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This may not be the page you're looking for. Please see Mercenaries (disambiguation) for other pages about a character or group known as Mercenaries.

Time to earn your bread, grunts.
— Merc announcer

The Mercs (short for Mercenaries) are a playable faction in the multiplayer modes of the Call of Duty: Black Ops video game series. As their name implies, they are soldiers for hire who act as the military wing of the Cordis Die revolutionary movement.

During the creation of Cordis Die, Raul Menendez realized the need for an army of professionally trained soldiers to conduct various combat actions against the Western nations. With the aid of his second-in-command DeFalco, Menendez was able to use his vast wealth to hire thousands of mercenaries to work for him.

Since its creation, the Mercs dutifully acted as Cordis Die’s military arm, protecting its assets and launching several operations for Menendez in his mission to take revenge against the United States of America. The Mercs were also frequently seen clashing with the FBI after Cordis Die launched its global revolution.

It is ultimately unknown what came of the Mercs after Menendez's capture, though it is likely they dispersed, being no longer being paid by their patron.

Battle vs. Shadow Company (Reboot) (by EDMUND456)[]



Shadow Company agents patrol the interiors of Building 21, a highly classified facility rumored to be developing various types of weaponry. Five agents walk into the garage to search for any infiltrators in the building. Suddenly, the garage door explodes open and Mercenaries storm through, firing their weapons immediately. While the agents run for cover, one of them is hit with a hail of bullets from a Merc's MTAR.


The Shadow Company agents call for backup whilst returning fire. The firefight continues with both teams taking casualties. An agent kills a Merc with his Expedite 12 and tries to shoot another one but runs out of shells, forcing him to reload. While he exits cover to fire again, a Merc runs up and kills him with his Skorpion EVO. That Merc is then subsequently killed by an agent with a BAS-P. A Merc sniper moves to the corner of the room to take shots at the Shadow Company agents from a distance. He takes down one before the rest of the agents begin to retreat.



Shadow Company reinforcements from the second floor begin to converge on the garage but are intercepted by Merc reinforcements emerging from the cubicles. A Merc runs around the corner and blasts the first Shadow Company agent he sees with his KSG while his squadmates line up behind him. The other agents take cover in the hallway corners, nearly escaping the hallway as the Mercs open fire. One of the agents fires his Lachmann-556 and takes down a Merc. Another agents fires his 556 Icarus down the hallway killing another Merc but his recoil causes the LMG to trail off, allowing a Merc to take him out with an MTAR. Back to the garage, the initial squad of Mercs begin to rush into the facility.



A Shadow Company agent with his Victus XMR aiming down the hallway patiently waits for his target to come through. A Merc runs through and gets shot. The sniper bolts his rifle for a second shot as another Merc begins firing at him. He kills that one too before quickly taking cover behind the corner barely catching his breath. Cocking his rifle again, he peeks for another shot but his head is blown off by a Merc with a DSR 50. The last Shadow Company agent of the first team now escapes through the A1 stairwell to the second floor.



That turns out to be a mistake as he bumps into the Merc team at the cubicles and is promptly gunned down by the startled Mercenaries. Though, this becomes a distraction as the other Shadow Company agents flank the Mercs by running alongside the gym. Two Mercs perish before the rest disappear through the A2 stairwell. The Mercs then regroup for the final fight.



The Merc with an LSAT takes point at the stairwell while the Merc with a DSR 50 covers the flank alongside the Data Center. The third Merc stays behind in the hallway armed with his Skorpion EVO. The ambush happens as a Shadow Company agent bursting from the stairwell opening fire before perishing from the LSAT fire. But the LSAT runs out of bullets and the Merc is killed by another agent with his BAS-P before getting shot by the Merc with the DSR 50. But because he was distracted, the sniper is killed by a flanking agent with his Lachmann-556. The final Merc knows he is the last one left and fires his Skorpion EVO down the hallway. In his panic, the bullets are inaccurate and he is shot in the shoulder by the agent who went prone in time. As the Merc takes cover behind the corner, the agent approaches, arming himself with his P890 pistol for a CQB encounter. But the moment he turns the corner, he is pelted with a fully automatic blast of bullets from the Merc's KA-40 pistol, with the recoil rising up to hit the agent's head.


Shadows: X


The final surviving Merc radios his comrades telling them that there are no more hostiles within the building. Or so he hopes. Sooner or later, more Merc reinforcements being greeted by the last Merc. They begin deploying CLAWs inside and outside the building to clear out any stragglers and further fortify the area. Once that is done, the wounded Merc hops on an arriving VTOL for an exfiltration. As he looks off into the distance, he sees Federation NH90 and Mi-24 Hind helicopters flying past the building. He doesn't think much of it as they aren't an active threat. For now...

Expert's Opinion[]

Despite Shadow Company being more professional in comparison, the Mercs use of rapid dominance overwhelmed them, rendering the Shadows unable to keep up with the ongoing assault.

To see the original battle, weapons and votes, click here.
