Deadliest Fiction Wiki

Captain Ash, the gentleman explorer who travels the world's most dangerous locales in search of artifacts and good times; vs. Captain Jack Sparrow, the legendary pirate captain and Lord of the Caribbean Sea. Who Is Deadliest?

Captain Ash
Captain Jack Sparrow

Captain Ash

Short Range: Kruger 9mm

Medium Range: Blunderbuss

Long Range: K-SMG

Explosives: Dynamite

Special Weapons: Flare Gun

Media of Origin: TimeSplitters (video game series)

Captain Jack Sparrow

Short Range: Cutlass

Medium Range: Flintlock Pistol

Long Range: Flintlock Musket

Explosives: Grenado

Special Weapons: Boarding Pike

Media of Origin: Pirates of the Caribbean (movie series)

This battle has ended. For the results, see the articles on Captain Ash and Captain Jack Sparrow.

This battle has entered Aftermath status.
