The Later Jin, officially known as Jin or the Great Jin, was a Chinese dynasty located in Manchuria and the precursor of the Qing dynasty. The dynasty was founded by Jianzhou Jurchen Kahn Nurhaci in 1616.
Nurhachi founded the Later Jin by organizing the scattered Jurchen, Mongol, and Han Chinese into so-called banners, creating a unified entity. Having taken offence to the Ming dynasty's favouritism and meddling in Jurchen affairs, Nurhachi released his manifesto called the Seven Grievances, effectively declaring war on the Ming in 1618. The war saw the quick expansion of the Jin in a string of military successes, before finally coming to a stop in January 1626 when Nuhachi was defeated by Yuan Chonghuan during the Battle of Ningyuan. He died a month later and was succeeded by Hong Taiji.
Hong Taiji oversaw the creation of the Jin's artillery corps, allowing them to fight the Ming on equal footing, adopted the name "Man" for the united Jurchen people, and fully incorporated the Manchu's allies into the Banner system. In April 1636, it was decided Hong Taiji should become to be the emperor of the Great Qing, and thus the Later Jin were incorporated into the newly founded dynasty.
Battle vs. Samurai (by Kazanshin)[]
Winner: Samurai
Expert's Opinion[]
The samurai didn't have too hard a time winning. They were already familiarized with cavalry like the Manchurians, had superior training, and brought guns to the fight.