Deadliest Fiction Wiki

— Corum Jhaelen Irsei

Corum Jhaelan Irsei is the last of the Vadhagh, a fated Eternal Champion, and the prince in the Red Robe. Being born into one of the last noble families of the Vadhagh, Corum only barely evaded the genocide of his people at the hands of the human raiders of Glandyth a Krae. Surviving and escaping Glandyth and his men, now missing both a hand and eye, Corum would be taken in by more friendly humans, where he would rest and recover. However, Corum’s clashes with chaos would not soon end. He was destined to live the life of an Eternal Champion, a sworn enemy of chaos.

Battle vs. Guts (by Lunathemoon123)[]


Expert's Opinion[]


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