walking behind him, with his Gerber Mark II knife on his hand, he stabs him from behind at the same time that he covers his mouth with the other hand. The Green Beret is slowly lowered on the wet floor as he dies. Richard Marcinko puts the Gerber Mark II knife back in his holster, as he takes out his HK Mk. 23 SOCOM again from his holster, and walks down the hall towards the Ambassador’s office.
The remaining Green Beret sees Marcinko approaching and starts shooting at him with his Beretta M9, hiding behind the charred wall of the office door. Marcinko quickly takes cover behind a column in the hallway, and both Marcinko and the Green Beret exchange shots with their guns.
Eventually they both run out of bullets, the Green Beret takes out his E-Tool and opens it, walking carefully to the column filled with bullet holes that Marcinko was hiding behind. Before he can reach it, Marcinko jumps out from behind it, holding his Gerber Mark II knife on his hand. The Green Beret, surprised but alert, swings the E-Tool at Marcinko, who dodges it, and then stabs the Green Beret on the throat, and then pulls out the knife, twisting it for maximum damage. The Green Beret falls down as buckets of blood comes out of his neck wound, getting washed away by the fire sprinklers.
Green Berets:
Marcinko puts the knife back in its belt holster and walks towards the Ambassador’s office, knowing that he must be hiding somewhere in there. He would capture him, and show that the Embassy’s security was not good enough to stop a terrorist attack.
Winner: Richard Marcinko and Red Cell