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The F-22A Raptor is a highly advanced 3rd generation Tactical Surface Fighter, developed by Lockweed Mardin for the US Army as the next-generation TSF to replace the F-15 Eagle. Notable for its cutting-edge performance and stealth, the F-22A is truly a 3rd generation TSF in every sense of the word, and is capable of both stunning anti-BETA and anti-TSF combat performance.

Despite its appearances and the tactics of its users, the F-22A is extremely maneuverable in close-quarters combat thanks to its design and the high thrust-to-weight ratio of its Jump Units. Unique among TSFs for its multi-port compound-eye sensors and low-profile head unit influenced by Lockweed Mardin's involvement in the Hi-MAREF project, the other portions of the F-22A's frame are also optimized to reduce radar signature from the front via stealth coatings, materials used in construction, and anti-radar shaping.

Several other improvements, like the implementation of Operation By Light in its components, integration with active jamming technology, super high speed cruise capability for long-range stealthy travel, reduced noise and heat signatures from its Jump Units and lowered vibration level when walking are also part of the F-22A's overall stealth capabilities, bringing its lethality to new heights in anti-TSF combat. Its design remains top-of-the-line even a decade after its conceptualization, solid proof of the Raptor's legacy.

Battle vs. Starscream (Bayverse) (by EDMUND456)[]


Expert's Opinion[]

Starscream had better maneuverability and tactics because he did not require a pilot to operate unlike the Raptor. His sawblade was also a better weapon than the combat knife.

To see the original battle, weapons, and votes, click here.
