Deadliest Fiction Wiki

He's an immortal magic werewolf. I can't deny that this guy is strong, but he sure is... clumsy.
— Eruka Frog

A powerful and mischievous immortal, the Wolf Man with the Magic Eye was a thorn in the side of the Witch Order for centuries, culminating with his ultimate crime of stealing the left eye of the witches’ queen. As punishment, he was imprisoned within Witch Prison, where he was sought out by a rogue witch, Medusa Gorgon, who freed him. Out of gratitude, he swore allegiance to Medusa and gave himself the name of Free to celebrate his release. Free aided in Medusa’s plot to revive Asura, an ancient evil. Free was eventually captured by Death Weapon Meister Academy, Medusa’s enemy, and was put on trial for his crimes. He was sentenced to a thousand deaths, but DWMA’s Death the Kid successfully negotiated on his behalf and spared him his punishment. Grateful, Free aided in the final battle against Asura.

Battle vs. Captain (Hellsing) (by Laquearius)[]


Winner: Free

Expert's Opinion[]


To see the original battle, weapons, and votes, click here.
