Deadliest Fiction Wiki

KevlarNinja KevlarNinja 4 January 2013

Kevlar's Battle Match-up Formula

OK, before I begin the new tounry I have going, I thought I would like to post this idea I had the other day. Now, as we know, setting up a fight, even a fictional one has to be done correctly, or else one side has a huge advantage over the other and it becomes less of a fight and more of a burtal attack. So, I've set up this formula for new users and other people who don't have the benfit of our knowlage of what makes a good fight here at the DFW. Basically, it works in layers, going from most powerful down to the least:

  • 1 Level One: Gods and Immortals
  • 2 Level Two: Super-humans/Giant Monsters
  • 3 Level Three: Ultra-Futuristic Warriors
  • 4 Level Four: Near-Future Warriors
  • 5 Level Five: Modern Military
  • 6 Level Six: Modern Criminals and Law Enforcment
  • 7 Level…

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KevlarNinja KevlarNinja 3 January 2013

HELLO, BOY AND GIRLS!- KevlarNinja's slasher Tourament

Ahh, the Deadliest Fiction wiki. How I missed you. So much has changed since then: learned some new stuff, devloped new intrests, blah blah blah. Anyway, like a phenix from the ashes (or the Sly Cooper series after a seven year-hiatus, as Thieves in Time shows us) I LLLLLLIIIIIIIVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, yeah, before I start this, I guess I have to be honest with you guys. You do deseve it after all. The truth is......I got bored. *Sounds of various forms of weaponry being loaded, cocked, unsheathed, charge or in other ways aimed at Kevlar's various body parts.* I know what it sounds like. Don't get me wrong, I never EVER lost hope in this place and still thought it was a fun idea even after I disapeard light a passenger jet ove…

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KevlarNinja KevlarNinja 2 June 2012

Security vs. Cobra

  • Sorry, but my army tornament is on hold.

Security: Captain Mokoena's anti-terrorist army, who's member's exact motives are in question, vs. Cobra: the thorn in G.I. Joe's side, the very defintion of 'underhanded.' WHO.....IS......DEADLIEST!?!?!?!?

Cobra is ready to bite with:

Security is bringing down the heat with:

My edge goes to Security. They win more of the time, they work very well with their lack of supplies, they have different sorts of armor, and the move quickly through the enviroment.

Super humans with guns and bombs. RED Team versus The Agency. Meanwhile, I've got a underground bunker to make, see if I can outsmart bullet.......


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KevlarNinja KevlarNinja 25 March 2012

KevlarNinja's User Army Tournament

Chess, a game invented to teach about war tactics. And what a great idea for a tournament! No, the warriors are not going to be fighting like chess peices. That would be stupid. I mean the war tatics part. That's right, you've seen users stand behind their pick, you've seen them fight face-to-face, but now it's time to fight street-to-street! It's time to pick your units, find a foe, and UNLEASH HELL!!!!!!!!!

  • 1 But before things get out of hand, (as Professor Frink would say) with the shooting, and the stabbing, and the kicking in the GLAVIN! Let's point out the rules
  • 2 Now that we have the rules covered (at least for now), It's know time for you to see MY loadout, as well as to understand the format on how to build your army.
    • 2.1 KevlarNinja (Th…

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KevlarNinja KevlarNinja 18 March 2012

Nostalgia Tournament: Mario (Super Mario World TV series/The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3) vs. Freakazoid (Self-Titled Series)

Mario: Brooklyn plumber turned hero, who along side his brother Luigi fight King Koopa and his Koopa Kids! Freakazoid: Nerd computer ace turned nutcase, who saves Washington, D.C. (unless something better's on TV)!

Mario double jumps in with:

Freakazoid runs in with:

My edge goes to, ummm......I'm not sure. Freak has all these powers, and is unpredictable (not to mention intensely hilarious), but Mario has been in unpredictable situations (well, as unpredictable you can get with Bowser) before. Time to ask an expert. TO TWITTER! This is from @Bully_Koopa. "Awwwww, SHUT UP! We'll never get started!" Hhmmm...... Good point. I guess it's up to you guys to vote.


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