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We are the Dalish: keepers of the lost lore, walkers of the lonely path. We are the last of the Elvhenan, and never again shall we submit.
— Oath of the Dales

Throughout Thedas, wandering tribes of the Dalish Elves travel the land to maintain their culture. After centuries of conflict with humans in an attempt to co-exist, the Dalish have separated themselves from human cities in favor of living off the land and in the wild. The Dalish have the primary goal of seeking out and restoring lost pieces of elven culture, in an attempt to restore the elven people to the glory they once had.

Although they tend to avoid human settlements, the Dalish inevitably come across them at some point. The relationships are tense at best, although in the Dragon Age offers of peace have been extended by small, individual parties. In order to maintain the elven history they do have, the Dalish do not stay together but wander in nomadic clans, each in charge of itself and recording its own history. The Dalish have a smug, superiority complex with the elves that live in human society, looking down upon them for abandoning their race.

Battle vs. Rangers of Ithilien (by Greenberet69)[]

Ithilien Rangers: Green Green Green Green

Dalish Elves: Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow

In the forest of Ithilien 4 Dalsih Elves are on a scouting mission looking for a safe place for their Clan to set up. Meanwhile 4 Ithilien Rangers are in the area and soon see the Dalish Elves and begin to follow them. The Elf leader raises his hand to tell his men to stop and then one of them asks whats going on and the leader says that something is up. Just then a arrow pierces the neck of the Elf in the backYellowthe Elves look into the tree line to see where the shot came from and don't see anything. A Dalish elf takes out his Dalsih Longbow and fires a random shot into the trees and they don't hear or see anything and just then another arrow pierces the same Dalish Elf and he drops down with a arrow in his neckYellow. In the trees are the Ithilien Rangers but unfortunately the arrow the Dalish shot had pierced the other rangers neck Green. The Lead Ranger signals his men to flank the Dalish from behind and they move out meanwhile the Dalish have hidden in the bushes and wait for any sign off movement and they wait and wait...

10 Minutes later

One of the Ithilien rangers are sneeking and accidentally snaps a twig and so a Dalish Elf quickly turns around with his Longbow in hand and fires killing the RangerGreen. The Elf and the Leader check it out and soon find out who they are dealing with and jsut then they hear a drawing of a sword and another Ithilien Ranger pops out from in fron of them and stabs the Dalish ElfYellow but the Dalish Elf Leader takes out his Dar'Misaan and as the Ithilien Ranger takes out his sword the Elf charges at him and the two clash swords. The Ithilien Ranger Leader sees the commotion and takes out his Sword of Gondor and sneeks into the bushes. THe Ithilien Ranger slashes at the Dalish Elf Leader but the Dalish Armor protects him and so the Elf quickly raises his sword and slashes it right through the head cutting the brain and the Ranger's head in halfGreen. The Dalish Elf thinks that he has won but then before he can react he feels the coldness of a sword in his stomach and with his last breath turns his head to see the Ithilien Ranger Leader with his sword in his back and as the Ranger pulls it out the Elf falls down deadYellow. The Ithilien Ranger like a ninja quickly and quietly sneeks back into the brush whispering "FOR GONDOR".

Expert's Opinion[]

The Ithilien Rangers won because even though the warriors were even in weapons and while the Dalish had armor the Rangers won because when it came to forest fighting their Ghillie Suit like cloaks helped them to conceal themselves and fire arrows on their enemy without them ever knowing what hit them.

To see the original battle, weapons, and votes, click here.
