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This may not be the page you're looking for. Please see Blitzwing (disambiguation) for other pages about a character or group known as Blitzwing.

Ze name is Blitzwing, insect! Remember it! For it's ze last thing you'll ever hear before...I express my feelings in song.
— Blitzwing's Hothead and Random personalities, to Blackarachnia

Blitzwing is a loyal Decepticon who speaks with a German accent and is one of Megatron's top lieutenants on Earth. Referred by Megatron as being rather unstable, Blitzwing has a "face-swapping" feature (a la the Masters of the Universe's Man-E-Faces). Each of his three faces has a personality of its own; the first is Icy Blitzwing (who is cold-natured and intelligent, and has the appearance of a stereotypical Nazi officer with a monocled eye), the second is Hothead Blitzwing (hot-headed and bad-tempered, along with a Arnold Schwarzenegger look and gapped teeth), and the third is Random Blitzwing (who is just crazy and insane, looking like a Jack-O-Lantern). The first two personas manifest more in the respective jet and tank modes, whereas the third can use either mode. The Random personality is responsible for Blitzwing being a Triple Changer - the Icy and Hothead personalities argued over whether to scan a fighter jet or a tank, but Random came to a compromise by scanning both. It also seems he has trouble flying in a straight line.

Battle vs. Knock Out & Breakdown alongside Lugnut (by Deathblade 100)[]


Expert's Opinion[]


To see the original battle, weapons, and votes, click here.
