Deadliest Fiction Wiki

— Fabian Seacaster

Raised in a life of privilege and bravado, Fabian Seacaster is the sole child of the infamous former pirate Bill Seacaster. As the first Seacaster born into wealth, Fabian decides to attend Aguefort Adventuring Academy, seeking to make his mark on the world as a champion athlete and adventurer like his father. His hopes for glory are dashed quickly in his career, as he picks a fight with fellow student Gorgug Thistlespring on his first day and is eliminated from the Bloodrush team due to being too good an athlete and a horrible teammate. During detention for the former, he and the other students caught discover demonic corn brought to life, with principal Arthur Aguefort killing himself to bring two of Fabian's companions back to life afterwards.

As the rest of the Bad Kids' freshmen year goes on, Fabian eventually develops a soft spot for his companions, buying them gifts anonymously and befriending a sentient motorcycle known as The Hangman. The Bad Kids eventually discover the perpetrators of the year's earliest attack, a cult of human supremacists known as the Harvestmen and their leader, the Emperor of the Red Wastes Kalvaxus. Fabian also learns that his father has secretly returned to his criminal life by supplying weapons and magic items to the Harvestmen, with Fabian earning his father's respect by beating him up in prison. After Kalvaxus learns of the Bad Kids' plans to ruin his ascension, he has the Harvestman attack their families including Fabian's family. Though he slays dozens of cultists and rescues his mother and maid, Fabian encounters a dying Bill, to whom he delivers the coup de grace after Bill tells him how proud he is of Fabian. The young man then returns to Aguefort Adventuring Academy, where he and the rest of the Bad Kids slay Kalvaxus and save the nation of Solace.

Battle vs. Sokka (by MovieStuff65)[]

As he parks his motorcycle between a Pontiac Aztec and a grazing jet black pegasus, Wolverine lets out a barely disguised groan beneath his helmet. Taking the keys out of the ignition, he takes off his helmet and looks behind him at his passenger. He taps his forehead, thinking I don't get why we're here, Red. Slim said he'd be fine.

As she takes off her own helmet, Jean smirks and thinks back to him. Because it'll be fun, Logan. And I haven't seen him since Emma came into the city. The two walk into Upper District's Community Park, Jean waving at a boy in large sneakers as he runs by with a quick "Hi Professor Grey!", followed by a boy in a toga flying slightly above him, who barely dives down in time to avoid the large "Governor Skully's Back to School Bash!" banner hanging between a pair of lamp posts. Spotting their partners amidst the rows of picnic table, outdoor games, and North University students and faculty, Jean reaches out to Scott with a mental Scott, to your left! We're over here!

Cyclops, sporting a t-shirt saying "Less Grades More Shades", turns around as he flips another burger on the grill, raising his beer to the pair as Emma waves. As the two women hug, Logan gives a curt "Beer?" before walking off into the direction Scott points him to. Walking up to a seemingly unmanned but elaborate bar, Logan takes a sniff in the air as the scent of absinthe nearly overwhelms him. Just as he blinks, the brief visage of Leo appears with his back to the mutant, a tentacle popping out of the user's back to hand him a glass of green liquid. "Pure absinthe. You'll heal," Leo says, before shifting Logan's vision again to turn him around and forget that Leo was behind the bar.

"I don't know why you bother setting up when you don't let yourself be seen," Cfp asks as he and Beast approach, the former dusting the last crumbs from his steak and pepper sandwich off his hands. "Just because I don't mind being seen, doesn't mean I should be." Leo says, another limb sprouting out from the grass to offer Beast a napkin as a glop of mustard falls onto his shirt. "Warriors not a part of the DFSB tend to be...surprised by my particular use of user powers."

"You've got someone coming," Beast helpfully says, clearly not spotting the eye located on the tip jar that Leo has been using to watch the park. Leo rolls his actual eyes beneath his mask as he turns around to see Fabian Seacaster, sweating profusely on account of wearing his letterman jacket in over 90 degree weather*. Leo freezes Fabian in place, guestimating the teenager's age, before making an apple cider mocktail and using another tentacle to put it in the half-elf's hand. "Don't even pull out your fake, Fabian."

*32 degrees Celsius for inferior metric users.

Fabian blinks his eye in confusion as he finds himself staring at an empty space and a new drink in his hand. "What the fuck..." he whispers, before shrugging and taking a drink. "This place is so weird." He begins to turn around, nearly bumping into his political science teacher. "Excuse me, Mr. Loghain. I demand a cornhole game before you leave!" Fabian says with a laugh, attempting to play off the near mistake and walking backwards into someone.

"Watch where you're stepping, pal!" Sokka yells, spinning around just as Fabian does. Seeing Fabian's eyepatch, Sokka gulps and begins a meek apology before his sandals drag along the heel of Fabian's shoes. The half-elf starts to laugh and shrug it off before feeling the impact on his foot. "I...I could say the same thing to you, Man-Bun! Do you have any idea how much these shoes cost?!" He looks down, horror dawning on his face as he saw the pristine white sole was shattered with a small scuff mark.

"You're overreacting, they're just shoes man! And I'll have you know this is a proud, traditional Water Tribe hairstyle!" Sokka says defensively, crossing his arms.

"Who the fuck cares about a Water Tribe? These are limited edition 1992 Air Jordans. And they're magic!" Fabian retorts, shoving his finger into Sokka's chest. Other students start to gather around, eager to see what occurs. The faculty begin to follow, before a mental alert from Cfp causes them to back down with an amused Now hang on a second, I wanna see this.

"I don't know what that even means," Sokka says, eliciting gasps from some of the students that know who Michael Jordan is, "But you don't gotta get all pushy over some shoes."

Fabian smirks, before taking a dramatic step back and drawing the Sword of Seacaster. "You don't know what a push is. Now taste the might of Seacaster Steel!"

The half-elf lunges, with Sokka dodging the attack by falling backwards to avoid it. As bystanders quickly scatter to make room, Sokka rolls to the side as Fabian attempts to thrust his rapier into his prone opponent. Sokka draws his knife from his back sheath, swiping at Fabian's legs, who gracefully leaps above the blade and over Sokka. "Is that the best you can muster, Man Bun?"

Sokka turns, just in time to parry another rapier thrust with his dagger. He quickly stands, throwing his shoulder into a surprised Fabian, who responds by using the momentum to perform a backflip and buy space for his sword. As the half-elf recomposes himself, a smug smile on his face, Sokka draws his boomerang, wielding it in one hand and his dagger in the other.

"What's that toy supposed to do, Man Bun?" Fabian taunts, planting his rapier into the ground. "What are you going to do, throw it at me?" Fabian asks, as Sokka throws the boomerang at his blind side. Fabian easily moves his head, retrieving his blade and aiming it at Sokka. "Now, fight me like a man!"

Sokka smirks as he charges, giving a yell with his raised knife. Fabian prepares to respond, before a whooshing sound catches his ear just as the boomerang hits his sword arm, knocking the Sword of Seacaster from his grip. Cursing, Fabian involuntarily grasps his now-bleeding hand as Sokka charges, slamming the hilt of his knife into Fabian's face.

The two boys tumble across the park's lawn, with Sokka grabbing the stunned Fabian and throwing him into a nearby picnic table. He looks around at the table and its startled users, grabbing the ketchup bottle from the claws of the large turtle-like school lunch lad. "Gonna borrow this," Sokka regretfully says, before squirting it in Fabian's eyes. Sokka grins in triumph just as Fabian finally plants his feet in the ground, leaping several feet in the air and putting Sokka on the ground.

Fabian lands on the picnic table, wiping the ketchup out of his eyes. Blinking through tears and cussing, Fabian looks down in time to see Sokka swiping at his legs with his own sword now. Jumping over the first swipe, Fabian begins to run to the opposite side of the table as Sokka chases him with the sword. The fighter does a combat roll off the table, going low as he lands as he kicks out, tripping Sokka.

Undeterred by the fall, Sokka crawls towards Fabian, awkwardly swinging his sword while still on his belly. Fabian continues to roll sideways, the spectators watching with amusement as the two young men continue their battle on the ground, rolling away from the cluster of picnic tables into the game area. "Stand! Still! So! I! Can! Hit! You!" Sokka says, each word punctuated by a swing followed by a few more inches on the ground.

"Never! I can roll on the ground all day, Man Bun." Fabian says, before each stops. They glare at each other, before standing back up and brushing themselves off. Sokka gives a yell, charging with his sword, with Fabian sidestepping as Sokka thrusts. Instead of tripping him, this time Fabian grabs Sokka's wrist and knocks his arm downward. The blade plants itself into a cornhole board, and Fabian kicks Sokka to separate the two, before sprinting back to retrieve his own blade.

"You, homeless vagrant! My sword!" Fabian yells to a spectator, who shakes her head. "I will pay you 500 dollars!" He offers, and the orange girl reluctantly floats the rapier into his hand. Sokka, attempting to retrieve his sword from the cornhole board, turns to see the charging Fabian. Sokka grabs the bean bags, chucking the cluster at Fabian. Fabian slashes one before it gets to him, but the remaining four softly hit Fabian in the chest and face.

Finally drawing the meteorite sword from the cornhole board, Sokka gets into position just as Fabian dashes up to him. The pair cross blades, getting into each other's faces, with Fabian shoving his way forward into Sokka. Though he tries to pivot and turn back around for an upward swing, Sokka's attack is easily parried by Fabian. The half-elf feints to the left, Sokka quickly moving his sword to block it.

He instead withdraws the blade and swings it around his head, swinging at Sokka's right. The flat of the blade smacks into Sokka's cheek, stunning him with enough time for Fabian to slam the hilt of his rapier into his forehead. The warrior falls, instantly unconscious. "Aha! And that's what you get for scuffing my shoes!"

WINNER: Fabian Seacaster

Expert's Opinion[]

While Sokka's ability to improvise and fight on the fly made him a crafty opponent, especially for the often brash Fabian, the difference in skill really was too great to overcome. Fabian's superior training and swordsmanship, and his superhuman agility and athleticism, let him put pressure on Sokka in a manner that kept him from coming up with a good enough plan to stop Fabian for good. Even with his more versatile arsenal, Sokka just proved the inferior himbo to the son of Seacaster.

To see the original battle, weapons, and votes, click here.
