German Stormtroopers: the hard-hitting soldiers of World War one Germany! vs. Free French Forces: France's secret weapon against the Nazis! WHO....IS....DEADLIEST!?!?
The French are going with a mixed French and German arsenal:
Long Range | Kar 98k Rifle |
Mid Range | MP 40 |
Short Range | MAB Model D pistol |
Explosives | "Potato Masher" Stick Grenade |
The Stormtroopers fire back with:
Long Range | Mondragon Rifle |
Mid Range | MP 18 |
Short Range | Luger P08 Pistol |
Explosives | Discus Grenade |
My edge goes to the Free French Forces, because there useing more modern weapons and they beat the Nazis, who came after the Stormtroopers.