“ | I hear your wish.
— Blue Fairy
” |
Reul Ghorm, better known as the Blue Fairy and Blue, is a powerful fairy on the side of good in ABC's Once Upon a Time. The Blue Fairy is based on the Fairy with Turquoise Hair from the children's story, Pinocchio, although Blue has also taken the roles of other story book characters like the Fairy Godmother from Cinderella for a time, and the Enchantress from Beauty and the Beast, making her an amalgamation of good-natured magical female characters in many fairy tales.
She is the leader of the fairies in the Fairy Tale World, and presumably the most powerful creature in all the land, capable of performing the most exquisite enchantments. She was responsible for indirectly instilling in Rumplestiltskin the idea of creating a curse that would transport everyone in her world to a different one, a curse that was later brought forth by the evil Queen Regina. She later took the role of Mother Superior, the Head of the Nuns, when she and the other fairies were transported into the real world. After her memories and status as fairy is returned, she later helps other fairy tale characters into fighting enemies such as Regina and the Dark One.
Battle vs. Jack Horner (by Elgb333)[]
The Adventures of Jack and the Blue Fairy in the Convent
(A Fairy Tale for Kids)
by: Hans Allan Christian Poe
Once upon a time in a far away city, lies a cute little convent shining with beauty.
Equally beautiful was its owner Ms. Blue, the legendary fairy of many stories.
She sat on her desk, working documents in her PC.
Until the screams of her nuns made her run out in a hurry.
What she saw made her cringe, for it was disturbing and creepy.
Right in their garden, laying in hamock drunk and sleepy,
A naked blonde man was there, holding a bottle of sherry.
It was the dirtbag Jack Horner, here to cause trouble may he be.
“Swine, who’re you and what’re you doing here?!” she asked with authority.
He only smirked saying, “Lady you don’t wanna know. Shit was crazy.”
The blonde man further explained, saying he was with whores in a party,
They were roleplaying as nuns he said, and ended in a real place of holy.
Scumbag he was though, Jack did say he was sorry.
But as he got dressed, and ready to leave peacefully,
Blue grabbed her wand, not wanting him yet to flee.
She says this place is secret, and must be erased from his memory.
But Jack only told her to piss off, he ain’t having any sorcery,
So Blue had no choice, and she sent forth a ball of energy.
Jack dropped to the ground, drew his pistol and was very angry,
As bullets flew, Blue dipped and turned herself tiny.
As Jack shoots and Blue swerves away,
The Fable grabbed his sword and swung with rage.
But Blue turned herself invisible much to Jack’s dismay,
And then suddenly Jack was struck, with Blue’s magic paralysis.
“I can’t move you bitch, let me go!” he said.
Blue just laughs, “That’s what assholes get, for troubles you’ve made.”
Jack thought fast and with his powers, bended reality.
As Blue laughed, bags of gold fell on her, making her head painfully achey.
Jack was let go, and charged at Blue while she’s dizzy,
Blue tried to block his sword with an axe, but she failed miserably.
She got a direct slash at her shoulder, drawing blood painfully,
So she conjured another spell which made Jack age rapidly.
“Dammit what is this now! You crazy hag!”
“Hush now old man, no need to be grumpy xD”
But old Jack just punched Blue in the jaw squarely,
And Jack was struck away by a spell courtesy of the fairy.
The old Jack got up, but something strange was happening,
The bags of gold coin he summoned, was changing him drastically.
He summoned more gold coins to make the process more hasty,
And as Blue watched in horror, a giant dragon appeared that was so scary.
The dragon breathed fire and tried to roast Blue crispily,
Blue flew in high speeds, dodging it frantically.
The dragon continued to attack with his claws and giant teeth,
But Blue had the perfect spell to stop the dragon in its feet.
Using her spells, Blue changed him back to a human being.
Surprised was Jack, of Blue’s powers of transforming,
Turning a dragon back for her is just so easy,
For she can turn a puppet to a real boy in just a jiffy.
But Blue wasn’t finish, and she summoned Hrunting,
A wild swing from her, lopped Jack’s temple very cleanly.
Jack tried to fight back with his own saber from the army,
And using his super strength, disarmed and shoved Blue featly.
Jack summoned something again, and a burlap sack came magically.
But before he can use it, Blue saw the weapon and retaliated swiftly.
Teleporting his weapon away, making Jack curse with such vulgarity.
Both were having enough, and just want to deal with it quickly.
Jack again summons something, his friend Gary the Pathetic Fallacy.
“Eya Jack! What can I do for ya, my old buddy?”
“Gary hurry dammit, I'm getting fucked by this lady!”
And then the whole convent turned into a monster, to get them out of this jammy.
The monster charged into a shocked Blue, who was staring awkardly,
But the fairy managed to erect a forcefield split-lickety.
But more monsters came out and were charging forcefully,
She couldn’t hold much longer, and alas they destroyed her smashingly.
Moral of this story kids: Never pick a fight with peers of higher authority.
For we have powers that would crush you like a… well a small fairy.
Thanks for voting for me, Jack, you lonely weebs I pity,
Don’t you fucking mess with me, for I will rip you without fucking mercy.
Expert's Opinion[]
Experts believed that while the Blue Fairy had the tools and magic needed to take Jack out of the battle, the Fable's magic was just too much for her. It also doesn't help that her weaknesses are far more damaging than Jack's own weaknesses.