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Anybody can make lights. Anybody could send a message through a wire. I want to bend reality to my will.
— Caleb Widogast

Born as the peasant Bren Aldrec Ermedrud, Caleb Widogast distinguished himself early in his life where, despite his family's poverty, he attended the Soltryce Academy, the prestigious magical school of the Dwendalian Empire. Although Bren wished to be a teacher, his prodigious talent caught the eye of Empire's spymaster arch-mage Trent Ikithon, who recruited Bren into the Volstruckers, an elite and hidden branch of assassins tasked with murdering dissenters within the Empire. To test Bren's mental fortitude, as well as a new method of memory manipulation, Ikithon had Bren murder his parents, burning them alive in their family home for "betraying the Empire". The experience broke Bren, who was locked in a sanitarium where he was tortured for over a decade. He eventually had his memories and sanity restored, although his trauma with fire remained, before fleeing the asylum and taking the name Caleb Widogast to evade Ikithon from finding him.

Shortly after his escape he met the goblin Nott the Brave, becoming a pair of meager hobos and thieves as well as best friends. The pair soon met the rest of the Mighty Nein, joining the group out of a selfish sense of survival. As the group grew closer, Caleb eventually revealed his past to the rest of the Nein, initially seeking to utilize dunamancy to go back in time to stop his parents' murder. As their travels continued, Caleb decided the more important task was stopping the further recruitment of Volstruckers, eventually meeting Ithikon and his former partners, where the trio defeated Ithikon and had him arrested for his corruption. After the adventures of the Nein concluded, Widogast became a teacher at the Solstyce Academy as he sought to be when he was a child.

Battle vs. Raistlin Mejere (by Lunathemoon123)[]


Winner: Caleb Widogast.

Expert’s Opinion[]

While Raistlin was himself a powerful spell caster, in the end his lack of physical weakness and smaller variety of abilities eventually led to Caleb taking the win. While fireball hit much harder then anything Caleb had, its limitation at close range and its nature as an AOE made it fall short when compared too Calebs lighter hitting but more reliably useful spells. Calebs usage of Haste both evened and overshadowed Raists agility advantage, and his usage of damaging cantrips gave him more reliable type of attack against Raist. And while a hit from Fireball would certainly kill Caleb, the rest of Raists Spells don't have to stopping power to drop Caleb in one hit. So in the end, While Raist could hurt Caleb, Caleb had more option to keep himself alive and also more easily kill Raistlin.

To see the original battle, weapons, and votes, click here.

Rematch vs. Raistlin Mejere (by Lunathemoon123)[]


Expert's Opinion[]


To see the original battle, weapons, and votes, click here.

Rematch Information[]

