Deadliest Fiction Wiki

Godzillavkk Godzillavkk 19 August 2015

Imperial 501st Legion vs Renegade Squadron

The 501st Legion: The Imperial Stormtrooper legion whom even the bravest rebel soldiers feared

Renegade Squadron: The Rebel unit of criminals and outlaws that proved a sharp thorn in the Empire's side


Hello, it's been years since my last post, but I'm back. Well today, I present two elite fighting forces from the Star Wars Battlefront games, the 501st Legion, the Stormtrooper unit that annihilated the Jedi Order and won the Battle of Hoth vs Renegade Squadron, the band of crminals the Rebel Alliance hired to serve as an elite fighting unit. Despite being counterparts of the Galactic Civil War, these two units never actually faced eachother in any battle... until today!

The 501st Legion began as a Clone Trooper legion in the …

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Godzillavkk Godzillavkk 16 January 2013

Mordor vs The Empire(The Inheritence Cycle)

Mordor: The land of Sauron that threatened to rule Middle-Earth

The Empire: The fascist regime of Galbatorix that ruled Alegesia for centuries


In my first army vs army battle, I pit two powerful forces of evil against eachother to see who stands supreme, one threatens to rule, the other already does


Strengths: Orcs are fierce fighters and are deadly in army vs army combat

Weaknesses: Orcs don't have the strongest armor or the deadliest weapons in middle earth


Strengths: Trolls are big, strong and can take out multiple enemies in one strike

Weaknesses: Trolls have brains the size of peanuts


Strenghts: Easterlings are the elite of the elite in the dark armies of Middle-Earth, trained from childhood to fight


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Godzillavkk Godzillavkk 17 November 2012

Malefor vs Alduin

Malefor: The dragon ruler of hell who legend says will create a new world, by destroying the current one

Alduin: The world-eater who's return will mean the enslavement of humans and the end of the world



These two evil dragons have a lot in common, so I felt it necessary that they fight. Both are based of a demon of real life mythology, both threatened to end their native world, both were defeated in the past, later returned and were defeated by a hero who was prophicised to defeat them.

Malefor, based of Satan from Christainity, was the first of the Purple Dragon kind. (Though he says that they have been many before him.) Seeing his extraordinary potential, the Dragon Elders taught him how to master the elements, but his pow…

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Godzillavkk Godzillavkk 1 November 2012

Easterlings vs Foot Clan

An Easterling: The elite men of the East who pledged loyalty to Sauron

A Foot Ninja: The thieves and assasins who terrorized New York


This pits 2 of the deadliest human enemies in all of pop-culture, but both are from completley different worlds, one fights in a fanatasy world, the other in the modern day world, so choosing a battleground will be tricky. Leave thoughts for the battleground in the comments

Easterlings are native to Rhun, a land east of Mordor. Durring the reign of Numenor, Rhun was conquered. The Numenoreins first treated the Easterlings kindly, but later they became opressive people who stole land valuables from the Easterlings. This instilled a hatred of Numenoreans and their descedents into the Easterlings.…

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Godzillavkk Godzillavkk 27 September 2012

Minotaur(Narnia) vs Khajiit

A Minotaur: The Battle Hard butcher from Narnia

A Khajiit: The Legendary master of death from Tamriel



This battle pits two different races from two different fantasy worlds, I ike it when worlds collide and I've always wanted to do a Narnia/Elder Scrolls crossover. But here's one thing they both have in common, both have forsaken a god.

Minotaur origins remain a mystery, but durring the 100 year winter, they pledged their alligence to the White Witch and served as her elite soldiers. They slew many soldiers in the Royal Armies of Aslan, but eventually when the Witch was defeated they scattered. Later(In the movies only) they fought in the Telmar war alongside many races they once fought against.

Khajiit are native …

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