Deadliest Fiction Wiki


Sometimes, it seems like all the works of fiction with variations of vampires in them are constantly competing to outdo one another in terms of how powerful they can make their bloodsuckers. There are famous vampires out there that can regenerate from a drop of blood, wield power over life and death, and can stop time in its tracks. But what about their classic rivals, the werewolves? It's rather rare to see a werewolf with the crazy powers that vampires are so often given these days, but today, I'm showcasing two exceptions. They are Free, the immortal wolfman fighting out of misguided loyalty, and the Captain, the Nazi werewolf in search of a glorious death! Which one of these lycanthropes is DEADLIEST!?


He's an immortal magic werewolf. I can't deny that this guy is strong, but he sure is... clumsy.
— Eruka Frog

A powerful and mischievous immortal, the Wolf Man with the Magic Eye was a thorn in the side of the Witch Order for centuries, culminating with his ultimate crime of stealing the left eye of the witches’ queen. As punishment, he was imprisoned within Witch Prison, where he was sought out by a rogue witch, Medusa Gorgon, who freed him. Out of gratitude, he swore allegiance to Medusa and gave himself the name of Free to celebrate his release. Free aided in Medusa’s plot to revive Asura, an ancient evil. Free was eventually captured by Death Weapon Meister Academy, Medusa’s enemy, and was put on trial for his crimes. He was sentenced to a thousand deaths, but DWMA’s Death the Kid successfully negotiated on his behalf and spared him his punishment. Grateful, Free aided in the final battle against Asura.

  • Shapeshifting: Free can change between his human and wolfman forms at will. Turning into a wolfman does not change much in the way of Free’s abilities besides gaining extendable claws, fangs, and a tail, but it also boosts his total magical energy, and he needs to transform to use his stronger spells.
  • Immortality: As a member of the Immortal Clan of werewolves, Free is completely immune to death via conventional means. No amount of injury can kill him, no matter how severe. He is still capable of feeling pain, however.
    • Regeneration: In addition to being unable to die, Free will eventually heal from any wound he receives. He can recover from deep cuts or impalements in seconds. Lost limbs or even bisection can be healed in a matter of minutes.
  • Demon Eye: Free earned the ire of the Witch Order by plucking out the left eye of their queen and using it to replace his own. The eye grants Free a portion of the queen's magic. Its signature attack is the Demon Eye Cannon, which fires a cylindrical beam of magical energy that is powerful enough to carve a path through stone and explodes when it reaches maximum range. It also allows Free control over ice magic and spatial magic.
    • Ice Attribute Magic: Free's ice magic involves summoning ice out of thin air and manipulating its shape. He can make sharpened icicles emerge from the ground or use them as projectiles, altar the terrain by creating walls of ice, or encase his limbs in ice for increased striking power. He can use the latter ability on his opponents to trap them in place. His most potent technique is Frigid Jailhouse, which completely encases the target within a pillar of ice. This technique requires a significant amount of ice, and Free needs a moment to gather moisture from the air before he can use it.
    • Spatial Magic: Spatial magic allows the user to warp the space around them. Free knows three spatial techniques: Teleport, Independent Cube, and Forwarding Vision. Teleport allows the user to teleport themselves and anyone in their immediate vicinity. Independent Cube can transport a large cube-shaped area of space into an alternate dimension, which is impossible to escape from. Forwarding Vision creates an intangible and massless clone of Free that mimics his movements. The clone can speak and relay sensory information back to Free. Spatial techniques can be effective from miles away, but this requires extreme precision.
  • Ball and Chain: A souvenir from his time in Witch Prison, Free has a ball and chain locked on his left ankle. Due to his enhanced strength, the weight doesn’t slow him down at all, and he can make use of it as an improvised weapon, using it to enhance his kicks. Free can use his ice magic in combination with the ball in a technique called Ice Shackle Bullet, in which he encases the ball in ice to increase its weight and power.
  • Fighting Wolf Fist: Free is an accomplished martial artist and uses a unique fighting style that takes advantage of his natural abilities. Fighting Wolf Fist is similar to the real Northern Praying Mantis style and focuses on quick and powerful strikes that attack an opponent's weak points and create distance. It suits Free, as his immortality removes any serious danger from such an offensive style and the distance it creates allows him to make use of his magic.

The Captain[]

He looked like a child who just woke up from a pleasant dream. These men... They've been trapped in the same dream since World War II.
— Seras Victoria

The werewolf known as the Captain was a soldier of the Millennium Organization, a group created by the Nazis to weaponize supernatural creatures and phenomena. After the fall of the Third Reich, Millennium remained hidden for decades, with its members progressively losing their minds and becoming obsessed with war and glorious death. Millennium finally made its move by launching a massive attack on London, with the Captain leading the assault. Millennium was driven back by a counterattack by the Hellsing Organization, and the Captain retreated to Millennium’s zeppelin. Hellsing raided the zeppelin and the Captain engaged in combat with Seras Victoria, a vampire and Hellsing’s newest recruit. After a lengthy battle, Seras thrust a piece of silver into the Captain’s chest, killing him.

  • Shapeshifting: The Captain has three different forms that he can change into at will: his human form, a wolfman form with a human’s body and a wolf’s head, and the form of a giant white wolf that stands as tall as a human at the shoulder.
  • Regeneration: Any wound that the Captain receives can be regenerated in a matter of seconds. He can come back from impalement, lost limbs, or even having half of his head sliced off. Only wounds delivered from objects made of silver will have any lasting effect.
  • Mist Form: The Captain can transform parts of or the entirety of his body into a mist-like substance to become immune to physical attacks and escape traps. By transforming most of his body into mist but keeping his head or limbs intact, he can evade most damage while still being able to attack.
  • Mauser C96s: The Captain wields a pair of modified Mauser C96s with extremely long barrels. Real C96s use the 7.63×25mm round, but the Captain's guns appear to be much more powerful, capable of blowing apart vampires or shredding through the metal floor of a zeppelin after a few shots.
  • Model 1924 Stielhandgranaten: The soldiers of millennium wield M24 stick grenades, relics of World War Two. They come packed with 170 grams of TNT and have a blast radius of approximately fifteen meters.
  • Hand-To-Hand Skills: The Captain is a highly-skilled fighter in close quarters, making him dangerous even without the use of his powers or weapons. With his speed, he can quickly close the distance before subduing them at close range, as evidenced by his battles against Walter C. Dornez, Alucard, and Seras Victoria. Each of these fighters possesses unique supernatural weapons and powers, yet the Captain capable of overwhelming them with nothing but his bare hands.



Not much is known of Free's past, and much of what can be known of his fighting experience before the events of Soul Eater comes from little more than conjecture. Considering his combat knowledge, membership with an infamous clan of werewolves, and rivalry with the Witch Order, he was likely already an experienced fighter with a variety of foes before his imprisonment. After his release and swearing allegiance to Medusa, he fought in a handful of battles against the students of Death Weapon Meister Academy and the agents of Arachnophobia, an organization led by Medusa's rival sister, before eventually being captured.

The Captain is at least 155 years old and has been fighting for Millenium since WWII. Serving with Millenium and his early battles with the Hellsing Organization made him highly familiar with supernatural creatures and forces. After the end of the war, he continued to serve with Millenium as they steadily grew in power from the shadows and gathered resources and weapons in preparation for their final battle. As Millenium's highest-ranking officer, he led the charge at the massive Battle of London, a night-long massacre involving demonic vampires, Catholic cyborgs, crusaders, and an army of zombies.


In addition to his magical powers, Free is extremely physically capable. He's strong enough to smash through stone walls or lift and throw chunks of ice as large as he is with ease, and is surprisingly quick for his size, being able to react to and fight evenly with Black☆Star, who can dodge automatic gunfire and move fast enough to turn invisible. Along with his immortality and regenerative abilities, he's difficult to damage, as shown when he withstood sustained gunfire from Death the Kid's pistols, which can easily obliterate the walls of a pyramid, and suffered no damage. Although he can still feel pain, he's highly resistant to it, and being stabbed in the head in multiple places is little more than an annoyance to him.

The Captain is a physical beast and is possibly the strongest warrior in his universe in terms of physical abilities alone. He’s strong enough to effortlessly bend steel with his bare hands and bisect vampires with simple blows. He’s quick enough to dodge a hail of automatic gunfire and is faster than Seras Victoria and Alucard, who can both move faster than the eye can track and weave between individual bullets. He is also highly agile and can evade dozens of projectiles at once. His flesh is tougher than steel, and he can grab the razor wires of Walter Dornez, which are sharp enough to slice through buildings, with only minor injuries. His strength is superior to even his own durability, and exerting his full strength can damage his own body.


Free's fighting style, due to his lack of concern about personal safety, is extremely offense-based. He hits hard and fast, rapidly using his wide variety of spells to keep his enemies on their toes. while also maintaining moderate distance to keep his options open. He's quite skilled in combining his different abilities into effective combination attacks, such as tossing his opponent away with his martial arts skills and stopping their movement with an ice wall for a follow-up attack. However, after being imprisoned for two centuries, Free is out of practice and not nearly as skilled with his magical abilities as he once was. It's common for him to accidentally use the wrong spell, or improperly aim those spells due to his complete lack of spatial awareness. His spatial magic techniques, which require a great deal of accuracy, suffer the most because of this.

The Captain has a procedure of escalation that he seems to follow in his battles, increasing the use of his lycanthropic powers when necessary. He tends to open with the use of his conventional guns and grenade before rushing in and attacking his opponent in hand-to-hand, using his overwhelming strength and durability to potentially gain the upper hand, before going all-out in his wolf form in an attempt to bite his foes in two. Intermittently, he'll enter his mist form to evade attacks and ambush his target. However, like all of the Millenium Organization, the Captain doesn't care too much about winning. After living and fighting for over a century, he's only interested in dying a glorious death in battle, and he'll even blatantly aid his opponents to improve their chances. In his final battle, he deliberately led Seras Victoria to a treasury containing a tooth with a silver filling - a weapon capable of killing him.


  • This was supposed to be up on Halloween. Sorry.
  • The battle will take place on London Bridge, which is, interestingly, a location both warriors are familiar with.
  • Since both warriors are extremely hard to kill, this will decidedly not be a fight to the death. Whoever can incapacitate or disable their opponent for long enough for the fight to be considered over will be the winner.
  • Voting ends whenever.