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The force he dispatched to Africa consisted of 13,850 Spanish infantry furnished with ox-hide bucklers, and 870 Balearic slingers, with a composite body of 1200 cavalry drawn from numerous tribes.
— Livy

Being one of the main mercenary fighting forces from ancient Iberia, the Balearic slingers were a commonly hired type from what is now Spain. With many slingers gaining skill and experience in their youth and apply those skills in battle later in life. During their time, they became a large part of Hannibal Barcas skirmishing forces during his Invasion of Roman lands, with Hannibal considering them as some of his best troops. After the invasion failed, many Slingers continued on as Mercenaries. After Rome had officially taken control of Iberia, the Slingers would often find themselves in the employment of the army. And after Marion Reforms, many Slinger ended up as members of the Roman Auxilia.

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