See title.
ES is dead, too, unless someone wants to pick it up.
I'll drop on chat once in a while. Maybe. I will vote on the Fate tourney, tho, Dargoo. I'll do some editing on the collab, Darggo/Wass/Appel, but I probs won't write much more.
Also, any and all matches I haven't written have my permission to be rematched. If you don't want to go digging through my old blogs, here's a list:
- Orcs v Darkspawn
- Trollocs v Dremora
- Darkspawn v Daedra
- Matoro Mahri v Agatio
- Kazuma v ZWEI
- Mordin v Death
- Garrett v Altair
- Lancer v Lancer
- Yukie v Assassin
- Lyndis' Legion v Greil Mercenaries