“ | Grimlock is KING!
— Grimlock
” |
Shortly before the Great Exodus, the Lightning Strike Coalition were a brutal subgroup of Autobots under the leadership of Grimlock who reluctantly followed Optimus Prime's more cautious brand of warfare... when ordered. Optimus preferred playing the long game, but Grimlock felt that caution would hinder their attempts at quick victory. During one of the Lightning Strike Coalition's missions, they captured an enemy soldier and questioned him about the Decepticons' seemingly endless supply of energon. The Decepticon soldier caved in to Grimlock's interrogation, and revealed that a wellspring of Energon had been discovered by the Decepticons near the Sea of Rust. The Decepticon's tale seemed too fantastic to believe, and Grimlock had the prisoner executed. Nonetheless, his curiosity was piqued, and Grimlock sent out Swoop to investigate.
Some time later, during another mission, Optimus Prime ordered the Lightning Strike Coalition to return to base and abandon a battle, lest they waste precious energon. Grimlock reluctantly obeyed. However, when it was discovered that Swoop was in Decepticon custody, Grimlock ignored Optimus Prime's orders, broke ranks, and the Lightning Strike Coalition went after their captured teammate on their own. Good Intentions Grimlock, secure in his arrogance, was glad that the fate of Cybertron rested in his hands.
Grimlock and the others traveled to Swoop's last known location in the Rust Sea, fought through wave after wave of weird multi legged creatures, and finally reached the mastermind behind Swoop's disappearance, Shockwave, who had deliberately lured them there alone in order to take them as prisoners and avail himself of their infamous hardiness by using them as victims in his experiments. As the others were overwhelmed by Shockwave's Insecticons, Siege Mentality Grimlock struggled free of the creatures to engage Shockwave himself, and managed to land a single blow on the Decepticon scientist, only for Shockwave to reveal he had knowledge of Grimlock's frame that allowed him to exploit its many weaknesses... weaknesses that Grimlock wasn't even aware he had. Grimlock was swiftly felled by the surgery-like precision of the Decepticons attack. As Shockwave explained that Grimlock had been tricked to leave the front lines so that the Decepticons could overwhelm the remaining Autobot forces, Grimlock tried to retaliate, only to be distracted by his teammates being tortured at Shockwave's command. Assuring him he would be broken, Shockwave then strung up Grimlock as he slipped into unconsciousness.
Awakening in Shockwave's laboratory, Grimlock soon found his entire body painfully disassembled by the scientist's machines, in the service of a twisted experiment to create the perfect soldier with incredible physical power and limited intellect. To this end, Grimlock and his teammates were reconstructed into new, more powerful forms based on ancient reptilian creatures from another world that Shockwave had glimpsed through a portal he had discovered in the Rust Sea.
His mind fragmenting, Grimlock struggled against Shockwave's mental conditioning, refusing to succumb to his control. Left strung up in the lab, in time, Grimlock was approached by Starscream, who offered to free him if he would destroy Megatron for him. Grimlock exploited the Seeker's hubris to effect an escape under his own power, and quickly located and freed his comrades, before pressing on to confront Shockwave at the base of his space bridge tower.
Grimlock's new alternate mode gave him the power to triumph in the battle that followed, but also resulted in the destruction of the bridge control console. Grimlock was thought lost in the subsequent explosion, but in time, his team-mates found his deactivated form and revived him. That day, the Lightning Strike Collision was no more and the Dinobots were born.
Battle vs. Predaking (Aligned) (by Samurai Santa Claus)[]
No battle written.
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