Just a little respect...
I know that while I'm at the bottom of the wiki totem pole, what does a guy have to do to get some recognition around here? I actually do have some good match-ups and I write pretty good simulations with good spelling and grammer. Every time I try to post a match-up, it is always decided by only one person. I'm not asking for pity, just some friends.
Hugh de Paynes vs. Oda Nobunaga
Known as the Father of the Knights Templar, he lead them into battle during the first Crusades and emerged victorious.
Japan's Demon King who used early blackpowder weapons to gain an advantage over his enemies and eventually united over a third of Japan.
For this match-up, we have a mtch-up of myth vs history. We are pitting knight vs samuria, but taking it to a whole new level, using two legendary leaders who became known amongst their people as amazing leaders and strategists. This time we will also be judging the armor these warriors wore as well as the general tactics that these men have used.
To judge, this week we have out mystical mage, Jyhet; our brawling gladiator, Sir Awesomeo; and the benevolent overlord, me, Affectos.
So let's get th…
Just a few updates for this week.
First, due to a lack of votes on my first match-up, we have extended the voting period another week, so if you would like to take a look and post your opinion, we would appreciate it. As of now in the Bass Reves vs Eliot Ness we have only one vote for Ness.
Second, after we wrap up the Reeves vs Ness Match-up, we'll be moving onto Oda Nobunaga vs Hugh de Paynes, where we'll introduce the addition of tactics into the match-up.
Finally there may be a chance that we'll be doing an 'Aftermath' styled deal for during the down time of the upcomming summer months.
Thanks, and this has been Affectos
My Emotions are Might
Bass Reeves vs. Eliot Ness
Bass Reeves: America's first African-American U.S. Marshal who arrested over 3,000 men, yet never took a bullet
Eliot Ness: The man who declared war against the Capone gang and formed the Untouchables and took control of 1920 Chicago
Finally after numerous delays, I am proud to bring you the 'pilot' episodes of Affectos's Deadliest Warrior Season N. Tday with the help of my best friend Jyhet and common ally Sir Awesomeo, we will give our personal insights into the weapons and X-factors that made these men who they are today. So without furthur ado, let's pull the weapons out of the closet.
Close Range: Colt Peacemakers VS. Colt 1920 Offcial Police
· Affectos: The Colt Police is more manuverable and is double action, so if you can …
a minor detail....
I have been prepping my pilot match-up and it's nearing completion (expect it to be up by the end of the memorial weekend), but as I began to write the first half of the match-up, I realized that i don't know how to do the little men symbols that I commonly see to keep track of which team has lost a fighter.
any help to making them would be appreciated.
Affectos 16:15, May 25, 2012 (UTC)