Isaac's Team vs Felix's Team
and pages posted when I have time.
Isaac’s Team and Felix’s Team are squaring off in front of the Jupiter Lighthouse Aerie. “Isaac,” Felix says, “I tried to avoid this.” The two teams face off in a battle.
Isaac’s Team
Felix’s Team
Ivan attacks first, casting Spark Plasma. Jenna, Piers, and Felix all nimbly dodge, only getting some of the damage. Sheba was preparing her own Spark Plasma, and got the brunt of the blast. . Piers casts Diamond Berg!, and a block of ice crushes Ivan. Piers then slashes through the bloodstained ice, downing Ivan. . Jenna then casts Searing Beam, and while Garet and Isaac dodge, Mia is not so lucky. . Her charred corpse hits the ground as Garet casts Liquefier! on Jenna. Despite them both being Mars Adepts, Jenna is…
New tourney
I’m hosting another tourney starting in September, and this one has sixteen entrants:
Round One: Vin (Mistborn) vs Jon Snow (A Song of Ice and Fire). Edge: Vin. Winner: Vin.
Round Two: Ishamael (Wheel of Time) vs Kopaka Nuva (BIONICLE) Edge: Ishamael. Winner: Kopaka.
Round Three: Illua (FFTA2) vs Isaac (Golden Sun) Edge: Illua. Winner: Illua
Round Four: Vasher (Warbreaker) vs Majora (Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask) Edge: Vasher. Winner: Vasher
Round Five: Alex Mercer (Prototype) vs Achilles (The Iliad) Edge: Alex Mercer. Winner: Achilles
Round Six: Hurlock (DA:O) vs the Ninja (I-Ninja) Edge: Hurlock. Winner: Hurlock
Round Seven: Nightmare (Soul Calibur IV version) vs Kratos (God of War III version) Edge: Nightmare. Winner: Nightmare.
Round Eight: …
Teridax vs Zeus
In our second of two match-ups, we have Makuta Teridax versing Zeus. Teridax brings his full arsenal of Shadow powers and Kraata/Rahkshi powers to the battle, against Zeus’ Lightning powers. He also pits his Staff of Shadows against Zeus’ shield (he had one in Homer’s epics), and has his Kanohi Kraahkan, the Mask of Shadows, against Zeus’ godly limbs.
Zeus won, 10-6.
Battle and their pages will go up shortly.
Echo Team vs Bad Company
Now that the finals have ended, I have one of two new matches for ya. This one is Echo Team (from Resistance 2) versus Bad Company (from Battlefield: Bad Company 2). The stat list is organized into team members, not weapons.
Echo Team is compromised of Sentinels, superhuman warriors who fight to the death against the Chimera. They are lead by Nathan Hale, a Lieutenant who was the only survivor of the York offensive to liberate Britain, and wields a Bullseye, an assault rifle that has a secondary fire mode of a homing tag. Their sniper is Benjamin Warner, a Sergeant who uses the Marksman, which fires in three-shot bursts and has a secondary fire of a drone that shocks victims repeatedly. Their explosives expert is Aaron Hawthorne, ranked as …
Leolab's Battles/Part 1
- 1 First Tourney
- 1.1 Dante vs Cervantes
- 1.2 Link vs Kelsier
- 1.3 Skrall vs Stalfos
- 1.4 Siegfried vs Xianghua
- 1.5 Cervantes vs Link
- 1.6 Siegfried vs Skrall
- 1.7 Siegfried vs Cervantes
- 1.8 "Expert's" Opinions
- 2 Modern Warriors Battle
- 2.1 Echo Team vs Bad Company
- 2.1.1 Opinion
- 2.1 Echo Team vs Bad Company
- 3 Teridax vs Zeus
- 3.1 Opinion
- 4 Isaac's Team vs Felix's Team
- 4.1 Opinion
Dante is sailing back to Florence after escaping from Hell. While sailing off of the coast of Spain, he notices a dramatic and sudden weather change: where it was once sunny and cheerful, it is now cold and rainy. Worried, he straps his cross to his belt. He sees a ship approaching and realizes that, despite the heavy winds and rolling seas, his boat has not moved. Thinking something has gone awry, he walks out onto the deck of his …