Deadliest Fiction Wiki

Samurai,Feduel Japan's champion sword fighter V.S Knight,unstoppable warmachine of the Middle Ages.WHO IS DEADLIEST?!

close-range:Katana edge
long-range:Yumi Bow edge
X-factor:Bushido even




mid-range:Halberd edge
long-range:Cross Bow
special:Morning Star edge
X-factor:Chivalry even


The battle begins as a Samurai walks into a slightly shaded field with some patches of trees.On the other side a Knight is making his way to the area as well,thats when the Samurai gives out a yell and thrusts his Naginata to the ground.The Samurai then pulls out his Yumi Bow and fires an arrow at the Knight,the arrow bounces of the Knights thick armor.Frustrated,the Samurai fires two more arrows at the Knight but they too deflect off the Knight.The Samurai desperatly fires his last arrow at the Knight when he catches it with his sheild.Angered,the Samurai pulls his Naginata out of the ground and charges at the Knight,he atempts to block with his shield but the Naginata cuts through the Knight's shield like a canopener to a can of Ravioli,and tosses it aside.Defenseless,the Knight is attacked by the Naginata but it only makes annoying scrape sounds againinst his armor until the Samurai slashes the Knight's shoulder,thats when he grabs his Halberd and quickley disarms his opponent,and stabs the Samurai in the chest but the Samurai's armor manages to stop it 3 inches in.Madend,he pulls out the Kanabo and breaks the Halberd in half,he then beats the Knight like an Abusive Step-father with the Kanabo until it breaks.The Knight only suffering only imprints of the Kanabo's studs on his armor pulls out the Cross Bow and fires at the unarmed Samurai landing a hit in his shoulder.The Samurai pulls the arrow out and throws it to the ground like it was a People magizene with the Jonas Brothers and Justin Bieber on tour cover.The Samurai then un sheaths the mystical Katana and charges at the Knight when the Knight grabs the MorningStar and hits the Samurai in the head knocking the helmet off his head,the Knight swings again but the Samurai grabs it by the chain and severes it with the Katana.The Knight draws out his BroadSword and the two clash swords,then the Samurai cuts one of the Knight's fingers off.The Knight hides his hand in his side and rushes too the Samurai slashing his sword left and right the Samurai cant compete with the Knights speed when he locks his sword with the Knight's but the Knight puts both hands on his sword and it slips off the Katana blade and cuts the Samurai's hand off.The Knight then slashes his face an knocks him back,Finally he stands over the Samurai and thrusts his sword into his chest,The Samurai gurgles blood before he finally kicks the bucket,The Knight raises his sword and shoutsFor the glory of the king! and walks away.WINNER:KNIGHT


The Knight won because he was both a better fighter and had better armor,the Samurai's weapons injured the Knight but could not penetrate to kill him.
