Deadliest Fiction Wiki

I'm finally making my first comic book blog, and it will be between two characters who are amalgamations of other classic, fictional, and mythological characters. Orlando, the immortal boastful changeling, vs Jack Horner, the legendary fairy-tale character. Who is deadliest?!



Orlando, born Bio of Thebes, is an immortal warrior and adventurer who changes sex involuntarily as the years pass. He gained immortality after discovering a mysterious pool of liquid in the city of Kor in Uganda. Orlando became present at several important junctures of history, from Ancient Greece and the Medieval era, up until the modern era of World War II and the War Against Terrorism, all the while meeting and fighting legendary and historical individuals. He himself has become a stuff of legends in many national folklore, participating in events such as the Sack of Troy, Ragnarok, and the founding of Camelot.

Orlando is an amalgamation of many fictional and mythological characters who are named Orlando or some variation of it. He is primarily Orlando from Virginia Woolf's Orlando: A Biography, in addition to Orlando the Marmalade Cat, and O. from the Story of O. He is also present in Greek mythology under different characters named Bias, as well as the legendary paladin Roland of the epics La Chanson de Roland, Orlando Furioso, and Orlando Innamorato.


  • Excalibur: The legendary sword of legend, Orlando stole it from the Lady of the Lake following the death of King Arthur and renamed it "Durendal" during his time as Roland. The blade glows with a faint blue light when Orlando wields it, and it's powerful to cut through anything, even magical creatures such as the Antichrist and various deities during Ragnarok. It was even able to clash with the legendary Stormbringer, another powerful magical weapon.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Immortality: After bathing himself in the same pool of liquid as Ayesha, Orlando gained superhuman abilities, most notably superhuman durability. He can survive almost anything that is thrown at him, even seemingly far more so than others who have bathed in the pool. He survived an explosion that leveled the Paris Opera House courtesy of Monsieur Zenith, and getting buried under the rubble soon after. He survived getting hit with a spell from Oliver Haddo's blasting rod, which can kill a person with one shot. He also survived hits from the Anti-Christ himself.
  • Unnatural Intelligence: During his time with the immortal Troglodytes in Abyssinia, he had sex with one of them in exchange for their greatest secret. They later introduced him to the Monolith, and after touching a shard, acquired a great deal of knowledge. Although it didn't change his personality, this allowed Orlando to basically learn everything easily and efficiently. This intelligence is the reason how he can quickly deduce and use machineries from ages far beyond the year he was born. He was capable of easily learning how to fly airplanes and drive submarines just by merely interacting with them.
  • Changing Sex: Orlando can change his sex every seven years. His behavior and bodily function change as well. As a female, he goes through menstruation, which usually still shock him. As a male, he has to shave every once in a while. This ability allows him to basically seduce his way throughout history.


  • Very vain, foppish, and full of himself.
  • Can still be hurt, wounded, or knocked out, though his wounds will heal.
  • His love of fighting clouds his judgement, and he will often times just charge into battle.

Jack Horner[]

Jack Horner 2

Jack Horner, also known as the Jack of the Tales, is a major character in the Fables comic book series. He is introduced as a roguish-fiendish trickster. As a con artist, he is always looking for quick ways to make a buck. However, Jack also displays a complete disregard for human life or the feelings of those around him, traits most often seen in those with sociopathy. Despite his scheming and reckless personality, he is a devoted foe of the Adversary and a capable combatant in his own right, due to his years of experience fighting giants. Throughout his time, he would go on to trick Devils, the godlike Literals, to other powerful fairy-tail characters.

The character is based on various nursery rhymes and fables with characters named Jack including Little Jack Horner, Jack and the Beanstalk, Jack and Jill, Jack Be Nimble, Jack Frost, Jack O'Lantern, Jack the Giant Killer and others. He is also the character seen in many Jack-titled tales in the American Appalachia.


  • Nickel-Plated Colt Revolver: A single-action colt that he used during his time in the Civil War, the American Old West, and during the Battle at Bullfinch Street. It can be concluded that the gun has 6 rounds in its cylindrical magazine, and is chambered for the .45 Long Colt. It was his primary weapon when he used to be an outlaw in the Wild West, gunning down people with extreme speed and accuracy. He once gunned down Bigby Wolf during their first meeting, and gunned down the Bookburner.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Invincibility: As one of the most popular fables around, he is very difficult to kill to the point of invulnerability; a power he received after making a film trilogy of himself in Hollywood to increase his popularity, as well as the time making deals with different versions of the Devil during his Jack O'Lantern days. Jack has survived all manners of harm done to him since becoming invincible. He's survived being tortured, getting impaled, gunned down, being mauled by monsters, run over by speeding traffic, explosions, and more. He can survive magical attacks too, such as getting stabbed by Excalibur and getting frozen by his son Jack Frost II.
  • Expert Con Artist: Jack Horner was literally written to be a rogue-trickster character by the omnipotent story-teller Kevin Thorn. Although his petty schemes against Bigby Wolf tend to fail, he has nonetheless tricked a variety of powerful individuals. For example, he once outsmarted a legion of Devils such as Nick Slick, Lucifer, Chernabog, and others into extending his lifespan, outwitted the godlike Literals named Mr. Revise and Bookburner, defeated Lady Luck who is a Fable that can control luck, stole the powers of the Snow Queen to become Jack Frost, and trapped the Grim Reaper in a magical sack.
  • Magical Nature: After turning himself into the "center of all stories" by increasing his popularity, magical things somehow tend to happen to or around Jack Horner. His magical nature was once powerful enough to reverse Mr. Revise's magic, created items like a bottomless briefcase, and allowed him to even break the 4th wall.


  • Very vain, horrible, and full of himself.
  • Can still be hurt, wounded, or knocked out, though his wounds will heal.
  • He can be cowardly, and many times, would try to talk or manipulate his way than risk fighting.



Orlando fought in numerous wars and was probably trained in different warrior cultures. He has knowledge of fighting which spanned from the Ancient era, Medieval era, to the World Wars. This does not even include some of the magical knowledge he has acquired by hanging out with wizards like Prospero and Merlin. Jack Horner has mostly been self-taught, although he did gain some standard training during his time as an officer in the American Civil War. He is smart enough to use whatever object as a weapon like a plank, casino table, and even a small coal from hell.


Both characters gained superhuman physicality. Orlando is strong enough to lift a man and pound his skull into paste, while Jack is powerful enough to also lift grown men and even lift a giant ax during his fight with Bigby. Jack is fast enough to surprise Goldilocks (who was an assassin in the comic series) and gun down Bigby Wolf, while Orlando is fast enough to dodge lightning from the Anti-Christ (a.k.a. Harry Potter) himself.


As immortals, both characters have experienced combat for hundreds of years. Orlando was present in the Trojan War, the Greek-Persian Wars, Roman Wars (including the Third Serville War and Caeserian Wars), Battle of Camlann, Battle of Roncevaux Pass, World War I and II. He fought everything from giants, faeries, mythological beings, to superpowered criminals, and even the Anti-Christ. Jack Horner has his fair share of fighting. During his time in the Homelands, Jack fought giants, scammed various devils, and messed around as Jack Frost. During his time in the Mundies, he fought in the Civil War and became an Old West outlaw. Afterwards, he would go on to fight against the Wooden Soldiers, Belgian gangsters, the Librarians, and godlike Literals.


  • Battle takes place in Paris, France and will end either if one character is taken out of action in any way.
  • This will be Orlando before the battle with the Anti-Christ and Jack Horner during their war with Kevin Thorne. Hence why they are restricted to the weapons, powers, and feats I have listed above. Mary Poppins and Gary the Pathetic Fallacy will not appear to assist the two.
  • Voting ends on December 31, 2021.


In a cafe somewhere in Paris, France, sat the immortal Orlando, indulging himself in sugar-glazed toasts which he dipped in warm cappuccino. The morning was new, and the fresh cool breeze mixed well with healthy sunlight, gave a relaxing sensation on the skin.

Unfortunately, the peaceful morning would be disturbed when a smug joined Orlando in his meal. The appearance of the man greatly contrasted that of Orlando’s. The messy long blonde ponytail? Trash compared to Orlando’s sleek black hair. That horrible white shirt and blue jeans? Rubbish in contrast to Orlando’s black dinner jacket and tie.

Yet, the man did not care. Not even a bit. He was there for business, one which Orlando had anticipated.

“You must be that Roland dude?” the man hastily greeted.

“And you are Jack Horner, I see?” politely answered Roland as he sipped his coffee.

The man then laid down on the table a plastic bag filled with beans of golden color. “I got what you are asking, pal,” Jack continued. “Real magical beans from the one and only, Jack himself.”

“This is the real thing?” asked Orlando.

“Of course it is! There’s nothing else in existence. Take a look at my yelp reviews. I got nothing but 5-stars to every customer I get. 100%!”

“Splendid,” Orlando said before placing his cup on the table gently. “But actually, it’s not your fake beans that I came her for.”

The immortal Orlando suddenly drew his Excalibur and sliced Jack in the chest. The man then fell down as blood spurted out of his opened arteries. “No hard feelings,” bantered Orlando as he got up from his chair. “The sorcerer Prospero sent me to kill or capture you. It’s too dangerous to leave other immortals running about. So if you would be kind enough to just-“

But before Orlando could finish, a kick from Jack hit him in the groin, making him stumble back to the table. Jack then got up and attempted to flee, yelling, “Why is it hard for people like me to make a living? All you have to do was to give me money and that’s it!”

Orlando stood and dashed towards Jack in blinding speed. Another slash hit Jack in the back, almost severing his spine. “You really have a messed up head, just as your reputation says.”

“Oh fuck off!” Jack replied. “The universe just can’t leave me alone. If it ain’t fables or literals coming after me, then its assassins in tweed suits.”

Quickly, Jack grabbed his colt revolver and emptied its magazine on Orlando. The latter took shots to the face, chest, and abdomen, and although still alive, staggered from the pain of getting shot. Jack took this chance to retreat towards the streets. He then broke a car’s window, unlocked it and went inside, before desperately trying to hotwire the vehicle.

Orlando got up, pissed off that his suit now had bullet holes in it. Seeing Jack inside a car, Orlando jumped up and landed on top of it, stabbing his excalibur on the roof. After prying the roof open, to his surprise, Jack was nowhere to be seen.

He then heard a laugh from behind him. Jack had apparently slipped away from the car, and now looked at Orlando with sinister eyes.

“Checkmate, dumbass,” Jack said after putting one bullet into his revolver, and firing it at the car’s gas tank.

The car exploded in a mighty inferno, sending Orlando into the air and into another city block. His body was then hit by a truck before crashing into a clothing store.

Jack smirked and whistled away into the traffic.

Expert’s Opinion[]

While Orlando had better weapons, Jack won because of having stronger immortality, better magical powers, and superior intelligence.