Deadliest Fiction Wiki
Deadliest Fiction Wiki
Please Dargoo come back, we will treat you better

Although Able and the Dragonborn have done battle on the wiki before, the battle was conceptually flawed, requiring the voters to go down a list of builds which were each based on one of the playable races, and explain why they would win or lose against Abel. Even when the rules were changed to the voters being allowed to pick one build to base their vote around, this could have led to some voters choosing a build that either does well or badly against Able to make their desired candidate win. To fix this, I am sticking with one build for the Dragonborn and have given more information on Able. So without further delay, let's begin, shall we?


Either a neat addition to Bible related SCP lore or an anime swordsman Gary Stu depending on who you ask
SCP-076-2 either possesses a mind constructed much differently than our own, or is completely insane, with little empathy or ideas in a way we would understand it. Concepts such as sex, love and equality are completely foreign ideas to SCP-076-2, or at least in comparison to its way of viewing them. [...] Also, while subject has admitted greatly enjoying the act of killing, causing pain (either emotionally or physically) holds no attraction to it. In short, a perfect sociopath.
— Psychological Profile of SCP-076-2

SCP-076-2, also known as Able, is an anomaly contained by the SCP Foundation. Originally having been discovered by one of the organizations that would merge into the Global Occult Coalition, Able's sarcophagus (SCP-076-1) was contained by the SCP Foundation, who soon would contain Able himself after he was killed, causing him to respawn inside SCP-076-1. Recognizing Able's combat prowess and eagerness for battle, the Foundation's military decided to weaponize him, despite pushback from research staff, leading to the creation of Mobile Task Force Omega-7, nicknamed Pandora's Box. MTF Omega-7 proved successful, completing several missions. However, missions that could satiate Able's bloodlust became increasingly difficult to come by. This would lead Able to go on a rampage, forcing the Foundation to detonate one of its on-site nuclear warheads to contain him.

  • Superhuman Strength: Able is strong enough to rip through a reinforced steel door over the course of 4 minutes, bend steel, pin some monster under an I-beam using only one arm, punch through stone, and casually toss fully grown men around. But again, he was no match for the SCP-4450 brothers, who at their max strength are strong enough to destroy an entire island.
  • Superhuman Durability: Able has a very high tolerance for pain and is able to ignore serious wounds, like having his arm chopped off, and managed to keep on fighting after taking multiple .50 caliber BMG rounds to the head. He also survived having an arm broken, the other severed, and a hole blasted into his chest all in quick succession by the SCP-4450 brothers, though he was crippled by this. Able is also implied to be highly resistant to low temperatures, as the inside of SCP-076-1 is approximately 93 Kelvin (-180 Celsius or -292 Fahrenheit). But he is not invincible, having been killed by sustained fire from a heavy machine gun, crushed beneath a 13.6 metric tonne piece of elevator equipment, and cremated by a Thermate-TH3 grenade placed directly inside an open chest cavity. And while he did indeed keep fighting after taking those .50 caliber rounds to the head, he eventually died from those injuries after a couple of minutes.
  • Superhuman Speed: Able can clear 64 meters within 3 seconds and swat bullets from assault rifles and handguns out of the air. That said, he was outsped by SCP-4450-α, who can move so fast that he seems to teleport.
  • Superhuman Stamina: When fighting against SCP-1669, Able fought for 14 hours straight without breaking a sweat.
  • Weapons Manifestation: Able's signature power, besides resurrection, is the ability to manifest bladed weapons in his hands. These weapons are pulled from miniature dimensional rifts which he can create at will and rapidly vanish when released from his grasp. His weapons can penetrate walls with ease, though this may also have to do with his strength. Able seems to favor swords and daggers.

The video below will not be considered canon for this battle, but it is a good demonstration of Able's fighting style nonetheless, even if Mr. Illustrated's art style kind of sucked back then.


SCP-682 vs SCP-076

Able fights SCP-682, the Hard-to-Destroy Reptile


If God didn't want me to be a stealth archer He wouldn't have made the crit sound so statisfying
When misrule takes its place at the eight corners of the world. When the Brass Tower walks and Time is reshaped. When the thrice-blessed fail and the Red Tower trembles. When the Dragonborn Ruler loses his throne, and the White Tower falls. When the Snow Tower lies sundered, kingless, bleeding. The World-Eater wakes, and the Wheel turns upon the Last Dragonborn.
— Prophecy of the Dragonborn

The Last Dragonborn is a legendary Nordic hero who was prophesized to slay Alduin, the World-Eater. While crossing the border between Cyrodiil and Skyrim, the Dragonborn was captured by the Imperial Legion and taken to the town of Helgen to be executed along with the Stormcloack rebels. Just as he laid his head on the chopping block, Alduin appeared to ravage the town. Manging to escape with his life, the Dragonborn warned Jarl Bulgruf of the dragon attack and joined a band of his men in defeating another dragon by the name of Mirmulnir. After absorbing its soul, the Dragonborn's true nature was revealed to him, setting him forth on a quest that would end in him slaying Alduin, thus saving the world from destruction. Additionally, he also protected the world from being cast into eternal darkness by the vampire Lord Harkon and from being conquered by Miraak, the first Dragonborn.

  • Dragonbone Bow: A bow made out of dragon bone. The draw weight and maximum range of the bow are unknown. For this match, the Dragonborn will have matching dragon bone arrows, which have three-pronged heads.
  • Dragonbone Axe: A one-handed war axe with a head made out of dragonbone.
  • Dragonbone Warhammer: A large two-handed warhammer made from a dragon's femur. Dragon bone is incredibly tough, making this the highest-quality warhammer available in Skyrim.
  • Daedric Armor: A suit of ebony plate armor infused with Daedric energy, making it the toughest suit of armor that is possible to create in The Elder Scrolls series. The suit exists out of a helmet that covers the entire head, gauntlets, greaves, shoulder guards, chest plate, and a shield.
  • Nord Physiology: For this match, the Dragonborn will be a Nord, the people native to Skyrim.
    • Skill Bonuses: Nords are especially proficient in the use of two-handed weapons, and are also skilled in the use of one-handed weapons, shields, and light armor.
    • Spells: Being a Nord, the Dragonborn gets access to the spells Flames and Healing. The Dragonborn will have 100 magicka, which slowly regenerates over time
      • Flames: The user shoots a stream of flames from one or both hands. Flames cost 14 magicka per second.
      • Healing: A spell that slowly heals the user while being cast. Healing cost 12 magicka per second.
  • Shouts: The signature ability of the Dragonborn is Dragon Shouts, powerful magic that is used by shouting words from the Dragon language, usually for offensive purposes. Each Shout exists out of three words, with the Shout increasing in strength with each word spoken. Although shouts require a cooldown after each use, this is purely a gameplay restriction as many other users of the Voice have been mentioned as using Shouts in quick succession in the lore. All the shouts the Dragonborn will have for this match are listed in below.

The Dragonborn calls upon the spirit of one of three legendary heroes from Sovngarde to aid him in battle for 1 minute. These heroes include:

  • Gormlaith Golden-Hilt: Wears full plate, and shield, and uses a longsword and bow
  • Felldir the Old: wields a two-handed greatsword and can use the Frost Breath, which slowly enemies down for a few seconds and drains them of their stamina
  • Hakon One-Eye: wields a two-handed great axe and wears ancient Norse armor

As the name implies, shoots out a cyclone that tosses enemies into the air and deals damage upon contact. The damage and radius of the cyclone increase with each word used.

With this shout, the Dragonborn takes on aspects of a mighty dragon. His shouts become more potent too, become physically stronger, and he gains resistance to fire and ice damage. Additionally, he gains ethereal dragon armor applied to the head, chest, arms, and legs. The effects last for 5 minutes and can't be used until the next day once the effect ends.

By using this shout, the Dragonborn can drain anyone affected by it from their vitality to bolster his own for the course of 5 seconds. With one word he only drains their stamina, with two words their stamina and magicka (magical energy), and with three words their stamina, magicka, and health.

With this Shout, the Dragonborn's weapons are infused with the power of the wind, allowing him to attack twice as fast when the shout is used at full strength. The effects last for 15 seconds.

The iconic FUS-ROH-DAH. One word from this shout is enough to make someone stagger, two word pushes them to their knees, and the full three words sends them flying.

The Dragonborn exhales a large flame to burn his enemies.

With this shout the Dragonborn rushes forward with the speed of a tempest, with the distance he makes depending on the number of words he uses.


Skyrim Dragonborn - Final Boss- Miraak

The Last Dragonborn battles the first



While we don't get a lot of specifics on Able's training, but it is known that he frequently drilled with Omega-7 during his time leading them. This likely would have included regular combat and physical exercises.

During his adventures around Skyrim, the Dragonborn learned under a variety of teachers in the use of weapons, armor, stealth tactics, and more. These teachers ranged from adapts to masters in their field. He also learned the basics of the Thu'um from the Greybeard.


Much about Able's past is unknown, though he has lived for more than 10 thousand years and his personality nature suggests a long history of violence. After the SCP Foundation managed to make a deal with him, Able served within MTF Omega-7 for an unspecified amount of time, going on several high-level missions during which he fought a variety of anomalous foes, including a humanoid reptilian monster spawned from SCP-354 (a red pool that spawns monsters) that was able to resist gunfire, a pair of SCP-1669 instances (superhuman clones of Foundation researchers), and SCP-4450-α and SCP-4450-β (a pair of interdimensional debt collectors with even greater superhuman physicality than he has). He also gained experience fighting against gun-wielding foes after turning on the Foundation, which employs some of the best soldiers around the world.

The Dragonborn's life before embarking on his adventure is unknown. On his journey to protect Skyrim, the Dragonborn fought a variety of foes including wizards, bandits, undead draugers, including powerful magic using Dragonpriests and Thu'um using Lords, and dragons of course. Some of his more notable foes include Alduin (the dragon prophesized to bring the end of the world), Lord Harkon (a powerful vampire lord), and Miraak (a dragonpriest and the first dragonborn). He also fought in the Skyrim Civil War in several battles. All of this took place in roughly the span of a year, so the Dragonborn has certainly been busy.


Able is a blunt instrument. There is only one thought on his mind and it is glorious battle and death. His main tactic tends to begin and end with overwhelming his enemy with superior strength and speed before cutting them to ribbons. That said, he did lead Omega-7 through numerous battles, but it was not specified in what capacity he acted as leader.

While the Dragonborn's intellect and creativity depend on how you play him, there are plenty of puzzles he has to solve throughout his adventure, suggesting he is capable of problem sovling. The fact he also had some folks teach him techniques suggests the Dragonborn also possesses some genuine skill.


While the Dragonborn explores a dungeon, a spacial anomaly causes it to fuse with the facility housing Able. Eventually, the Dragonborn reaches Containment Area 25b and the containment cell housing SCP-076-1, which has fused with the dungeon's inner sanctum. Just as he approaches the cube, it opens and Able emerges from it. Relishing the chance to fight a worthy opponent after being trapped in his sarcophagus for so long, Able attacks the Dragonborn before him.


  • I will be using a version of the Dragonborn who has completed Skyrim's main questline and the main quests of the DLCs. I will be taken Able after the dissolution of MTF Omega-7.
  • Since the battle takes place indoors, Call Dragon and Storm Call cannot be used. Because Able is technically undead, Bend Will and Battle Cry won't work either and will only stagger him. I also didn't mention the Resist Frost racial ability since Able doesn't use attacks involving ice damage.
  • The Dragonborn only needs to kill Able once to win. We're not fucking Death Battle here.


  • Voting ends when I think I have enough votes.
  • A rebuttal can reduce a vote by half or full, depending on the quality of the vote and rebuttal, while a counter-rebuttal can restore it to full.