Deadliest Fiction Wiki

Mothman, the bizarre, winged creature that brings disaster and death wherever it is seen; vs. Spring-Heeled Jack, the acrobatic demon who haunted the gas-lit streets of London. Who Is Deadliest?!

Spring-Heeled Jack


Offensive Weapons: Powerful wings; loud shriek can cause nausea and discomfort in enemies

Other Powers: Can fly at near-impossible speeds

Spring-Heeled Jack

Offensive Weapons: Steel claws on his hands; can spit blue fire

Other Powers: Can leap great heights and distances

My personal edge goes to Mothman. While Spring-Heeled Jack does have more dangerous weapons, he is a lot slower then Mothman. That, plus the unexplained, unpredictable events that happen in Mothman's presence could spell the end for Jack.

This battle has ended. For the results, check out the articles on Mothman and Spring-Heeled Jack Also, don't forget to check out the Advertisement Hub for the next battle!
