Season 3 Episode 7: Cerberus vs Brotherhood of Nod (Rematch)
Cerberus: The pro-human paramilitary group headed by The Illusive Man, who seek to advance humanity's place in the galaxy by any means necessary...
The Brotherhood of Nod: The fanatical militant religious cult dedicated to Kane and the spread of Tiberium across the Earth...
Who... is... DEADLIEST!?
Cerberus is a human-survivalist paramilitary group led by the enigmatic Illusive Man. Cerberus' core belief is that humans deserve a greater role in the galactic community, and that the Systems Alliance is too hamstrung by law and public opinion to stand up effectively to the Citadel races. Any methods of advancing humanity's ascension are justified, including illegal or dangerous experimentation, terrorist activities, sabotage and assassination. Cer…
Season 3 Episode 6: Dante vs Bayonetta
Dante: The half-human, half-demon mercenary dedicated to destroying evil demons and other malevolent supernatural forces...
Bayonetta: The Umbra Witch who fights to find the truth about her past...
Who... is... DEADLIEST!?
- 1 Weapons
- 2 X-Factors
- 3 Expert Opinion: Dante (So-Pro Warrior)
- 4 Expert Opinion: Bayonetta (Lasmoore)
- 5 Battle
- For more info, click on the following links:
96 Strength 100
EDGE: Bayonetta. Dante is capable of punching through stone and overpowering demons larger than himself. However, Bayonetta is strong enough to send buildings and falling satellites flying with one strike.
97 Agility 97
EDGE: Even. Both warriors are capable of superhuman speeds an…
Season 3 Episode 5: The Arbiter vs Marcus Fenix
The Arbiter: The Elite formerly known as Thel 'Vadamee, who was sent on would-be suicide missions to regain his honor and serve the Covenant...
Marcus Fenix: The legendary Gear soldier who lead humanity to victory over the Locust and the Lambent...
Who... is... DEADLIEST!?
- 1 Weapons
- 2 X-Factors
- 3 Battleground
- 4 Expert Opinion: The Arbiter (Urbancommando77)
- 5 Expert Opinion: Marcus Fenix (Richard Starkey)
- 6 Battle
- The Arbiter will have his cloaking in this battle, but it will act as it does in the games; he can only use it for a few seconds at a time, he must let it recharge, and he will not be completely invisible.
95 Training 86
EDGE: The Arbiter. Marcus first enlisted in the military at around 19 - 20 years old, but the Arbiter recieved training at a young age…
Season 3 Episode 4: Han Solo vs Indiana Jones
Han Solo: The smuggler from the manufacturing planet Corellia who achieved galactic fame as a member of the Rebel Alliance and later the New Republic...
Indiana Jones: The American archaeologist whose search for mythological artifacts brought him into conflict with various groups, such as Nazis, Cultists, and Soviets...
Who... is... DEADLIEST!?
84 Training 93
EDGE: Indiana Jones. Most of Han Solo's skills were either self-taught or learned from less-than-reputable sources; his only real military training came from his brief time as an Imperial lieutenant. Indiana Jones, on the other hand, recieved full military training as both a soldier and a spy.
95 Experience 90
EDGE: Han Solo. Indiana Jones has a long service record, fighting in a number of…
Season 3 Episode 3: Starkiller vs Darth Revan
Starkiller: Darth Vader's secret apprentice, who eventually betrayed him and helped form the Rebel Alliance...
Darth Revan: The legendary Jedi Knight who fell to the Dark Side of the Force, only to return to the Light Side and save the galaxy from the Sith...
Who... is... DEADLIEST!?
For more information, click on the following links:
89 Mastery of the Force 97
EDGE: Darth Revan. Starkiller was skilled in the Force, but his experience was almost excusively in the Dark Side. Darth Revan, on the other hand, was able to master both Light and Dark Sides of the Force.
95 Lightsaber Combat 95
EDGE: Even. Both Starkiller and Darth Revan were some of the most skilled lightsa…