“ | Don't be afraid of death. Be afraid of the doctor!
— Edward Richtofen
” |
Doctor Edward Richtofen is a sadistic scientist working for Nazi Germany. Richtofen disliked the Nazi regime and considered the party's agenda too moral. Through his strong urge to kill and maim, the scientist enlisted into the Wehrmacht in order to satisfy his need to kill. He joined the nazi research group, Group 935 led by Doctor Ludvig Maxis. Group 935's main facility was located near Breslau, a top-secret weapons factory, which the Nazi government titled "Der Riese". Group 935 prime goal was to help with the German war effort, They were responsible of using Element 115 to develop advanced technology. 115 was used to create a series of Teleporters capable of sending troops to various areas of interest. However, their tests failed and their result was the creation of an army of zombies (because 115 had the ability to reanimate dead cells). One of the primary experiments of group 935 was the wonder weapon experiments, in which they attempted to create super powerful weapons, such as the Wunderwaffe DG2, the Raygun, the QED, the Scavenger and the Wave gun. Later on Richtofen and three others, Takeo Masaki (an Imperial Japanese officer), Tank Dempsey (a Marine Raider), and Nikolai Belinski (a Red Army soldier) must now combat Richtofen's own horrendous creatures.
In Buried (also called as Resolution 1295 or Processing), a Black Ops II Zombie map, Richtofen's fate is player determined by activating a Easter Egg in such level.
Battle vs. Chris Redfeild (by ReyesRebels)[]
The battle starts with richtofen sitting in a chair, not really doing anything. Redfeild sees him and sees him, surrounded by weapons, seeing richtofen as a threat, he fires an rpg-7 at him. It misses. Richtofen sees this and pulls out his AUG he fires many shots at redfeild, who fires one g36k bullet at richtofen hitting him in the chest. He falls, Redfeild smiks and points a flamethrower at him. Richtofen pulls out mustang and sally and puts 3 rounds in Redfeild. He kicks redfeild in the face and puts his head in the thundergun. "no!" "n-no!" "NO!!!!!!!!!!!" redfeild pleads for mercy. ED WANTES YOUR HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Richtofen shouts then, fires the thundergun. It splits redfeilds head into little peices. Richtofen sits back in his chair. And plays with the monkey bomb.
Winner: Edward Richtofen
Expert's Opinion[]
Please consider a contribution by writing an expert's opinion as to why Edward won.
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Battle vs. Vladimir Makarov (by Urbancommando77)[]
No battle written.
Winner: Vladimir Makarov
Expert's Opinion[]
Please consider a contribution by writing an expert's opinion as to why Makarov won.
To see the the original battle, weapons, and votes, click here.
Battle vs. Medic (TF2) (by BeastMan14)[]
No battle written
Winner: Edward Richtofen
Expert's Opinion[]
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Battle vs. Alvin York (by Pygmy Hippo 2)[]
Western Russia
Edward Richtofen still had a lot of things to learn about how the Matter Transferance Device as it activated when he was walking back to his Wunderwaffe after leaving that admittedly interesting rival doctor to be eaten by the undead. How it also managed to bring back the troops he had and five others he couldn't quite remember if he had used in an experiment or not only served to anger him more when it left him with those idiots and without his great invention. Better yet, the thing was nowhere to be found and he was stuck in the middle of Russia which he had only heard of from an alcoholic 'ally' and he found it almost as amusing as his pawns to kill the communists and apparently anti-communists in their path.
He finally managed to figure out where the MTD ended up and Edward's Wehrmacht passed binoculars to him so he could see a large warehouse with a patrol heading towards it that didn't look like the other groups they had killed. The doctor suddenly realized it when he saw the flag flying on the building, Dempsey's country if he recalled correctly, and confirmed that he was indeed in the past as those two were allies in his time. Nevertheless Richtofen didn't care about them but he had a feeling he would have to cut his way through them to escape this horrible place and he didn't feel like going in without thinking of something resembling a plan.
Alvin York had been placed on patrol in Russia rather than called back home to help his nation against the newly communist Mexico, simply because the warehouse in this territory was considered extremely vital for some reason. He was never told why but at least he had a sizable group of squadmates with him and there was never much happening other than squirrels crawling about except he got an urgent report one day. Some unidentified group of soldiers was going through the neighboring area and killing any groups they came across, Bolshevik or White Russian, before stating that they were last seen headed their way.
It finally mentioned something about a priceless invention the US military found in their allies' portion of Russia and that the enemy group were likely going to try to seize it for themselves which Alvin and his American Expeditionary Force must prevent. The corporal put down the letter and checked that his rifle and pistol were loaded before going out on patrol again which resulted in another boring day of walking through the woods. One of York's soldiers got the feeling that they were being watched but he decided not to investigate, he still had time to prepare and he'd rather have them come to his defensive position than go find where this mystery threat was hiding.
Edward Richtofen managed to break inside the warehouse without being noticed the next day and spent at least ten minutes looking for the MTD so he could leave with or without the Wehrmacht, he really didn't care about them. Suddenly he heard a bang and saw one of the younger troops fall on his back with a bleeding forehead from a M1917 Enfield shot as he approached a corner to wait for the American group with his Bowie Knife drawn. It didn't take long for Alvin York's men to walk past him and the last one got a steel blade in his jugular before he used the corpse as cover from gunfire from Alvin York's Colt M1911 before he decided to start a conversation.
"Dempsey said wonderful things about your nation and I suppose you're the leader here?" "Corporal Alvin York and you're not an American, you're another German." "Ah, my accent betrays me. Doctor Edward Richtofen is here to examine your troops and I must admit they are auite dull." Two Americans got shot repeatedly in the back and gut with MP-40s and another man got the forehead bullet treatment from a Karabiner 98K before Alvin yelled for them to get to cover as Edward took his opportunity to flee. The doctor's Wehrmacht foolishly approached the enemy troops with full confidence in their capabilities before the corporal's men set up a Browning Automatic Rifle and shredded two men with it before he personally shot one fleeing foe in the back. One of Richtofen's troops had some sense and threw a Model 24 grenade behind the large box, blowing it up and adding more shrapnel to two Expeditionary force victims, before York's men threw a Mk 2 grenade back at his position, sending him flying forward as he advanced.
Edward knew that he was even with Alvin at the moment and he intended to keep his troops from doing any more foolish moves by making them come with him and had two act as his guard as he attempted another risky diversion. "American! Is that the best you can do?" An Expeditionary Force member ran in and got immediately shot three times, twice by the Wehrmacht riflemen and once by the doctor's. 357 Magnum that blew a hole in his chest before the corporal's Enfield took out his left sentry and wounded the other's arm. Richtofen smiled as the other troops came from the other side and tossed his grenade at them, completely annihilating the group, as York finished the job before taking his final shot at a charging enemy troop.
Alvin watched in anger as Edward fled once again and carefully followed him with his Spike Bayonet attached before impaling a Wehrmacht member through the chest as he attempted to jump out at him. The doctor's MP-40 fired in one quick burst, taking out the corporal's arm, before he emptied the entire Magnum cylinder into his leg and laughed as he finally got a response in the cry of pain he let out. "Come on! Show me that Dempsey's fighting spirit wasn't an exception!" York went for his holster but Richtofen reacted quicker and stopped on his wrist before taking his sidearm and putting next to his own waist before drawing his Knife and pulling his foe up mockingly for a punch in the gut.
Alvin barely got his Bayonet off his rifle and clumsily swung at Edward who took gis time in dodging and jammed his blade into his opponent's bad shoulder, causing him to fall to his knees in pain. "Oh come on, that crazy blonde woman I let get eaten put up a better defense!" The corporal thrusted forward in rage after he got up but the doctor grabbed his wrist and twisted it before driving his Knife into his gut instead and stomped on his good foot which made him fall onto the weapon. Richtofen could almost see his blade sticking out and rolled the barely alive York on his front so that he could grip Bowie's invention once more and gut his 'subject' with it before returning his Bayonet by jabbing it in his heart.
"The blood!...Ah, I see you're still alive. Sadly I can only finish you off with more lethal irony." Edward finally killed Alvin York with a shot between the eyes from his own Colt M1911 which his foe then decided to take as a souvenir as he headed towards the Matter Transferance Device to activate it. The doctor was finally out of the time where a corporal killed most of his 'patients' but he soon realized that he was still in Russia but this time a giant blimp with a hammer and sickle on it went past in the sky. "I should find some vodka so I can be like Nikolai if this continues..." At least Richtofen had it with him now so it would only take him a couple days to figure out how to get back to Germany or at least some place that had things he could easily deal with like zombies.
Winner:Edward Richtofen
Expert's Opinion[]
Edward Richtofen didn't have the majority of weapons edges but the MP-40 proved to be the deadliest weapon here in the confined warehouse and he had a better grenade in the Model 24. Alvin York's American Expeditionary Force troops weren't nearly as experienced as the Wehrmacht although he did hold a slight edge over the doctor but his skills relied more on luck than planning at times. Both were able to kill their foes and Richtofen's sadistic nature only made him more dangerous along with a complete willingness to use his troops to help him survive while York was likely to try a solo attack once again.
To see the original battle, weapons, and votes, click here.Battles here were deemed to be unfair or otherwise not in accordance with wiki standards, and have been removed from the statuses of the warriors and displayed below.
Battle vs. Red Skull (Comics) (by Goddess of Despair, Thundrtri, and BeastMan14)[]
Expert's Opinion[]
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Battle was declared invalid due to nerfing of the Wunderwaffe.
Battle vs. Miyo Takano (by Pygmy Hippo 2)[]
Shi No Numa
It had only been a month after Hinamizawa before Miyo Takano searched for her newest research venture, proving her adopted father right was great but she needed to keep working for those damn politicians if she wanted to keep living. Luckily her interest in WW2 IJA experiments led her to a facility run with the help of their German allies where it was rumored the living dead still roamed. The undead didn't scare Oyashiro-sama however and her Yamainu vigilantly stood at her side waiting for anything to dare interrupt her search for clues as to how to restart the project if it even existed.
Even Miyo was skeptical but then a loud boom echoed throughout the area and caused the team to ready their firearms. However nothing came but the scientist sent two of her Yamainu to investigate the location it came from to check what it was. "あなた二人、それが何であるかを調べに行きます" (You two, go check what that was.) Takano's men followed her orders and crept through the bushes to see a group of people who looked like they had cone from WW2 walking around in the former Doctor's Quarters.
One Wehrmacht recruit stood far from the building and took a bathroom break after the teleporting experience upset his bowels. "あなたはそれで何をしていますか?高野は私たちを殺すでしょう!" (What are you doing with that?! Takano will have us killed!) "私はその建物では発砲していません。" (I'm not firing at the building.) The Yamainu fired his RPG-7 at the unfortunate man outside who looked up and screamed as the 85mm round blew him to smithereens. "Was zur Hölle war das?!" (What the hell was that?!) The distraction worked and Edward Richtofen ran out of the building with his troops to see scorched earth and a puddle of blood.
They didn't have time to mourn as a pair of MP5SDs opened fire and took down another Wehrmacht recruit with bullets to the neck and torso. The Yamainu members hit Edward in the shoulder but made a fatal mistake as they stopped firing in surprise as his weapon glowed before firing. The Wunderwaffe DG-2's lightning bolt charred both of them before they could even make a sound and the corpses stood still for a second before toppling over. "Pathetisch, prüfe, ob es noch mehr gibt." (Pathetic, check if there's more.)
The Wehrmacht recruits made it up the hill to see more Yamainu members and the one in front gunned down one of them with his MP-40 before falling backwards due to a .45 ACP round hitting him between the eyes. Miyo's Colt M1911 was still smoking as she and her remaining man ran into the Communications Room and Richtofen slapped his remaining man as he mourned his friend's demise. "Nach ihnen du kleiner Scheißer!" (After them you little shit!) The old radios made excellent cover for any hiding attackers and the recruit ran inside like a madman and saw Takano after rounding a corner who he smacked with the butt of his gun. "Du Schlampe! Ich bring dich um!" (You bitch! I'll kill you!)
Miyo just grinned as the Yamainu rammed the Wehrmacht member into the wall before slitting his throat with his Scalpel and kept on carving until his eyes rolled back. Another shot rang out afterwards and the last man yelled in pain and fell over as his leg was hit before his arm was hit next and the last thing he saw was Edward's maniacal grin as he stabbed him between the eyes with a Bowie Knife. The two scientists' grins didn't faze either of them and they holstered their pistols and blades, sensing a moment to get to know someone like them before slaughtering each other like anyone else in their way.
"Bist du ein Nazi?" (Are you a Nazi?) "明らかにIJA?" (Obviously. IJA?) "Nein, ich arbeite für ihre Nachkommen." (No, I work for descendants of them.) "私は自分自身で特定のグループのために働いていました。" (I worked for a specific group myself.) "While I can speak Takeo's language, I prefer speaking in Dempsey's, I've gotten used to it." "English? I can speak it as well, doesn't really matter much does it though? All who challenge Oyashiro-sama die of the curse." "A curse or Schtabbing?" Both cackled at the joke before pulling out their blades again. "Anyways talking is boring, I live for the BLOOD!" "Been a while since the last sacrifice!"
The two lunged at each other and surprisingly despite acting like rabid animals, neither could manage to inflict more than minor wounds but Richtofen realized his reach advantage and stood his ground like a mighty bear, keeping his foe at bay with swings and taking a stab when the opportunity presented itself. Takano, like a opportunistic tiger, saw her own chance and kicked her opponent in the groin, causing him to gasp in pain and collapse before she plunged her Scalpel downwards. Unfortunately that left her open to a Bowie Knife stab to HER groin and a clip-point blade hurt much worse than a boot, causing her to shriek in agony and drop her blade as she rolled in pain.
Edward's grin grew wider as he drove the Bowie Knife into Miyo's back, hitting what he believed to be a kidney and dragged the blade across her body, severing her spine and taking out the other one in the process. As he raised the Knife for the final blow, the German doctor heard something and dragged the Japanese scientist outside to the hill where a horde of awakened zombies waited at the bottom. "N-いいえ!" (N-no!) "Auf Wiedersehen!" (Goodbye!) Richtofen tossed Takano to the undead before taking his hat off and drawing his Luger P08, merely reloading the pistol and waving as she was torn in half and her entrails were devoured by the undead before walking away to get his glorious Wunderwaffe DG-2 back from the desk he left it on.
Winner:Edward Richtofen
Expert's Opinion[]
Both of these psychotic scientists had advantages with their diverse arsenals, Edward Richtofen's longer Bowie Knife ensured an edge at Short Range and his Wunderwaffe DG-2 inflicted far more damage as a Special Weapon but Miyo Takano's Colt M1911 was the better pistol from WW2 at Mid Range and the MP5SD was the far more technologically advanced Long Range SMG. In X-Factors however, Edward dominated with his superior length and quality of experience, his mind was more suited for combat, and his mental health actually helped his capabilities in battle while Miyo's hindered her and her Yamainu members barely beat out the Wehrmacht recruits.
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