Deadliest Fiction Wiki

The Marine

Halo 3 odst the rookie by acetrainer44-d5f4k6x

The Rookie

The Rookie. The ODST who walked through the alien infested streets of New Mombasa to regroup with his team. The Marine. The lone space marine who fought through invading demon forces in Mars City and sent them back to hell. Who. Is. Deadliest? To find out, our world class voters are discussing history and fictions most lethal weapons. Using 21st century science and reasoning, we'll see what happens when the two warriors go toe-to-toe. No rules! No safety! No mercy! It's a duel to the death, to decide who is...


The Rookie[]



M6C SOCOM (also goes by M6S and Automag)


  • Caliber: 12.7x40mm
  • Capacity: 12 Round magazine
  • Rate of Fire: Semi-Auto
  • Also equipped with integral suppressor and muzzle brake

M7S Caseless Submachine Gun

M7S Caseless SMG


  • Caliber: 5x23mm
  • Capacity: 48 Round magazine
  • Rate of Fire: 900 rpm
  • Also equipped with suppressor, flashlight, and smart-linked optics

MA5C Individual Combat Weapon System

MA5C Assault Rifle

MA5C Assault Rifle

  • Caliber: 7.62x51mm
  • Capacity: 32 Round magazine
  • Rate of Fire: 750 - 900 rpm
  • Also equipped with digital ammo counter


Type-25 "Spiker" Carbine

Type-25 Carbine

  • Ammunition: Superheated Tungsten Alloy Spikes
  • Capacity: 40 Round drum
  • Rate of Fire: 480 rpm
  • Also equipped with 2 large tungsten alloy bayonets
  • It's so heavy that it has no noticeable recoil


The Rookie wears ODST Armor which has a kevlar undersuit covered in titanium and carbide armor plates with a heat resistant coating. The armor covers his entire body, though only a few areas are covered by the armor plates, leaving several small gaps more vulnerable, though overall giving decent protection against small arms and energy weapons. The armor also has other effects such as masking thermal signitures, regulating body temperature, and being air-tight to preform extra vehicular activities. The helmet comes equipped with a VISR system, allowing the ODST to see better in low light enviroments, as well as highlighting their surrounds in different colors depending on what they are (more info here).

After being separated from his group, The Rookie fought his way through the covenant infested streets of New Mombasa by himself. He eventually made his way to the data hive and took on literal swarms of covenant drones and even killed several hunters and a Brute Chieftain or two, as well as holding a position against waves of covenant forces before being evacuated with the rest of his team. His rank as Lance Corporal and status as an ODST suggests he has a decent amount of previous experience in the Human-Covanent War.

The Marine[]


UAC Pistol Doom 3

UAC Pistol

UAC Pistol

  • Caliber: unkown, pistol caliber
  • Capacity: 12 round magazine
  • Rate of Fire: semi-automatic

UAC Shotgun Doom 3

UAC Shotgun

UAC Shotgun

  • Caliber: unknown, shotgun caliber
  • Capacity: 8 round tube
  • Rate of Fire: Pump-Action
  • Reloaded 2 shells at a time

MG-88 Enforcer

MG-88 Enforcer "Machinegun"

MG-88 Enforcer

  • Caliber: unknown, likely intermediate caliber
  • Capacity: 60 Round magazine
  • Rate of Fire: 600 rpm
  • Also equipped with digital ammo counter, buzzes on low ammo

Plasma Gun Doom 3

image of a Plasma Gun with the text Plasma Gun on screen next to the Plasma Gun

Plasma Gun

  • Ammo: Synthetic Plasma
  • Capacity: 50 Round cell
  • Rate of Fire: 480 rpm
  • Also equipped with digital ammo counter
  • Powerful enough to scorch metal


The Marine uses the Security Armor, which durable enough to protect him from multiple hits from gunfire, plasma blasts, and being hit by demonic monsters. It also comes equipped with a flashlight. It seems to only cover his torso and shoulders. It also comes equipped with a helmet capable of letting the marine survive in space momentarily, though it is rarely actually seen on him (i consider this a design choice in the game, and for the purpose of the battle he will have a helmet). The suit also seems to protect him from toxic environments and radiation, as well as being in hell.

The Marine was one of the few - if the only - survivor of the demonic invasion of Mars City. During the events, he fought through multiple types of demons, including but not limited to such as imps (which are very agile and can generate plasma balls), z-secs and commandos (demonically altered soldiers, which seem to retain some level of their training), and even fought against multiple hell knights (imps but bigger and tankier), sometimes simultaniously. On top of going into the depths of hell twice, he also fought against the mighty Cyberdemon and the Maledict. (though he required special artifacts to actually defeat them, his survival against it is still noteworthy). He also holds the rank of Corporal, implying a degree of prior service, though if he any saw combat or against what is unknown (until the events of the game, of course).

NoteWorthy Information[]

  • 1 v 1
  • The Marine will be as he is during the events of Resurrection of Evil
  • The Rookie will be as he is during the events of Halo 3: ODST
  • Battle will take place in an abandoned moon base at ranges less than 10 meters, the zombies from call of duty will be trying to kill them both. The moon base will have breathable atmosphere.

  • Votes must be in English, so that i am able to read them.
  • High quality arguments are expected (at least 1 - 2 sentence or 1 good sentence per category).
  • Have fun or else i won't be able to count it. No exceptions.
  • Voting will last for 2 weeks, reserved votes have up to an extra week if needed.
  • Yeah that's about it. (most of this is jokes btw)

  • to be written

    to be determined