Agent 47: A genetically engineered clone who has become the most skilled assassian in the world.
Master Cheif: Hardend Marine from the future who has kept Earth safe from aliens.
Who is Deadliest?
(Note: I know what your thinking. Agent 47 dosen't have a chance. Wrong. Agent 47 is the greatest assassian in the world and his skills are greater than that of Master Cheif's.)
Agent 47:
Short Range: Dual Silverballers
Medium Range: SPAS 12
Long Range: W2000 Sniper Rifle
Special: Fibrewire
Master Cheif:
Short Range: M7/Caseless Submachine Gun
Medium Range: MA5B Individual Combat Weapon System
Long Range: M392 Designated Marksman Rifle
Special: Combat Knife
On a spaceship passing by Mars Agent 47 wakes up from hypersleep for 6 months with his instructions and weapons by him. He understands his assignment and proceeds with the mission. He quietly sneaks out of the cargo hold and notices several guards patrolling the hallway. He ducks into the shadows and when one comes by he removes his helmet and strangels him to death. Agent 47 hides the body and puts on the suit of armor. He hides his weapons in a duffel bag and proceeds down the hall. He avoids talking to any guards and makes his way to the captian's quarters where Master Chief is going over battle plans with his commanding general. Agent 47 causes a distraction throwing a coin by the room where Master Chief and his commanding general are and they go to investigate. Agent 47 pulls out his dual Silverballers and begins to shoot the two men. The bullets have minimal effect on the armor and Master Chief runs back into the room where his weapons are while 47 manages to kill his commanding gerneral by shooting his helmet with his SPAS 12. As Master Chief returns he begins firing at 47 who dodges the shots and retreats into another room. Master Chief struggles to find him and 47 uses his W2000 to try to shoot Master Cheif with only minimal damage to the armor. Master Cheif fires his weapons at 47 which deflect because 47 was wearing armor. 47 crawls into an air vent and waits to strike. As Master Chief passes by 47 jumps down and attempts to strangle him with fibre wire. After a breif sturggle Master Chief pulls out his knife and stabs 47 only to have the knfie deflected by the armor. The two sruggle for a breif period until Master Cheif manages to overpower 47 and remove his helmet. 47 shoots at Master Chief only to have the bullets defelct and Master Cheif pulls out his gun and shots 47 in the head. Master Cheif walks away wondering how 47 managed to almost kill him.