Deadliest Fiction Wiki
Deadliest Fiction Wiki

JWarrior89 JWarrior89 11 August 2011

Nightmare vs Meredith

Nightmare; the evil alter-ego of Siegfried Schtauffen, who kills warriors and absorbs their souls to restore his evil sword, Soul Edge, vs Meredith; Knight-Commander of the Templars in Kirkwall, whose desire to control mages and protect people from the dangers of magic borders on paranoia. Who... is... DEADLIEST!?

  • My initial edge goes to Meredith. While Nightmare is very powerful, he can be defeated by any warrior with enough skill. Meredith, as the leader of Kirkwall's Templars, is already a formidable fighter, but when she taps into the power of her Lyrium Sword, she becomes even stronger; she gains superhuman abilities, such as the ability to float along the ground, leap high into the air, send out a shockwave to blast her enemies back a…

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JWarrior89 JWarrior89 5 August 2011

Brotherhood of Nod vs Cerberus

The Brotherhood of Nod, the fanatical militant religious cult dedicated to Kane and the spread of Tiberium across the Earth; vs Cerberus, the pro-human paramilitary group headed by The Illusive Man, who seek to advance humanity's place in the galaxy by any means necessary. Who... is... DEADLIEST!?

  • 1 Nod Forces
  • 2 Cerberus Forces
  • 3 Battle Location
  • 4 Battle

  • Light Infantry

Nod's light infantry soldiers are armed with M16 MK. II Pulse Rifles, and protected with advanced combat armor.

  • Toxin Soldiers

Toxin soldiers are masters of infiltration, coercion, and sabotage. Their weapon of choice is a long-range sniper rifle which fires toxic rounds that brainwash the target, which could result in him turning on his own allies. The poison will also eventually kill …

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