Deadliest Fiction Wiki

Leolab Leolab 1 November 2010

Vin vs Illua

Vin: The second-most powerful Allomancer in existence (second after her husband, who can't fight for his life), and the hero of the Mistborn series.
Illua, the ruthless leader of Khamja and holder/author of the Grimoire of the Rift


Short Range: Katana wins. I’ve made this point too many times: steel beats glass. Edge: Illua

Mid Range: Koloss Sword wins. Abyssal Slash is a powerful technique, but it can’t overpower the Koloss Sword in terms of damage potential or range. Edge: Vin

Long Range: Dimensional Rift wins. The coin is hard to see, track, or stop, but Dimensional Rift is impossible to stop and has a higher damage potential across a larger area. Edge: Illua

Special: Allomancy wins. I think that this has been explained enough, s…

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Leolab Leolab 17 October 2010

Nightmare vs Gerald Tarrant


Short Range: Soul Edge (SCIII) wins. This is an almost dead even match in terms of the swords. However, the Zweihander’s longer reach gives it an edge. Edge: Nightmare.

Mid Range: Coldfire wins. That magic is much more powerful than anything Nightmare can bring to the table. It’ll be able to freeze his armor clean off, leaving him vulnerable, as well as outright killing him. Edge: Tarrant.

Long Range: Ernan Gun wins. I’ll take a gun over a sword, even one that’ll misfire at the slightest doubt it’ll work. Edge: Tarrant.

Special: Shapeshifting wins. Tarrant has so many more options with this than Nightmare does with his Critical Finish, as well as being able to shift into more powerful forms. Edge: Tarrant.

Tarrant won, 4-1. I've been too …

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Leolab Leolab 14 October 2010

Achilles vs Hurlock

Achilles: Hero of the Iliad, immortalized warrior, and Arete
Hurlock: The Darkspawn’s Shock Troop


Short Range: Shield wins. The Hurlock bashes with that shield, making it offensive and defensive. Edge: Hurlock

Mid Range: Spear wins. Achilles’ spear far outreaches the Darkspawn Longsword. Edge: Achilles

Long Range: Darkspawn longbow wins. Bow vs javelin, I’ll take the more reliable longbow over the javelin any day. Edge: Hurlock

Special: Shield wins. 300+ kills on the show, anyone? Edge: Achilles

Achilles won, 8-1. I haven't had much of a chance to write the battle, so I'll put it up when it's finished. Should be around tuesday or wednesday. Thanks to a gross miscalcualtion on my part, the battle is now up.

Achilles is fighting in the T…

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Leolab Leolab 10 October 2010

Illua vs Vasher

NOTE: Illua gets two people as back-up for this fight

Illua: ruthless head of Khamja and holder/author of the Grimoire of the Rift
Vasher: The mysterious figure in the book Warbreaker


Short Range: Katana wins. Rope or sword? Difficult choice. . Edge: Illua

Mid Range: Even. Abyssal Slash is an absurdly powerful move, and the squirrel is an absurdly powerful squirrel. Edge: Even.

Long Range: Dimensional Rift wins. Nightblood may be a powerful sword, but Dimensional Rift is obscenely powerful and can easily kill Vasher. Edge: Illua.

Special: Kalad’s Phantoms win. Stone warrior = instapwn, even if Illua has major issues (read: is really bad at) with actually dying. Edge: Vasher

Illua won, 6-4.

Vasher finds himself in the Ruins of Delgantua, …

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Leolab Leolab 9 October 2010

Vin vs Kopaka Nuva

Vin: The second-most powerful Allomancer in existence (second after her husband, who can't fight for his life), and the hero of the Mistborn series.
Kopaka Nuva: The Toa Nuva of Ice and the deputy leader of his team.


Short Range: Ice Shield wins. Shield vs glass daggers? Shield. Edge: Kopaka

Mid Range: Koloss Sword wins. Two blades against an anime-sized sword? That sword has a massive blade, and will break Kopaka’s equipment. Edge: Vin

Long Range: Pushed Coins win. Yes, the Ice Blade is a double-sided sword, but the Pushed Coins have immense range. Here, we have armor-piercing, hard to detect, and accurate projectiles against a sword. Edge: Vin.

Special: Allomancy wins. Kopaka has total mastery over Ice, but let’s break down Alloma…

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