Deadliest Fiction Wiki

Godzillavkk Godzillavkk 11 February 2016

Mordor vs Annuvin

Mordor: The Land of the Dark Lord Sauron that seeks to rule Middle-Earth

Annuvin: The Land of Death that seeks to build a gobal Empire, starting with Prydain


I once pitted Mordor against the Empire from The Inhitetence Cycle but that sora went nowhere. But I've found a better opponent for Mordor, another evil realm. Annuvin from the kids fantasy series The Prydain Chronicles, with it's own evil overlord and dark armies. But how will these evil realms fair against eachother?

Since Annuvin is presumably the lesser known of the two and the underdog, it'll go first and I'll be sire to explain as much as I can about it so you can learn about it(If any of you have read the books, feel free to comment if I make a mistake since I'm a bi…

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Godzillavkk Godzillavkk 26 November 2015

The Old Narnians vs The Army of Pandora

The Old Narnians: The last remnants of the Kingdom of Narnia who fought against the Telmarine occupyers

The Army of Pandora: The army of tribal warriors and alien fauna that took the evil RDA corp on, and won


People often assume that modern technology wins battles. But there have been times in history where armies armed with primitive tech have defeated enemies armed with the modern weapons of the time. Examples include Red Cloud's War, the Battle of Little Bighorn and the Battle of Isldwana. This has translated into fiction and we have two examples. Both these armies have faced invaders who are equipped with vastly superior technology and greater numbered armies, and had animals fight alongside them as well. And yet despit…

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Godzillavkk Godzillavkk 25 October 2015

Scorpion vs Lucy/Kaede

Scorpion: The Shrai Ryu Ninja of Hell

Lucy/Kaede: The Diclonius queen who seeks to either join or destroy humanity


The Anti-hero. A charcter whom you never know what actions they'll take. And these two have it hard as they are not even human. But in a battle to the death, who will be left standing and who will lie dead?

  • 1 Scorpion
  • 2 Lucy/Kaede
  • 3 Battle
  • 4 Expert's opinion

Born Hanzo Hassashi,  Scorpion was a Shirai Ryu ninja. He had a wie, a son and everything he wanted. Then one day, he lost everything, his family, clan and even his own life, the latter of which was taken by Sub-Zero of the Lin Kuei clan. Imprisoned in the Neatherrealm, Hanzo meet Quan Chi who offered to help him get his revenge. Hanzo accepted the offer, and became …

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Godzillavkk Godzillavkk 19 October 2015

Atlas vs RDA

Atlas: The deadly Megacorporation that sought to end the world Superpowers

The RDA: The Sinister Conglomerate that sought to strip Pandora dry


If there's something pop-culture and real life can agree on, it's that Corporate sponsered militaries are never a good thing. And as an American Democrat I agree. But we're not here to discuss politics, we're here to compare two of the most evil corporate militaries in Sci-fi warefare.

Date of founding: 2035

Leader: Jonathon Irons

Activities: Staging conflicts, deceiving the public, arms dealings, making bio-weapons

Founded in 2035, Atlas quickly grew into the most powerful military force the world ever saw. It proved a reliable ally in the Second Gulf War where it rebuilt Baghdad and mad…

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Godzillavkk Godzillavkk 12 September 2015

Angmar vs The Fire Nation

Angmar: The Icy northern land of The Witch King that destroyed the Kingdom of Arnor

The Fire Nation: The Kingdom of Fire who waged a 100 year war for world conquest


This is the second time I've done an army vs army battle. The first one however kinda went nowhere. I'm planning on reposting it later but for now, let's get focused on this. These are two of the most ruthless and feared kingdoms in fantasy history ans well as two of the most feared conquerors in fantasy history. It's a battle of fire vs ice and west vs west prentending to be east.

Located in Northern Eriador beyond the Ettenmoors, Angmar is a harsh land of ice and snow filled with mountains and forests. In the Third Age The Witch King of Angmar uified the many mo…

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