“ | "Unbowed, unbent, unbroken." The words of House Martell. A promise to our enemies, and a challenge to our lovers.
— Oberyn Martell
” |
Citizens of the deserts that compose the true south of Westeros, the Dornish are a kingdom of the Seven Kingdoms. Thanks to its geographic isolation provided by the deserts, the Dornish are an exotic people to the rest of Westeros, with its current leaders - the Martells - taking rulership after Queen Nymeria led her people from their homeland in Essos to Dorne. Nymeria allied with local Lord Mors Martell, and the pair conquered the rest of the peninsula under Nymeria's rule. Three hundred years later, when Aegon I Targaryen and his dragons attempted to do the same, the Dornish warriors held their ground, using the deserts and their mountains to force the Targaryens to a draw, retaining their freedom for centuries until King Daeron II arranged a marriage alliance with the Martells, finally introducing Dorne to the Seven Kingdoms.
Once a part of the Seven Kingdoms, Dorne and her soldiers proved loyal allies to the Targaryens, siding with them during Robert's Rebellion. Despite incumbent Prince Doran Martell's reluctance due to the Rhaegar Targaryen's treatment of his sister Elia, the Dornish sent 10,000 men to aid the Targaryens. In the aftermath of the war, when Elia and her children were brutally killed in the sack of King's Landing, Oberyn Martell attempted to raise a rebellion on behalf of the Targaryens, though this was quickly dismissed by Doran. With bruised egos and disdainful of King's Landing and its politics, the Dornish returned south, waiting for a chance at revenge.
Battle vs. Stormcloaks (by MovieStuff65)[]
No battle written.
Expert's Opinion[]
Despite the rigorous and effective training of the Dornish soldiers, voters agreed that the Stormcloaks' experience in real battle - as opposed to the far more limited domestic security work of this era of Dornish warrior - was more than enough to tip the balance in their favor.