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I would have followed you. My brother. My captain. My king.
— Boromir

Boromir is the heir of the stewardship of Gondor, the oldest son of Denethor and brother of Faramir. A noble warrior and leader of his people, Boromir took part in a quest to go to Rivendell after a prophetic dream. Boromir arrives in Rivendell just as the Council of Elrond forms, and pledges his service to help Frodo bring the One Ring to Mordor, joining the Fellowship of the Ring.

When the Fellowship ventures into the mines of Moria, Boromir helps the warriors defend Frodo with the rest of the Fellowship. After Gandalf dies and Aragorn assumes leadership of the Fellowship, Boromir begins to plot to use the Ring in Gondor's defense. As they arrive at Parth Galen, Boromir finally gives into his temptation and demands Frodo give him the Ring. Frodo flees from Boromir as he gets violent, and Boromir desperately searches for him to apologize. When a tribe of Uruk-Hai ambush the Fellowship, Boromir defends the hobbits Merry and Pippin before dying to several arrows.

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Battles here were deemed to be unfair or otherwise not in accordance with wiki standards, and have been removed from the statuses of the warriors and displayed below.

Battle vs. Carver Hawke (by Greenberet69)[]

Boromir: Bluex5

Carver: Redx5 n Lothering Carver and 4 Grey Wardens are evacuating civillians as the Darkspawn Horde approaches. They finish when they hear news of 5 strange armed men walking in the village from a running civillian. Thinking that these men could be Bandits who are looting from the houses Carver and the Wardens decide to take care of them. At one of the houses Boromir and 2 of his Gondor soldiers are searching the house for people to help while 2 other Gondor soldiers stand guard outside. Carver and the Wardens spot the two Gondor soldiers and Carver orders his men into position. One of the Wardens takes out a Longbow and Carver takes out his Bassrath-Kata Longbow. At the exact same time they fire but only succeed in killing one Gondor soldier and missing the other who alerts Boromir and the othersBlue. Boromir and the other Gondor soldiers come out of the house and two Grey Wardens charge at them. One of the Gondor soldiers takes out his Bow and fires a arrow while Boromir tosses a dagger and kill both of the chargeing WardensRedRed. The Grey Warden archer fires and takes out another Gondor soldierBlue the Gondor archer sees the Grey Warden archer and fires but the Warden quickly dodges it and abandons the bow for his sword. Carver takes out his Lineage Maul and orders the other two Wardens to charge with him and they charge at Boromir and his 2 Gondor soldiers. Boromir takes out his Sword and Shield and the Gondor soldiers take theirs out as well and prepare for the Wardens to collide. The Wardens collide and in the chaos one Warden and Gondor soldier are both stabbed through the neckRedBlue. While Boromir is fighting the Grey Warden Carver is fighting the other Gondor soldier. Carver hits the Gondor soldier in the chest with his Maul sending the Gondor soldier flying and landing on his back. Carver tries to pound the Gondor soldier but the soldier protects himself with his shield however the amount of pressure starts to wear down the Gondor soldier and soon his shield breaks and Carver bashes the soldiers headBlue. Meanwhile Boromir is engaging the other Grey Warden and as he blocks a strike from the Wardens sword with his shield his stabs the Warden right through the chestRed. Boromir sees Carver charge at him and prepares to engage him. The two warriors engage each other and Boromir sees Carver begin to tire from carrying the maul and goes in for the kill but Carver swings around him and hits Boromir in the back and and he falls onto the dirt he bashes his head with the maul and nothing is left of his headBlue. Carver yells in victory "For the Grey Wardens!!!"

Expert's Opinion[]

Carver won because even though his Maul was heavy and Boromir had a shield Maul's were designed to break through those and with the shield gone the sword's shorter reach meant the longer reach of the Maul was going to help and Carver also had the advantage at Long Range.

To see the original battle, weapons, and votes, click here.


Battle was declared invalid due to Carver Hawke being given a weapon he did not use.
