John Hunyadi: the White Knight of Hungary who fought against and eventually defeated the Ottomans @ Belgrade!
Jogaila: the the former pagan/King of Poland who formed the Polish-Lithuanian alliance and defeated the Teutonic Knights!
WEAPONS John Hunyadi
Short Range: Double-Edged Sword: 3 feet of steel double-edged anf pointed, designed for stabbing and slashing.
Mid Range: Hungarian axe: 6 foot shaft with a foot-long axe blade with a spike on the end. Like a halberd without the bludgeoning end.
Long Range: Crossbow: pullback load, cock in, ad shoots bolts up to around 150 feet.
Special: Hand Cannon: gunpowder weapon shoots a large steel ball upwards of 50 yards down range. Can also be used used as a bludgeoning weapon.
Plate armor and helmet.
Short Range: Arming sword: 3 foot slightly curved blade, like a sabre.
Mid Range: Spear: 5 foot wooden shaft with a foot long spearhead.
Long Range: longbow & bodkin arrows: English longbow-type bow that shoots bodkin arrows (uncomplicated squared metal spike). Can shoot upwards of around 200 yards.
Special: Francisca axe: Curved wooden handle with an 8-inch axe blade used in either close, mid, or long range combat.
Chainmail covered by plate armor and helmet.
Brutality:John/68: Jogaila/32. Hunyadi fought against a very ruthless Ottoman Empire; Jogaila fought against the Teutonic Knight over Christian supremacy.
Training: John/60: Jogaila/40. Hunyadi had slightly more military experience than Jogaila.
Determination: Jogaila/65: John/35. Jogaila was bent on turning Poland into a Christian nation, John tried to eliminate the Ottoman Empire, but was unsuccessful.
Stealth: John/70: Jogaila/30. John wanted the Turks killed off; Jogaila would allow vanquished enemies on occasions to live to fight another day.
Experience: Jogaila/80; John/20. Jogaila had 57 years to John's 18 years.
Voting System/Notes
Voting begins now. Being that both leaders will be wearing plate amor and helmets, this will be a 5-on-5 battle.